

单词 tricks
释义 文馨英漢☞tricktricks掉V.i. & t.(4)  To play or show off for effect: 掉槍花 play tricks or make moves to deceive;搞V.i. & t.to play (tricks): 搞得不壞 be doing quite well, can make a decent living;他又在搞鬼 he is again playing one of his tricks;搞花樣 to play tricks, cheat, deceive;搗Words2. 搗鬼 [dao3gui3], v.i., play tricks.技N.Ability, skill: 技倆 tricks;檻N.(2)  (*[kan3]) Threshold, a doorsill: (Shanghai dial.) 門檻很精 clever and smart and not easily duped, know all the tricks of a trade.花Words97. 花頭 [hua1tou0], n., trumped-up tricks: 出花頭 resort to trickery, cf. [hua1yang4]↓; 花頭兒 cut flower without long stem and leaves.戲Words8. 戲法(兒) [xi4fa3]([er0]), n., magic, sleight-of-hand; (fig.) a trick: 戲法人人會變 tricks in business, politics are common to all--no one's specialty.蜮N.(1)  A fabulous creature, said to be like a turtle and blow poisonous sand in man's face, hence 鬼蜮伎倆 devilish tricks.弄V.i. & t.弄把戲 play tricks, sleight of hand, etc.;弄戲法 play magic tricks;噱V.i.噱 (*[xUe1]) 頭 (Shanghai dial.) trickery, deception, gimmick: 耍噱頭 play tricks;賺V.t.(2)  (*[zuan4]) To cheat, play tricks: 賺騙 [zhuan4pian4]↓;層Adj. & adv.層出不窮 (tricks, troubles) pile up one after another;門Words28. 門路 [men2lu4], n., (1) openings or connections for securing jobs; (2) tricks of the trade: 摸到門路 have learned the ways of the trade.高Words5. 高超 [gao1chao1], adj., superb: 技藝高超,手法高超,文筆高超 superb skills, tricks writing.玄Words28. 玄虛 [xUan2xU1], (1) adj., abstruse, mystical; (2) n., 故弄玄虛 play tricks, make things look unnecessarily mysterious.謔V.t.謔弄 play tricks on (s.o.), make fun of.魔Words7. 魔術 [mo2shu4], n., magic, sleight of hand, legerdemain: 變魔術 make such tricks.窮Adj.技窮 be at the end of one's tether, reach the end of one's power, (“exhaust all tricks”), hard up;手Words35. 手腳 [shou3jUe2], ([shou3jiao3]), n., (1) movements (quick, slow); (2) 弄手腳 play tricks.鬼Adj.弄鬼 playing tricks;Words17. 鬼蜮 [gui3yU4], n. & adj., (a) scheming and malicious (person): 鬼蜮技(伎)倆 malicious intrigues, underhanded tricks.作Words25. 作怪 [zuo4guai4], v.i., make trouble, play tricks, act in a strange way: 少和我作怪 don't play any of your dirty tricks on me.做Words10. 做鬼兒 [zuo4gueeer0], v.i., practise tricks, irregularities.使V.i. & t.使手段,使詭計 use strategy, tricks;舞V.i.(3)  To play tricks with, to juggle: 舞弄 [wu3long4];詞目:Tricks 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Tricks1full of wiles or Tricks多計2to play Tricks粧神弄鬼3Tricks of mountebanks,鬥哏4again displaying his old Tricks故智復明p 502 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆




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