

单词 trees
释义 文馨英漢☞treetrees木N.(2)  Trees, timber: 樹木 trees;Words3. 木本 [mu4ben3], n., trees (a classification as dist. from grass 艸本)10. 木蠹蛾 [mu4du4e2], n., (zoo.) a moth which eats into trees, Cossus lignipera.森Adj.(1)  In close rows as trees in forest: 森羅 [sen1luo2]↓;Adv.(LL) rising or growing closely: 林豎,森聳 (buildings, trees) rising closely together or in a row;速Words7. 速香 [su4xiang1], n., perfume from gum of tropical trees.連Words18. 連理 [lian2li3], adj., in 連理枝 two trees with a joined branch; (fig.) marital love.擢Adj.Tall, erect (trees): 擢木千尋 trees hundreds of feet tall.拉V.i. & t.摧枯拉朽(AC) (of obstacles easily overcome) like tearing down dried-up trees or buildings in decay;樹N.栽樹,種樹,植樹 to plant trees: 植樹節 Arbor Day, March 12;Words9. 樹行子 [shu4hang4zi0], n., even sets or rows of trees.栵N.(2)  (AC) trees growing in a row.林N.林壑 rocks and trees, wild nature for enjoyment;株N. adjunct. Used only of trees: 三株樹 three trees;兩株梅 two plum trees.根Words4. 根荄 [gen1gai1], n., (LL) roots of trees and grasses.柞V.i.(*[ze2]) To fell trees.植V.i.栽花植木 to plant flowers and trees;枯Words3. 枯槁 [ku1gao3], adj., dried up (of trees, facial appearance), lifeless (composition).梧Words1. 梧檟 [wu2jia3], n., (AC) two trees producing good timber.柏N.trees of the cypress family (扁柏 63D.42, 檜^柏 10B.41, 羅^漢柏 41D.11).桐N.(1)  Name given to various trees, esp. 梧桐 Firmiana platanifolia, the Chin. parasol tree,loved for its shade: 桐樹 Paulownia tomentosa;枝Words6. 枝葉 [zhi1ye4], n., branches and leaves, describing growth of tress, and of families, also gen. look of trees: 枝葉扶疏 trees with branches spread out gracefully.杪N.tip, top (of trees): 歲杪,月杪 (LL) end of year, month.松Words3. 松楸 [song1qiu1], n., the pine and the catalpa--trees planted on graveyard; hence the graveyard.棘Words3. 棘林 [ji2lin2], n., (AC) a law court, so called because it was usu. held under trees.栽V.i. & t.栽花,栽樹 to plant flowers, trees;栽不活 (of trees, flowers) fail to grow.裁Words11. 裁剪 [cai2jian3]1, v.t., (1) to cut (paper, cloth) into certain shape; (2) to trim (trees), cut and give form (to book, essays, etc.).培Words1. 培植 [pei2zhi2], v.t., plant, and nourish (trees), educate, train (persons) for special abilities (培植人材).封Words6. 封殖 [feng1zhi2], v.t., (1) bank up earth around trees; foster; (2) (AC) 厚自封殖 amass wealth.芽Words3. 芽甲 [ya2jia3], n., budding leaves on trees.墓N.墓木已拱 the trees on graveyard are already grown tall, i.e., deceased long ago.蕭Words14. 蕭疏 [xiao1shu1], adj., (of trees, leaves) sparse and graceful.落Words21. 落葉樹 [luo4ye4shu4], n., deciuous trees.花Words72. 花木 [hua1mu4], n., flowers and trees in gen.茂Words1. 茂密 [mou4mi4], adj., thick, heavy (growth of trees); handsome, brilliant (style, thought, content).蔭Words4. 蔭郁 [yin4yU4], adj., heavily shaded by trees.上Words66. 上皮 [shang4pi2], n., (physiol.) epidermis; (bot.) outer bark of trees.冉Words1. 冉冉 [ran2ran3], adj. & adv., (1) gradual(ly), imperceptible(ly): 老冉冉其將至兮 it seems old age is slowly catching up with me; (2) (of trees) drooping, hanging downwards; (3) (of clouds) floating about.