

单词 to gobble
释义 詞目:TO GOBBLE 1847-48麥都思英華字典TO GOBBLE1嘬、𣣹、嚃、𠯖、𠰏、啑、唼喋1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 630 1866-69羅存德英華字典Gobble1to swallow in large pieces大啖吞、掂頭吞、嚃、唼、喋、茹2to make a noise in the throat, as a turkey唃唃聲1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 905 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Gobblev.t.1To swallow in large pieces大啖吞、掂頭吞、嚃、唼、喋、茹v.i.1To make a noise in the throat, as a turkey唃唃聲、以喉嚨作聲1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 557 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Gobble1to嘬以喉做作2a turkey gobbles火鷄呌1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 154 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Gobblev.t.1To swallow in lumps, 大口啖, 吞大塊, 鯨吞, 虎嚥; to swallow hastily, 急吞大口啖、吞大塊、鯨吞、虎嚥、急吞v.i.1To eat greedily, 鯨吞, 虎嚥, 大食, 急食, 貪食鯨吞、虎嚥、大食、急食、貪食2To make a noise in the throat, as a turkey, 喉鳴, 喉中作摝摝聲(如火鷄所爲)喉鳴、喉中作摝摝聲(如火鷄所爲)n.1The noise, as of the turkey, 摝摝聲(如火鷄之聲音)摝摝聲(如火鷄之聲音)1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 1020 1913商務書館英華新字典Gobblev.t.1大塊吞、虎嚥1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 226 1916赫美玲官話Gobblev.t.1down大口的嚥、爬拉(俗)p 599 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶𠰏TO GOBBLE to eat like a hog to eat, as a hog 喋to gobble to smear with blood 急吞tiger-footed to gobble 英華☞clatter英華☞clock英華☞quaff英華☞cough英華☞Agog英華☞bite英華☞gulp英華☞cram英華☞glut英華☞EAT




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