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释义 | translit來Words8. 來復 [lai2fu4]2, n., a seven-day cycle (as used in the Book of Change; 來復槍 a rifle (translit. also 來福槍).麥Words11. 麥克風 [mai4ke4feng1], n., (translit.) microphone.先Words24. 先令 [xian1ling4], n., (translit.) a shilling.克Words6. 克拉 [ke4la1], n., (translit.) carat unit of weight (also wr. 卡刺特).梵Words8. 梵亞玲 [fan4ya4ling2], n., (translit.) violin, usu. called 小提琴.探Words4. 探戈 [tan4ge0], n., & v.i., (translit). tango.拉Words14. 拉丁 [la1ding1], n. & adj., (translit.) Latin (also wr. 臘丁).拷Words1. 拷貝 [kao3bei4], n., (translit.) copy, a film print; 拷貝筆 copy pencil.撲Words9. 撲克 [pu1ke0], n., (translit.) poker.撒Words2. 撒旦 [sa1dan4], n., (translit.) Satan.杯Words1. 杯葛 [bei1ge2], v.t., (translit.) to boycott.勃Words5. 勃羅斯 [bo2luo2si1], n., (translit.) blues.士Words4. 士多 [shi4duo1], n., store, usually grocery store (translit. Cantonese).12. 士敏土 [shi4min2tu3], n., cement (translit., also called 水泥).吉Words2. 吉卜賽 [ji2bu3sai4], n., (translit.) Gypsies.14. 吉普車 [ji2pu3che1], n., (translit.) a jeep.嘉Adj.嘉年華會 (translit.) carnival: 嘉禮 [jia1li3]↓;坦Words3. 坦克車 [tan3ke4che1], n., (mil.) (translit.) a tank.基Words7. 基爾特 [ji1er3te4], n., (translit.) guild.荷Words3. 荷爾蒙 [he2er3meng2], n., (translit.) hormone: 男性荷爾蒙 testerone; 女性荷爾蒙 estrogen.蘇Words2. 蘇打 [su1da2], n., (translit.) soda.蓽Words1. 蓽茇 [bi4ba2], n., (bot.) (MC) translit. of pepper (also wr. 蓽撥).苾Words3. 苾 [bi4chu2], n., nun, translit. of Sanskr. bhiksuni, (usu. wr. 比丘尼); also a fragrant plant, emblem of monastic life.幽Words21. 幽默 [you1mo4], n., (translit.) humor: 幽默感 sense of humor.卡Words1. 卡賓槍 [ka3bin1qiang1], n., (translit.) a carbine.6. 卡剌特 [ka3la4te4], n., (translit.) a carat.7. 卡路里 [ka3lu4li3], n., (translit.) calorie.10. 卡通 [ka3tong1], n., (translit.) cartoon.虎Words8. 虎列拉 [hu3lie4la1], n., (translit.) cholera, now usu. called 霍亂.水Words103. 水門 [shui3men2], n., floodgate; 水門汀 cement (translit.), otherwise called 水泥 [shui3ni2]↓.151. 水汀 [shui3ting1], n., steam heating (translit.).丁Words6. 丁幾 [ding1ji1], n., tincture (translit.).哥Words3. 哥羅仿 [ge1luo2fang3], n., (translit.) chloroform.泵Words1. 泵浦 [beng4pu3], n., (translit.) pump.瓦Words17. 瓦斯 [wa3si1], n., (translit.) gas.18. 瓦特 [wa3te4], n., (translit.) watt.珂Words1. 珂羅版 [ke1luo2ban3], n., (translit.) collotype.珊Words1. 珊篤寧 [shan1du4ning2], n., (translit.) santonin. 498B35 [e4].[Translit. of 81A.83]霍Words3. 霍亂 [huo4luan4], n., (translit.) cholera.雪Words10. 雪茄 [xUe3jia1], n., (translit.) cigar.阿N.(4) (*[a4]) Used in translit. of foreign names: as 阿剌伯 Arabia, 阿根廷 Argentina, etc., (see Appendix E, geographical Names);in translit. of Buddhist terms, 阿 represents Sanskr. “a” sound, although commonly read in Peking as [e1] (Wade: [e4]), as 阿彌陀佛,阿難 Amita, Ananda.Words55. 阿司匹靈 *[a4si1pi1lin2], n., (translit.) aspirin.品Words21. 品脫 [pin3tuo1], n., (translit.) pint, a liquid measure.圖Words18. 圖騰 [tu2teng2], n., (translit.) totem.羅Words12. 羅曼蒂克 [luo2man4di4ke1], adj., (translit.) romantic.邏Words1. 邏輯 [luo2ji2], n., (translit.) logic: 不合邏輯 illogical.歇Words18. 歇斯底里 [xie1si1di3li3], n. & adj., (translit.) hysteria; hysterical.丹Words6. 丹第 [dan1di4], n., (translit.) Dante (usu. 但丁).