单词 | troops |
释义 | troops WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文troop nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. usu. plural (soldier)军队 jūn duì 士兵 shì bīng备注: 常作troopstroop nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (Scout group)童子军中队 tóng zǐ jūn zhōng duì Our troop has a camping trip next weekend.troop⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (walk, march)走 zǒu The four boys trooped around the supermarket after their mother.troop viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (walk in group)群集 qún jí 成群结队地走 The children trooped in and sat down to begin their lesson.troop viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (walk alone slowly)一个人慢慢走 WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文army troops nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (soldiers)部队 bù duì The army troops marched into battle.troop transport nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (vehicle: carries soldiers)运兵船 yùn bīng chuán 陆军运输船 lù jūn yùn shū chuán Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:troop [tru:p]I n [c]1 [of people, animals] 群 qún2 [of soldiers] 队(隊) duìII vi ▶ to troop in/out 结(結)队(隊)进(進)/出 jiéduì jìn/chūIIItroops n [c] pl (Mil) 部队(隊) bùduì [支 zhī]在这些条目还发现'troops':在英文解释里:array - battery - commandeer - contingent - draw down - dress - enemy lines - force - garrison - landing craft - marshal - muster - outpost - redeployment - soldiery - stand down中文:兵力 - 出兵 - 出动 - 匪军 - 官兵 - 投诚 - 检阅 - 部队文馨英漢☞troop新世纪新世纪★◀▶troops/truːps/npl.【军】军队;部队;士兵The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.下一阶段的行动将涉及对来自12个国家35,000多名士兵的部署。新世纪☞troop详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /truːps/军队;部队;士兵【军事】 The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries. 下一阶段的行动将涉及对来自12个国家35,000多名士兵的部署。常用短语storm troopsn. 突击队shock troopsn.突击部队,奇袭部队英英释义n.soldiers collectively同反义词同义词:military personnelsoldiery词义辨析army,troops,forces这些名词均含“军队、部队”之意armyarmy表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军troopstroops常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队forcesforces语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。troops擊Words3. 擊刺 [ji2ci4], v.t., (1) stab with a sword; (2) (of troops) fight with swords and spears.賁v.i.(AC) Flee, dash (=奔) 賁軍 fleeing troops: 虎賁 21A.70 ([ben1]) brave like “dashing tiger.”焚V.i. & t.焚掠,焚劫 (of troops and bandits) burn houses and loot;掎Words2. 掎角 [ji3jUe2], v.i., (of troops) be deployed for attack from different sides.打Words88. 打退 [da3tui4], v.t., to defeat troops, to send rolling back.操N.閱操 review troops;V.t.(4) To drill (troops), exercise (body): 操演,操練 [cao1yan3], [cao1lian4]↓.揮V.i. & t.揮汗成雨 (great number of troops) brushing their sweat drops makes it look like rain;排V.t.排陣 deploy troops;排山倒海 overwhelm by hordes of troops (like crushing waves);掩V.i. & t.(2) (Mil.) to cover own troops: 掩護 [yan3hu4]↓.攬V.t.攬城郭之兵 command all troops in the city and its suburbs;撥V.t.(3) TO assign, set aside: 撥兵 despatch troops;投V.i. & t.投鞭斷流 if the soldiers threw their whips into the river, it would be enough to stem the current--fig. of size of troops;撤Words9. 撤換 [che4huan4], v.t., to replace (with new articles, troops, positions).14. 撤退 [che4tui4], v.i. & t., retreat, order (troops) to retreat from place.援Words6. 援軍 [yUan2jUn1], n., rescue troops.提V.t.提率軍隊 lead troops;Words20. 提調 [ti2diao4], v.t., supervise (troops); select, appoint, and assign (officers, troops).模Words2. 模范 [mo2fan4], n., standard, model (such as ideal gentlemen): 模范小學,監獄,軍隊,夫婦 model school, prison, troops, couple.檢Words12. 