

单词 to flush
释义 詞目:TO FLUSH 1847-48麥都思英華字典TO FLUSH1to colour up赧然變色、臉紅起來2flushed with liquor酡、飲酒朱顏貌、飲而赧色著面、酒容3flushed with anger奭、怒然變色4a flushed countenance滀、色憤起貌5flushed with money豐財1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 586 1866-69羅存德英華字典Flush1to appear suddenly忽然發2to come in haste忽然至3to become suddenly red忽然變紅、忽然赧顔、臉紅起來4to be gay快暢5to redden suddenly使變紅6to elate使快樂、使忻喜7fresh, glowing, full of vigor紅顔、紅面、桃紅的8even平9a flush deck平面、平船面10a sudden flow of blood to the face紅顔、紅面、變色11a flush of joy一吓喜樂12a flush of money豐財13a flush of ducks一羣鴨1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 848 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Flush1Flush or blush,赧然變色1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 196 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Flushv.i.1To appear suddenly忽然發2to come in haste忽然至3to become suddenly red忽然變紅、忽然赧顏、臉紅起來、面轉紅4to be gay快暢v.t.1To redden suddenly使變紅2to elate使快樂、使忻喜a.1Fresh, glowing, full of vigor紅顏、紅面、桃紅的2even平3a flush deck平面、平船面n.1A sudden flow of blood to the face紅顏、紅面、變色2a flush of joy一吓喜樂3a flush of money豐財4a flush of ducks一群鴨1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 521 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Flush1to赧然變色、面轉紅、忽然發2flushed with liquor飲酒面發紅1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 142 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Flushv.t.1To cause to be full, 使滿溢; to flood, 泛濫; to overflow, 洋溢; as, to flush the field, 泛灌田; to flush a drain, 泛滌溝渠使滿溢、泛濫、洋溢、泛灌田、泛滌溝渠2To cause the blood to rush into (the face), 使血充(面), 使潮紅靨面; to make suddenly or temporarily red or rosy, 使頃間血紅, 忽然變紅, 忽然赧顏; as, to flush the face with wine, 飲酒面紅; to flush one's face by telling one's faults, 揭告其過使赧顏使血充(面)、使潮紅靨面、使頃間血紅、忽然變紅、忽然赧顏、飲酒面紅、揭告其過使赧顏3To excite, 激動; to animate, 鼓舞, 鼓勢, 刺激, 提起精神; as, to flush one's anger, 激觸其怒激動、鼓舞、鼓勢、刺激、提起精神、激觸其怒4To cause to start, as a hunter a bird, 忽然飛起, 驚起, 使起奔(猶獵人驚走鳥然)忽然飛起、驚起、使起奔(猶獵人驚走鳥然)v.i.1To flow and spread suddenly, 忽流被四方; to rush, 衝起, 衝入 (as blood into the face, 如血衝入面)忽流被四方、衝起、衝入、如血衝入面)2To become suddenly suffused, as cheeks, 忽然漲紅(猶面頰忽赧)忽然漲紅(猶面頰忽赧)3To start up suddenly, 忽起走, 忽飛起忽起走、忽飛起n.1A sudden flowing, 瀉流, 忽然之溢流瀉流、忽然之溢流2Suffusion of the face with blood as from fear, shame, etc., 赤面, 赧顏, 爲羞愧恐惶而面紅赤面、赧顏、爲羞愧恐惶而面紅3Any tinge of red colour, as on a peach, or a cloud at sunset, 紅色(如桃子或霞雲之紅色)紅色(如桃子或霞雲之紅色)4A sudden flood or rush of feeling, as joy or sorrow, 激發, 一時忽起之感念(猶忽起之悲歡)激發、一時忽起之感念(猶忽起之悲歡)5A flock of birds suddenly started up, 忽驚起之鳥羣忽驚起之鳥羣6A hand of cards of the same suit, 一式之牌, 淸一式一式之牌、淸一式a.1Full of vigour, 精力充足的精力充足的2Affluent, 富饒的, 豐富的, 充餘的; prodigal, 浪費的, 奢用的富饒的、豐富的、充餘的、浪費的、奢用的3(Arch. and Mech.) Unbroken or even in surface, (建, 面機)全平的, 平無間的(建、面機)全平的、平無間的4Consisting of cards of one suit, 全是一式的, 淸一式的(紙牌戲); (Naut.) A flush deck, a deck with a continuous level floor from stem to stern, 自船首至船尾一律平齊之船面全是一式的、淸一式的(紙牌戲)、自船首至船尾一律平齊之船面1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 921 1916赫美玲官話Flushv.t.1as a drain, with a rush of water冲、冲刷2~ of anything飽滿、充牣(文)v.i.1發紅2~ of anything臉發紅3Flushed with drink喝酒漲紅了臉4Flushed with joy高興漲紅了臉p 543 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶滀to flush to collect in a reservoir to collect, as water 冲刷to flush water erosion wash away (as a river bank) 富饒的exuberant well-to-do to flush 色憤起貌TO FLUSH Flushed countenance, 怒然變色TO FLUSH Flushed with anger, 英華☞RUBICUND英華☞enravish英華☞prodigal英華☞rosiness英華☞Fluxion英華☞flushed英華☞wealthy英華☞bashful英華☞baseful英華☞foison英華☞BOAST英華☞plush英華☞losel英華☞fresh英華☞rouse英華☞ROSY英華☞SWIM英華☞SHED英華☞HEAT英華☞dash英華☞bite英華☞full英華☞area英華☞flow英華☞fire英華☞fade英華☞rich英華☞RED英華☞use英華☞dub英華☞joy英華☞gay英華☞run英華☞fit英華☞red英華☞tan英華☞egg英華☞UP




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