

单词 tongued
释义 tongued  [tʌŋd]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (organ in mouth)舌头 shé tou  Rick bit into the juicy strawberry and felt the taste explode on his tongue. 里克咬了一口草莓,感到美味在舌头上炸开。tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (as meat)口条 kǒu tiáo   …舌头 shé tou Patricia served tongue for lunch.tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (language)语言 yǔ yán Many people struggle when trying to master another tongue. 其他翻译英语中文tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (strip inside top of shoe)鞋舌  Jeremy put the shoe on his foot, straightened the tongue, then tied the laces.tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (manner of speaking)谈话方式   说话方式 shuō huà fāng shì Michelle always manages to say the right thing; she has a smooth tongue.tongue [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (touch with the tongue)用舌头舔   用舌头触碰  After the fight, the young man tongued his teeth, making sure they were all still there.tongue [sb]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." slang (French kiss)和…舌吻  Sarah found it hard to concentrate on the film, because of the two teenagers tonguing each other in the row in front of her.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文Cat got your tongue? exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." figurative, informal (Why aren't you talking?)没话说了?  What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue?hold your tongue, bite your tongue v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." idiom (keep silent) (习语)闭嘴 bì zuǐ You must hold your tongue and not tell your mother-in-law what you really think of her cooking.mother tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (native or first language)母语 mǔ yǔnative tongue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (first language)母语 mǔ yǔ My native tongue is English, but I also speak a little French.tongue and groove nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (joint) (建筑)舌榫 shé sǔn The woodwork teacher showed the students how to do a tongue and groove.tongue-in-cheek adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (intended ironically)说着玩的 shuō zhe wán de   假心假意的 jiǎ xīn jiǎ yì de   不可当真的 bù kě dàng zhēn de  He always enjoyed her teasing, tongue-in-cheek comments. Though his remark was tongue in cheek, it still hurt.tongue in cheek, with tongue in cheek exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." figurative (ironically)半开玩笑地   说笑地 shuō xiào detongue twister, tongue-twister nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (hard-to-pronounce phrase)绕口令 rào kǒu lìng  Tongue twisters can be a useful way of improving your pronunciation.tongue-tied adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (unable to speak)说不出话的,张口结舌的 tongue-tied adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (with congenital tongue condition) (疾病)结舌的,舌系带短缩的   舌系带短缩的  Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:tongue [t^[ng]] n 1 [c] (Anat) 舌头(頭) shétou [条 tiáo]2 [u] (Culin) 口条(條) kǒutiáo3 [c] (frm: language) 语(語)言 yǔyán tongue in cheek 毫无(無)诚(誠)意的 háo wú chéngyì de tongued [tʌŋd] vt. tongue的变形adj. [常用于构成复合词]有…舌的 有舌的 tongue [tʌŋ] n. 舌,舌头;(无脊椎动物的)舌状器官;(某些昆虫的)喙;(用作食品的)猪舌,牛舌,口条 言语;谈话;说话能力 讲话方式;说法;措辞;口才 语言;方言;(《圣经》中操独特语言的)民族,部落 [复数]= glossolalia [参较 speaking in tongues] 【狩猎】(发现猎物时)猎犬的狂吠声[主要用于 give tongue(猎犬发现猎物时)狂吠] 舌状物;鞋舌;铃舌;扣环针,别针 【建筑业】雄榫;榫舌 【力学】凸缘 【音乐】(管乐器的)簧片 岬;水湾;小港 【铁路】道岔尖轨 秤的指针vt.用舌舔:to tongue a cigarette舔烟卷 用舌吹(单簧管、小号等管乐器) 【木工】在(木板等)上做榫舌;用榫舌连接:to tongue a board在木板上做舌榫 [古语]申斥,斥责,责备 [古语]说出,讲出vi.用舌头 【音乐】吹奏管乐器 呈舌状突出 [罕用语]闲谈;谈话;唠叨,饶舌短语:a bad (或 biting,bitter,caustic,dangerous,venomous,wicked) tongue毒舌,恶嘴,刻薄嘴A honey tongue,a heart of gall.