檢驗 [jian3yan4], v.t., inspect and examine (troops, weapons and ammunition, training, etc.): 檢驗吏 an inspecting officer, inspector.14. 檢閱 [jian3yUe4], v.t., inspect or review (troops, a fleet, aircraft, honor guard).校Words12. 校閱 *[jiao4yUe4], v.t., to revise; to go over (script), to review (troops).犄Words1. 犄角 [ji1jiao1], n., the horns of an ox: 犄角之勢 (cf. troops) so deployed as to be able to render instant mutual assistance; (cf. var. 觭 92B.00).犒Words1. 犒勞 [kao4lao0], v.t., (1) to comfort (troops) with gifts of money, food, etc.; (2) (吃) 犒勞 (have) extra food for employees on designated days.2. 犒賞 [kao4shang3], v.t. & n., (give) gifts, gratuities to troops or workers as encouragement.聲Words33. 聲援 [sheng1yUan2], v.i., come openly to the rescue (troops); declare to be on the side of.土Words4. 土兵 [tu3bing1], n., local troops or recruits.裁Words3. 裁撤 [cai2che4], v.t., abolish (post), withdraw (troops).走V.i.(2) Escape, run away, make off: 敗走 (of troops) be routed and retreat;棄甲曳兵而走 (of troops) abandon arms and quit fighting.增V.i. & t.增援 reinforce troops;奈Adv.奈援軍不至 to one's regret the allied troops failed to show up;秦N.哭秦庭 (allu.) cry at the court of Chirn begging for troops to fight invading enemy.奔V.i.戎師大奔 (AC) the troops fled.布V. i. & t.布陣 deploy troops;Words8. 布置 (also 布) [bu4zhi4], v.t. & n., to arrange, -ment; interior decor, garden arrangement; placing of troops in strategic places of characters and plot in play, etc.友Adj.友軍 allied troops;警Words29. 警衛 [jing3wei4], n., guards, troops on duty to protect (a city, military camp).舊Words2. 舊部 [jiu4bu4], n., former subordinates, troops formerly under one's command.勤Words10. 勤王 [qin2wang2], phr., to serve the royal house; to send troops to support king when the latter is in trouble.督Words6. 督率 [du1shuai4], v.t., lead (troops, followers).步Words7. 步隊 [bu4dui4], n., troops in command, var. of 部隊.將Words2. 將兵 *[jiang4bing1], v.i., to command troops, cf. *[jiang4jiang4]↓.帶V.t.(2) Lead: 帶兵 lead troops;Words8. 帶領 [dai4ling3], v.t., be in charge of (troops).尖Words1. 尖兵 [jian1bing1], n., (of troops) advance guard.逃V.t.escaped: 逃兵,逃軍 deserter, also fleeing troops;迷Adj.(3) Confusing: 布迷陣 (mil.) deploy troops to confuse the enemy;精Words2. 精兵 [jing1bing1], n., crack troops.25. 精練 [jing1lian4], (1) v.t., to train hard for (boxing, archery, swordsmanship, etc.); (2) adj., (of troops) well-trained.35. 精銳 [jing1rui4], n. & adj., crack (troops).收V.t.收兵 withdraw troops from battle;瓦Words8. 瓦合 [wa3he2], adj., as in 瓦合之眾 rabble troops.天Words5. 天兵 [tian1bing1], n., (1) (Taoist) celestial troops; (2) formerly, imperial troops.更Words26. 更卒 [geng1zu2], n., troops assigned to garrison duties by turns.班V.t.(1) To call back troops: 班師.配Words9. 配軍 [pei4jUn1], n., troops of exiled persons.聯Words9. 聯軍 [lian2jUn1], n., the allied troops.勁Words3. 勁旅 [jing4lU3], n., crack troops.發V.i. & t.發兵 send out troops;Words6. 發遣 [fa1qian3], v.t., send away; send to exile; send (troops, etc.).陳V.t.陳兵 line up soldiers in battle array, review troops;隊N.(2) Army unit: 軍隊,部隊 troops;縱隊 column of troops;排隊 (of troops) fall in;Words3. 隊伍 [dui4wu3], n., troops, rank and file.陣Words6. 陣線 [zhen4xian4], n., line of battle; line of moving troops.降V.i. & t.(3) (*[xiang2]) Submit, surrender: 投降 (of troops) surrender to the enemy;嚴Words6. 嚴整 [yan2zheng3], adj., orderly, neat, well-disciplined (troops).賊N.賊兵 enemy forces, rebel troops;敗Adj.(1) Defeated: 敗兵,敗軍 defeated troops;置V.t.布置 or 布置 to spread out, to arrange (furniture), to deploy (troops);弱Adj.老弱 old and infirm: 老弱殘兵 motley troops unfit for combat duty, (fig.) incompetent persons for a given job.馬N.千軍萬馬 hordes of troops and horses;駐Words6. 