

单词 trace out
释义 trace out 画出(或勾画出)…的路线(或轮廓等);草拟:to trace out the plan of a building勾画出建筑物的平面图to trace out a policy草拟一项政策 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 trace outphr.① 描繪trace outvt. sep.1.(outline)to trace out sth or to trace sth out+ idea, policy概述;简述;草拟He traced out his scheme for the robbery.他简单说了一下自己的抢劫计划。2.【建,军】to trace out sth or to trace sth out+ building, fortification勾画出…的平面图(或示意图)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 v.to trace out sth;to trace sth out:概述;简述;草拟 He traced out his scheme for the robbery. 他简单说了一下自己的抢劫计划。to trace out sth;to trace sth out:勾画出…的平面图(或示意图)【建筑;军事】trace out探索踪迹trace out穿过物质trace out探索蹤跡海洋地質學trace out穿過物質電機工程trace out穿過物質核能名詞




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