口蜜腹剑。a loose tongue藏不住话的嘴,多话的嘴,快嘴;长舌,饶舌a ready tongue口才便捷,口齿伶俐,会说话a rough tongue无礼的话,粗鲁话a sharp tongue言语尖刻,恶嘴毒舌a silver tongue辩才,流利的口才a slip of the tongue失言,口误a smooth tongue油嘴滑舌,圆滑的巧舌头A still tongue makes a wise head.[谚语]智者寡言;寡言为智。at one's tongue's end在嘴边a tongue not understanded of the people[古语]外国语at (或 on) the tip of one's (或 the) tongue见 tipbite one's tongue off对自己所说的话感到后悔(或遗憾),懊悔自己说过的话(常与 could 连用)bite the tongue保持缄默,不做声find one's tongue (或 voice)(吓得或羞得说不出话之后)能开口了,能说话了,讲得出话来,恢复说话的能力get one's tongue hanging out热切地等待(或期待)得到某物(狗等动物在等待食物时往往伸出舌头)get one's tongue round (或 around)(正确地)发…音,发声give someone the edge of one's tongue痛骂某人;严斥某人give someone (a lick with) the rough side of one's tongue严厉责备某人,申斥(或痛骂)某人 give tongue (猎狗追踪或发现猎物时)狂吠,吠叫[亦作 throw tongue] 大声说,讲;开口;表达,阐述,明确地表示出来 give tongue to表示,表达have a tongue in one's head鼻子下面有一张嘴(意指能够说话,该说话责备某人时却不说)have one's tongue in one's cheek话里有话,说话无诚意;说话带刺(或挖苦),说着玩儿;嘲笑;虚伪地敷衍 [亦作 put (或 speak with) one's tongue in one's cheek]have too much tongue多话,饶舌His (或 Her 等) tongue failed him (或 her 等).他(或她等)(因恐惧等)说不出话。hold one's tongue保持沉默,闭口不言,住嘴,别做声,不开口keep a civil tongue (in one's head)措词谨慎,说话文雅,说话彬彬有礼keep a still tongue in one's head守口如瓶,不做声,保持沉默keep one's tongue between one's teeth守口如瓶,闭口不言loose someone's tongue使某人喋喋不休,大放厥词,打开某人的话匣lose one's tongue(因害臊、窘迫、害怕或惊奇等)说不出话来;开不了口,噤不能言oil one's tongue说奉承话,说不露锋芒的话,说肉麻的甜蜜话;阿谀奉承One's tongue glued itself to the roof of one's mouth.说不出话来,张口结舌。One's tongue is too long for one's teeth.[口语]嘴快,说话轻率。One's tongue runs before one's wit.没等考虑说出来,冲口而出。on everyone's tongue被众人议论 [亦作 on the tongues of men] on the tip of one's (或 the) tongue 差一点说出来,就在嘴边,正准备说出来 快说出口(却想不起来),差点被想起 put (或 stick) one's tongue out (at someone)向(某人)伸舌头(以示蔑视)rough side of the tongue申斥set tongues wagging给人以说闲话的口实,惹人家说长道短smite with the tongue血口喷(人),诽谤(某人);谴责(某人)speak in tongues言语不清the gift of tongues见 giftThe tongue is not steel,yet it cuts.[谚语]舌非刀剑,但能伤人。The tongue of idle persons is never idle.[谚语]人懒嘴不懒。throw tongue= give tonguetie someone's tongue使某人缄默,封住某人的口tongue enough for two sets of teeth[口语]饶舌,长舌(一般与 with 或 have 连用)tongue in cheek= with one's (或the) tongue in one's cheek tongue of the trump [苏格兰英语] 领袖,头子,首要人物 某事物的主要部分 tongues (或 beards,chins,jaws) are wagging人们议论纷纷,有人在说闲话vulgar tongue(特指以前与拉丁语相对的)本民族语,本国语,土语,本地语wag one's tongue摇唇鼓舌,乱说,胡扯;喋喋不休,唠叨不停watch one's tongue说话注意 with one's tongue hanging out 口渴的 渴望的 with one's (或 the) tongue in one's cheek 话里有话的;不诚恳的;嘲笑的,讽刺的 [常作 tongue-in-cheek] 话里有话地,言不由衷地,不诚恳地;挖苦地,讽刺地 变形:vt. tongued . tonguing  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 tonguedtʌŋdadj.[常用於複合語]① 有(某種)舌頭的fork-tongued舌頭分叉的② 說話…的foul-tongued口出惡言的,出言不遜的;出言粗俗的,開黃腔的sharp-tongued言語尖銳的新世纪新世纪★◀▶tongued/tʌŋd/adj.有舌的;有···舌的新世纪☞tongue详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 adj /tʌŋd/有舌的;有···舌的英英释义adj.provided with or resembling a tongue; often used in combinationhaving a manner of speaking as specified; often used in combinationtongued形容词1 有…舌头的; 舌头…的, …舌的double-tongued一口两舌的, 撒谎的2 说话…的foul-tongued说话下流的, 口出秽言的, 出言粗鄙的tongueda.(形容詞 adjective)有舌[舌狀物]的double-tongued 舌裂的.有…舌的double-tongued 舌裂的.document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Tongued 1866-69羅存德英華字典Tongued1有舌的2double-tongued兩舌者3thick-tongued重舌的1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 1803 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Tongueda.1有舌的2double-tongued兩舌者3thick-tongued重舌的1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1089 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Tongueda.1Having a tongue, 有舌的有舌的p 2379 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華★◀▶重舌的Tongue-tied Tongued 英華☞STAMMER




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