駐守 [zhu4shou3], v.t., defend (city, area) with stationed troops.驕V.i. & t.驕兵 proud or self-conceited troops.退V.i. & t.向後退 (of troops) retreat;Words4. 退兵 [tui4bing1], v.t. & n., (1) to cause troops to draw back; v.t. & n., (2) defeated troops; (3) 退敵兵 to cause enemy to retreat.9. 退卻 [tui4qUe4], v.i., (1) to step back; (2) to send back, return (gift, privilege); (3) (of troops) to retreat.開Words2. 開拔 [kai1ba2], v.i., (of troops) set out to (place).閱V.i.&t.(3) To review (troops): 巡閱,檢閱,校閱 inspect troops;Words1. 閱兵 [yUe4bing1], v.i. & n., to review troops, a military review.改Words2. 改編 [gai3bian1], v.t., (1) reorganize: 改編軍隊 regroup troops into new units; (2) (of literary works) revise and rewrite.棄V.t.棄甲曳兵 (of troops) drag weapons and abandon armor in a rout.卒N.兵卒 troops;率V.t.(1) To lead (troops): 率領[shuai4ling3]↓;率師,率兵 lead troops.Words7. 率領 [shuai4ling3], v.t., to lead (troops, followers).高Words2. 高昂 [gao1ang2], adj., rising, becoming higher: 物價高昂 rising commodity prices; 士氣高昂 the morale of troops is higher than ever.調V.t.(5) (*[diao4]) To transfer (troops, officials): 調兵 transfer troops;Words9. 調動 *[diao4dong4], v.t., to transfer (troops, officials).護V.t.掩護 cover (exposed troops) from the side, defend (attacked unit);旅N.(1) Formerly a body of 500 troops, now gen. brigade: 混成旅 mixed brigade;軍旅 troops in gen.部V.t.(LL) command (troops): 所部甚眾 command many troops.Words1. 部隊 [bu4dui4], n., troops of a given unit.5. 部陣 [bu4zhen4], n., troops of a given unit in their appearance, discipline: 部陣整齊.7. 部列 [bu4lie4], v.t. & n., arrange, arrangement, formation (of books, troops).10. 部下 [bu4xia4], n., troops or officers under a commander.12. 部屬 [bu4shu3], n., troops under a certain commander.15. 部伍 [bu4wu3], n., troops of a certain unit.麾V.t.To direct: 指麾 to signal to troops with a flag.疲Adj.(1) Tired, fatigued: 人疲馬乏,人困馬疲 (of troops) tired and exhausted;案Words2. 案比 [an4bi3], v.t., (AC) make annual inspection of troops.軍N.(2) Troops, armed forces: 三軍 a nation's armed forces;Words9. 軍隊 [jUn1dui4], n., troops.43. 軍旅 [jUn1lU3], n., troops: 軍旅之事 military matters.官Words3. 官兵 [guan1bing1], n., government troops.Adj.兵 superfluous troops;運V.i. & t.運糧,運兵 transport food, troops;資V.t.資兵 aid with troops.派V.t.send (troops): 分派, to distribute, designate (work, gifts);潰V.i.(of troops) disperse, be routed;Words3. 潰亂 [kui4luan4], v.i., (of troops) disperse in confusion.4. 潰散 [kui4san4], v.i., (of troops) be dispersed, collapse in disorder.戎N.兵戎 troops;Words1. 戎行 [rong2hang2], n., troops.入V.i. & t.如入無人之境 (of troops) advance unopposed, meet with no enemy resistance (“as if entering no man's land”);Words25. 入寇 [ru4kou4], v.t., (of foreign troops) invade (another country).鋒N.(3) Troops in battle: 前鋒,先鋒 (隊) spearhead of army;銳Adj.(2) Skilled, well-trained: 精銳 crack troops;銳師 hard-hitting troops;鐵Words33. 鐵馬 [tie3ma3], n., (1) crack troops; (2) tinkling metal slips on end of temple roofs; n.,(3) (sl.) railroad locomotive; n., (4) (sl.) bicycle.余Words16. 余燼 [yU2jin4], n., burnt ashes, (fig.) remnant troops.領V.t.(1) To lead, to head the list: 領兵,領隊,領帶人馬 lead troops;率領 to lead (troops, mob, travelling group, etc.), see 領頭 [ling3tou2]↓;Words3. 領帶 [ling3dai4], (1) v.t., to lead (troops, etc.); (2) n., necktie.兵N.(2) Soldiers, troops: 士兵,兵士 soldiers, privates;精兵 crack troops;敗兵,散兵 defeated, stray troops;(3) War, things that have to do with war: 起兵,興兵 raise troops in revolt or war;進兵 advance, advancing troops;用兵 launch troops, quality of war policy, (good, bad) command of troops;閱兵 review troops;兵荒馬亂 phr., troops in bad array;Words8. 兵隊 [bing1dui4], n., troops.亂Adj.(2) Rebellious: 亂兵,亂黨 rebellious troops, party;勞Words15. 