

单词 troubles
释义 文馨英漢☞trouble新世纪新世纪★◀▶troubles/ˈtrʌbəlz/npl.1.(worries)烦恼;苦恼;忧虑She told me all her troubles.她把所有烦恼都告诉了我。She kept her troubles to herself.她把烦心事都藏在心里。2.【政】(political unrest)动乱;骚动3.the Troubles【政】(in Ireland)动乱(指20世纪20年代在爱尔兰或60年代末至90年代末在北爱尔兰发生的政治暴乱)the first victim of the Troubles in Northern Ireland北爱尔兰动乱的第一位受害者新世纪☞trouble详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /ˈtrʌbəlz/烦恼;苦恼;忧虑 She told me all her troubles. 她把所有烦恼都告诉了我。 She kept her troubles to herself. 她把烦心事都藏在心里。动乱;骚动【政治】the Troubles:动乱(指20世纪20年代在爱尔兰或60年代末至90年代末在北爱尔兰发生的政治暴乱) the first victim of the Troubles in Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰动乱的第一位受害者troubles事N.多事之秋 year of many troubles;抒Words2. 抒難 [shu1nan4], v.i., to allay troubles, settle difficulties, give relief (also wr. 紓難).軫V.i.To turn about in mind, to think about constantly, esp. in compassion: 軫念時艱 to bear in mind the troubles of the country, see compp.↓.毖V.i & t.(AC) (1)  provide against: 而毖後患 provide against future troubles.步N.(2)  Path: 國步艱難 the national path is beset with troubles;弊N.流弊(很多流弊) corrupt practice, troubles arising from ill-advised systems;Words1. 弊病 [bi4bing4], n., corrupt practices; disadvantage(s); frequent troubles, shortcomings (in machine or institution).患Words1. 患難 [huan4nan4], n., troubles, tribulations: 患難之交 a friend who went through difficult times together; 可以共患難 a man who can be trusted in times of trouble.叢Adj. & adv.In great quantity, multiple: 百病叢生 all kinds of troubles grow up;耳Words29. 耳科 [er3ke1], n., otology, section in hospital specializing on ear troubles: 耳科專家 otologist, ear specialist.百Adj.百孔千瘡 full of ills and troubles, in disastrous state.醞Words2. 醞釀 [yUn4niang4], v.i., to ferment; (fig.) (of troubles, revolutionary movement) are brewing.發Words9. 發出 [fa1chu1], v.t., send out, produce, give rise to: 發出毛病 give rise to troubles; 發出宣言 publish official statement (of position, program, policy); 發出聲音 produce a sound; send out (telegram, warning, mail, salary, etc.).防V.i. & t.防患於未然 make provisions before troubles occur;隱Words5. 隱伏 [yin3fu2], v.i., to lie low; (of troubles, disease) lie dormant.罹N.Sorrow, grief, troubles.弭V.t.弭患 prevent troubles, revolts;層Adj. & adv.層出不窮 (tricks, troubles) pile up one after another;調V.t.(1)  To blend, harmonize (flavors, opinions): 琴瑟不調 the stringed instruments clash, (fig.) marital troubles;靡Adv.(AC) not: 國難靡止 there is no end to nation's troubles;安Adj.Tranquil, peaceful, free from troubles: 安全 [an1qUan2]↓;河N.河魚腹疾 (LL) diarrhoea, intestinal troubles (as fish's decay begins from the entrails);消Words16. 消滅 [xiao1mie4], v.t., to exterminate, destroy (enemy, danger, threat, groups, beliefs, future troubles, etc.).瀉V.i.傾瀉下懷 pour out my thoughts (or troubles).海N.苦海 (Budd. of the material or human life) a sea of troubles;禍V.禍起蕭墻 troubles start inside the house (such as fratricide);內Adj. & adv.內顧之憂 family troubles (financial or otherwise);內患 internal troubles;毛Words4. 毛病 [mao2bing0], n., weakness, shortcoming, trouble: 機器常出毛病 engine often develops troubles; 毛病在哪兒 what is the cause of the trouble? 胃的毛病 stomach trouble; 文章有小毛病 s.t. not quite right in an article.愛Words8. 愛根 [ai4gen1], n., (Budd.) love and desire as the root of troubles.近Adj.近憂 current anxieties (worries, troubles);和Words30. 和事老 (兒) [he2shi4lao3]([er0]), n., a person who often mediates troubles, mediator.火Words28. 火宅 [huo3zhai2], n., (Budd.) the world of troubles of the senses (“house on fire”); 火宅僧 a married Buddhist monk.邊N.邊患 frontier troubles.多Words11. 多故 [duo1gu4], phr., (LL) 國家多故 many troubles, crises, in the nation.28. 多事 [duo1shi4], adj., troublesome, meddling: 多事之秋 year of many troubles; meddlesome; 不必你多事,你真多事 you can well stay out.無Words25. 無非 [wu2fei1], phr., it's only, nothing but: 無非造事生非 (s.o.) does nothing but create troubles.煞Adv.(1)  Very, exceedingly: 煞費事,煞費苦心 takes a lot of troubles;危V.t.危身 to injure self, expose self to troubles;




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