凡Words5. 凡士林 [fan2shi4lin2], n., (translit.) vaseline.胎N.(2) (Translit.) tyre: 車胎,輪胎.引Words7. 引擎 [yin3qing2], n., (translit.) engine.10. 引得 [yin3de2], n., (translit.) the index of a book (also called 索引).巴Words19. 巴士 [ba1shi4], n., (translit.) bus.尼Words2. 尼古丁 [ni2gu3ding1], n., (translit.) nicotine (also 菸鹼).3. 尼龍 [ni2long2], n., (translit.) nylon.哀Words4. 哀的美頓(敦)書 [ai1di4mei3dun4shu1], n., (translit.) an ultimatum.辛Words3. 辛狄開 [xin1di2kai1], n., (also 辛卡) (translit.) syndicate.高Words19. 高爾夫 (球) [gao1er3fu1]([qiu2]), n., (translit.) golf; 高爾夫球場 golf course.摩Words2. 摩登 [mo2deng1], adj., (translit.) modern: 摩登女郎 n., modern (-styled) girl.康Words1. 康白度 [kang1bo2du4], n., (translit.) comprador.席Words4. 席夢思 [xi2meng4si1], n., as in 席夢思床 (translit). Simmons bed.賽Words8. 賽璐珞 [sai4lu4luo4], n., (translit.) celluloid.安Words8. 安琪兒 [an1qi2er0], n., (translit.) an angel.浪Words9. 浪漫 [lang4man4], adj., (1) licentious, unrestrained; (2) (translit.) romantic; 浪漫主義 (litr.) romanticism; adj., 浪漫史 n., (translit.) romance (also 羅曼斯).酒Words1. 酒吧 [jiu3ba1], n., (translit.) a bar saloon.海Words44. 海洛因 [hai2luo4yin1], n., (translit.) heroin, also 海洛英.沙Words13. 沙發 [sha1fa1], n., (translit.) sofa.32. 沙龍 [sha1long2], n., (translit.) salon (of art).43. 沙蟹 [sha1xie4], n., “show hand”, poker (also translit. as 梭哈).威Words15. 威士忌 [wei1shi4ji4], n., (translit.) whisky.令N.(6) A ream (500 sheets) of paper (translit.).鈳N.(Chem.) niobium (also translit. 鈮) (formerly called columbium).N.(Chem.) technetium (also translit. 鎝).N.(Chim.) neptunium (also translit. 錼).N.(Chem.) einsteinium (also translit. 鑀,).N.(Chem.) plutonium (also translit. 鈽).鎝N.(Chem.) technetium (also translit. ).N.(Chem.) berkelium (also translit. ).N.(Chem.) americium (also translit 鋂).鈁N.(Chem.) francium (also translit. ).鈮N.(Chem.) niobium (also translit. 鈳).N.(Chem.) astatine (also translit.]N.(Chem.) francium (also translit. 鈁).香Words2. 香賓 [xiang1bin1]1, n., (translit.) champion.3. 香檳 [xiang1bin1]2, n., (translit.) champagne.盎Words3. 盎斯 [ang4si1], n., (translit.) an ounce.盤Words22. 盤尼西林 [pan2ni2xi1lin2], n., (translit.) penicillin.奧Words3. 奧林比克 [ao4lin2pi3ke4], n., (translit.) Olympic.迦N.(1) 釋迦 (translit. from Sanskr.) Sakya, the clan or family of the Buddha.佛Words15. 佛陀 [fo2tuo2], n., translit. of term Buddha, quite exact in pronunciation of 600 A.D.伽N.Word used in translit. of Sanskr. sound [ga1] and [ka1] (as also 迦), being also the Chin. pronunciation around 600 A.D. and in Fukien and Canton dialects today.僧Words1. 僧迦 [seng1qie2], n., (translit. of Sanskr. sangha) the monks, priests.俱Words1. 俱樂部 *[jU4le0bu4] ([jU1le0bu4].), n., (translit.) club.伏Words12. 伏特 [fu2te4], n., (translit.) volt.德Words3. 德謨克拉西 [de2mo2ke4la1xi1], n., (translit.) democracy.8. 德意志 [de2yi4zhi4], n., Germany, translit. of Deutsch, -land.加Words11. 加厘 [jia1li2], n., (translit.) curry.12. 加侖 [jia1lun2], n., (translit.) a gallon.竺N.(1) 天竺 anc. translit. of “Hindu”--India (also 身毒 Sindu).郇N.(2) Translit. of Zion.好Words24. 好萊塢 [hao3lai2wu1], n., (translit.) Hollywood.維Words7. 維他命 [wei2ta1ming4], n., (translit.) vitamin.translit.transliteration |
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