勞軍 *[lao4jUn1], v.t., cheer up troops with gifts (also 勞師).26. 勞師 *[lao4shi1], v.t., comfort troops with gifts, see [lao2jUn1]↑.烏Words5. 烏合 [wu1he2], n., as in 烏合之眾 rabble troops.進V.i. & t.進占 (of troops) push on and occupy;Words2. 進兵 [jin4bing1], v.i., despatch troops, to order an attack on the enemy.偃V.t.偃武修文 to disband troops and attend to civilian affairs (after conquest).布Words6. 布置 [bu4zhi4], n. & v.t., arrange (-ment of) house interiors, dispose (troops); make arrangements for (uprising, any big event); set pieces in chess (also wr. 布).伍N.(2) Troops, rank and file: 隊伍 ditto;行Words41. 行軍 [xing2jUn1], (1) n., moving troops; (2) v.i., command, lead or march an army, (Western reference) manner or strategy: 行軍敏速 march (one's) army with great speed.沖Words8. 沖決 [chong1jUe2], v.i., break (dam), (dam) breaks; (troops) break out from siege.後Words36. 後路 [hou4lu4], n., (mil.) back route: 抄後路 circumvent enemy (to attack from the rear); 後路兵到 troops come up from the back; 留後路 leave way of escape, room for retreat.燼N.(2) Victims of disasters: 請收合余燼 let's bring together the remnant troops and stage another fight.帥V.t.(1) To command (army): 統帥 ditto: 帥師,帥兵 command or lead troops.師N.(4) Gen. term for troops, army or navy: 雄師 a great army;班師 recall troops;Words16. 師旅 [shi1lU3], n., troops in gen. (“divisions and brigades”).貔Words1. 貔虎 [pi2hu3], n., leopard and tigers, (fig.) brave generals or troops.2. 貔貅 [pi2xiu1], n., fabulous wild beast like leopard, known for ferocity; (fig.) brave troops.叛Adj.Rebellious: 叛軍 rebellious troops;角N.犄角之勢 (of troops) so deployed as to be able to come readily to one another's assistance.乞V.t.乞師 beg for reinforcements or troops from ally;急Words22. 急行軍 [ji2xing2jUn1], n., troops in forced march.解Words3. 解除 [jie3chu2], v.t., (1) relieve of (duties, burdens, responsibilities, post); (2) get rid of, eliminate: 解除武裝 disarm (troops); (3) annul, rescind (an agreement, a contract).如V.t.如荼如火 (of troops) massed together in splendid formation, (of things) growing vigorously;編Words2. 編遣 [bian1qian3], v. t., to disband (troops, personal) in breaking up unit, or for reassignment.統V.i. & t.(2) To command, lead: 統兵 command troops;Words3. 統制 [tong3zhi4]1, v. t., to govern (troops, territory).10. 統率 [tong3shuai4]1, v. t., to command (troops).總Words27. 總指揮 [zong2zhi3hui1], n., commanding general, commander (of a sector, area, front-line troops).繳Words2. 繳械 [jiao3xie4], v.t., disarm (troops).縱Words1. 縱隊 [zong4dui4], n., (armed forces) a column of troops or ships.詞目:TROOPS 1822馬禮遜英華字典TROOPS1body of soldiers兵丁2The government troops官兵、大軍3He withdrew the troops, and returned to the encampment他收兵回寨4One half of the troops under his command were already burnt to death手下兵卒已燒死一半1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 442 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階TROOPS1兵、兵丁、兵卒1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 302 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Troops1Troops or soldiers,軍、兵、兵丁、兵卒2Imperial Troops大兵、官兵3withdraw Troops收兵4Troops in ambush,伏兵1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 502 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Troops1軍、兵丁、卒2government troops官兵3to enlist troops招兵4to drill troops操兵5rebellious troops叛兵6to review troops閱兵7defeated troops敗兵8troops in ambush伏兵9to assemble in troops兵丁聚集10to withdraw troops收兵罷戰p 407 1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶兵卒gemeine soldat private military soldier warrior militär troops rank and file a private soldier private soldier 英華☞file英華☞army英華☞man英華☞die |
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