

单词 to traverse
释义 詞目:TO TRAVERSE 1847-48麥都思英華字典TO TRAVERSE1橫行、行過1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 1316 1866-69羅存德英華字典Traverse1cross-wise橫、衡、橫行、橫過、橫野、橫物、橫事2to橫過去、橫過、橫行3to traverse a country橫過地方、通行地方4to traverse in all direction遍遊、週遊5to traverse an action at law拒案、訴不是6ditto to survey carefully閱、細查7to turn, as on a pivot鉸轉1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 1820 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Traverse1to Traverse橫行、行過1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 500 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Traverseadv.1Cross-wise橫、衡、橫行、橫過n.1橫野、橫物、橫事v.t.1Cross-wise橫過去、橫過、橫行2to traverse a country橫過地方、通行地方3to traverse in all direction遍遊、週遊4to traverse an action at law拒案、訴不是5to survey carefully閱、細查6to turn, as on a pivot鉸轉1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1100 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Traverse1to橫行、過1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 404 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Traverseadv.1Athwart, 橫然, 逆然; lying across, 衡斷, 橫過, 橫切之狀橫然、逆然、衡斷、橫過、橫切之狀n.1Anything laid or built across, as a bridge, 橫造之物, 橫切之物, 橫亙之物, 橫物(如橋)橫造之物、橫切之物、橫亙之物、橫物(如橋)2Something that thwarts, crosses or obstructs, 阻滯橫截之物, 阻物, 妨礙物阻滯橫截之物、阻物、妨礙物3A turning, 詭計, 遁辭; a trick, 計, 奸計詭計、遁辭、計、奸計4(Fort.) A parapet made across the covert-way to prevent its being enfiladed, (築)濠溝外平地上之橫牆(以禦橫來之彈者)(築)濠溝外平地上之橫牆(以禦橫來之彈者)5(Arch.) A gallery or loft of communication in any large building, (建)長廊, 走廊, 盤衡(建)長廊、走廊、盤衡6(Law) A denial of what the opposite party has advanced in any stage of the pleadings, (法)拒絕, 不認, 抵賴(法)拒絕、不認、抵賴7(Naut.) The zigzag course made by a ship, (航)之字形航路(航)之字形航路8(Geom.) A line lying across a figure or other lines, (幾)橫切線, 切斷線, 截線(幾)橫切線、切斷線、截線9(Gun.) The turning of a Gun so as to make it point in any direction, (砲)砲口之旋轉(砲)砲口之旋轉10A barrier, sliding door, screen, or the like, 欄, 栅, 障壁, 屏門等; (Naut.) Traverse-sailing, the mode of computing the place of a ship by reducing several short courses to one large course, (航)按之字形之航路而定船之位置欄、栅、障壁、屏門等、(航)按之字形之航路而定船之位置v.t.1To lay in a cross direction, 橫臥; to cross, 橫過, 橫切橫臥、橫過、橫切2To thwart, 橫生枝節, 橫阻, 橫截, 阻當, 阻撓; to obstruct, 阻滯, 妨礙; as, to traverse an argument, 頡頏辯理橫生枝節、橫阻、橫截、阻當、阻撓、阻滯、妨礙、頡頏辯理3To travel over, 行過, 路過, 游歷, 走遍, 遍歷, 周游行過、路過、游歷、走遍、遍歷、周游4To survey carefully, 細心量看, 巡察, 細查, 閱看細心量看、巡察、細查、閱看5To turn and point in any direction, 不論向何方旋轉; as, to traverse a cannon, 旋轉礮口不論向何方旋轉、旋轉礮口6(Carp.) To plane across the grain of the wood, (木工)橫木理而刨平, 橫刨, 橫削(木工)橫木理而刨平、橫刨、橫削7(Law) To deny what the opposite party has alleged, (法)不認, 抵賴(法)不認、抵賴v.i.1To turn, as on a pivot, 於樞軸上旋轉; to move round, 回旋; to swivel, 回轉; as, the needle of a compass traverses, 羅盤針之轉旋於樞軸上旋轉、回旋、回轉、羅盤針之轉旋2(Man.) To cut the tread crosswise, as a horse that throws its croup to one side and the head to the other, (馬術)橫行, 斜行(如馬拗頸進行)(馬術)橫行、斜行(如馬拗頸進行)3(Fencing) To use the posture or motions of opposition, (劍術)招架, 擋路, 格開(劍術)招架、擋路、格開1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 2405 p 2406 1913商務書館英華新字典Traverseadv. or a.1橫、衡、橫行、橫的n.橫物、橫事v.t. or i.橫過去、橫行、遍遊、週遊、拒、阻攔、閱、細查1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 516 1916赫美玲官話Traversev.t.1to cross橫過、過2as plans衝撞…的計策、橫阻3to frustrate敗、破、挫敗(文)v.i.1to turn on a pivot旋轉、絞轉2of piece on carriage: to the right右移3~ Africa橫過非洲4~ table活路臺子5Traversing gear轉動機(新)a.1橫2Traversing gear橫行n.1橫物2fortification橫牆、橫壘p 1527 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶遍遊to expatiate to traverse to traverse in all direction to travel about or every where 截線transversal to traverse to cut telegraph wire s 逆然Rebelliously TO TRAVERSE Contumaciously 橫切線transversal to traverse 英華☞transverse英華☞sidelong英華☞CIRCUIT英華☞trammel英華☞across英華☞travel英華☞errant英華☞CATCH英華☞check英華☞round英華☞parry英華☞COPE英華☞EDGE英華☞PALE英華☞FARE英華☞Flur英華☞TRIP英華☞tour英華☞eddy英華☞balk英華☞quer英華☞side英華☞lash英華☞yoke英華☞hole英華☞RUN英華☞CUT英華☞SPY英華☞SEE英華☞PUT英華☞BAR英華☞run英華☞low英華☞let英華☞bay英華☞cut英華☞lie英華☞mew英華☞get英華☞for英華☞no英華☞go英華☞by




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