叢N.(1)  A bush, shrub: 叢莽 a grove of trees;暢Words5. 暢茂 [chang4mao4], adj., (business, trees) prospering, thriving.亞Words2. 亞喬木 [ya4qiao2mu4], n., medium-sized trees, like peach, pear, fig.兀Adj.(3)  Bald, bare: 兀鷹[wu4ying1]↓ (cf. 杌木 bare trees).砍Words1. 砍伐 [kan3fa2], v.t., to chop down (trees).霧Words3. 霧淞 [wu4song1], n., (MC) icicles formed on trees (modn., coll. 樹掛).殖V.t.(1)  To cultivate crops, to plant: 移殖 transplant (trees, heart, kidney).吱Adj.Imitation of hissing sounds: 吱嘍嘍 (of doors) grating, (of leaves, branches of trees) rustling, sighing;果N.果木(樹),果樹 fruit trees;Words14. 果實 [guo3shi2], n., fruit of trees.圍N.(1)  (AC) distance between two stretched arms, esp. in measuring circumference of trees.歇Words9. 歇枝(兒) [xie1zhi1] ([xie1zhe1er0]), phr., (of fruit trees) bear less fruit the year after a big crop.童Adj.(3)  Bald: 童山濯濯 a bare hill without trees;育V.t.育花,育樹cultivate flowers, trees;離Words12. 離樓 [li2lou2], adj., (1) intricate, (of trees) intertwining; (2) carved, engraved (also wr. 麗廔,蠡廔).新Adv. & adj.新下樹兒 (fruit) freshly plucked from the trees;濃Words3. 濃密 [nong2mi4], n., degree of density (of hair, tress), dense: 濃密相宜 proper distribution of trees, plans, etc., esp. in painting.灌Adj.(Of trees) growing in clusters: 灌木 [guan4mu4]↓;濯Words1. 濯濯 [zhuo2zhuo2], adj., (AC) (1) bright; (2) (of fowl) sleek, well-fed; (3) (of hills) barren, without trees.濫Adj. & adv.濫伐 illegal felling of trees;斧V.t.(1)  (LL) to hew with an axe: 斧木 chop wood, trees.斧斤 (AC) hatchet for cutting down trees;剪Words4. 剪伐 [jian3fa2], v.t., (AC) (of trees) to prune or cut, lop off (branches).禿Adj.Bald, devoid of hair, leaves or trees: 禿頭 baldhead, baldheaded;穠Adj.(Of flowers, trees) growing in clusters: 穠纖得中 right proportions;種N.接種 to graft (trees).稀Adj.(1)  Sparse (hair, trees).Words7. 稀疏 [xi1shu1], adj., thin, sparse (hair, trees).移Words13. 移植 [yi2zhi4], v.t., transplant (heart, kidneys, trees).墾Words2. 墾殖 [ken3zhi2], v. t., to cultivate, grow trees, vegetables.盤V.t.盤根錯節 (of trees) with twisting roots and intercrossing branches.保Words1. 保安 [bao3an1], v.i. & n., public security; 保安隊 [bao3an1dui4], n., security corps; v.i. & n., 保安林 “national park” area where chopping down of trees is forbidden, protection forest.伐V.t.伐樹 chop (down) trees;猶Conj.As if: 猶緣木而求魚 as if to climb trees looking for fish.年Words47. 年輪 [nian2lun2], n., (bot.) annual rings of trees.巢N.巢居 when people lived on trees--a stage of civilization in Chin. legend.參V.i. & t.(3)  To soar aloft: 樹木參天,參天古木 old trees that reach into the skies.緣V.t.To climb up: 緣木求魚 (AC) climb trees to look for fish--futile;緇Words5. 緇帷 [zi1wei2], adj., (AC, of forests) dense, overgrown with trees.詞目:Trees 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Trees1a number of Trees樹多2then he besought the Trees乃乞其樹曰p 501 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆trees樹;樹狀電子工程




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