单词 | tion |
释义 | tion想Words7. 想像 [xiang3xiang4] v.i. & n., to imagine, -tion: 想像力 imaginative power; 想像文學 imaginative literature.造Words18. 造意 [zao4yi4]1, n., concept, -tion of a piece of art or writing.探Words8. 探究 [tan4jiu4], v.t. & n., investigate, -tion.13. 探討 [tan4tao3], v.i. & n., study, investigate, -tion.振Words4. 振動 [zhen4dong4], v.i. & n., (1) vibrate, -tion; (2) to cause to shake.挫Words1. 挫折 [cuo4zhe2], v.t. & n., frustrate, -ed, -tion.掘V.t.發掘 excavate, -tion, to discover, exploit: 發掘人材 to discover talents;折Words26. 折辱 [zhe2ru4]2, v.t. & n., humiliate, -ed, -tion.28. 折射 [zhe2she4], v.t. & n., (phys.) refract, -tion.措Words2. 措置 [cuo4zhi4], v.i. & t. & n., execute (affairs), -tion: 措置失宜 mismanagement.標Words5. 標點 [biao1dian3], n. & v.t., punctuate (-tion); 標點符號 punctuation marks.機N.投機 speculate, tion;輻Words1. 輻射 [fu2she4], v.i. & n., radiate, -tion (of light, energy); 輻射式 radial pattern; 輻射塵 radioactive fallout; 輻射線 radioactive ray.刺Words7. 刺激 [ci4ji1] ([ci4ji0]), n. & v.t., bitter experience, emotional upset; to stimulate, -tion: 受刺激 was upset; 刺激劑 a stimulant.堆Words8. 堆積 [dui1ji1], v.i. & n., accumulate (-tion); v.t., to pile up (wealth, jewelry, waste).報Words5. 報酬 [bao4chou2], n. & v.t., remunerate (-tion).規Words7. 規復 [gui1fu4], v.t. & n., restore to norm, rehabilitate, -tion.華Words15. 華飾 [hua2shi4], n. & adj., decorative, decorated, -tion.裝Words23. 裝飾 [zhuang1shi4], n. & v.t., to decorate, -tion; 裝飾品 decorations.虛Words8. 虛構 [xU1gou4], adj. & n., purely imaginative, -tion.斷Vb. suffix.間斷 ([jian4duan4]) interrupted, -tion.忠Words10. 忠恕 [zhong1shu4], adj. & n., honest (-y) and considerate (-tion) of others: 忠恕之道 the Golden Mean, do unto others as you would have others do unto you.示Words6. 示威 [shi4wei1], v.i. & n., demonstrate, -tion: 示威游行 protest parade.正Words53. 正式 [zheng4shi4]1, adj. & adv., formal, -ly (adoption, marriage, resign,-nation, negotiate, -tion, etc.).更Words19. 更新 [geng1xin1], v.t. & n., renew, -al, renovate, -tion: 一元復始,萬象更新 with the beginning of another year, everything is fresh again; 更新設備 (of industrial plants) renovate equipment and facilities.憂Words2. 憂憤 [you1fen4], adj. & n., angry, anger, exasperated, -tion.酬Words8. 酬勞 [chou2lao2], n. & v.t., remunerate, -tion.發Words47. 發掘 [fa1jU2], v.t. & n., excavate, -tion.圈Words3. 圈點 [qUan1dian3], v.t. & n., to punctuate, -tion; mark a good (passage) with circles.贈Words7. 贈與 [zeng4yU3], v.t. & n., donate, -tion; (make) a grant-in-aid (opp. 貸款 loans).買Words6. 買空賣空 [mai3kong1mai4kong1], n. & v.i., speculate (-tion) on stock market, buy on margin.脫Words29. 脫水 [tuo1shui3], v.i. & n., dehydrate, -tion.服V.i. & t.欽服,敬服 respect and admire, -tion;膨Words1. 膨脹 [peng2zhang4], v.i. & adj. & n., inflate (-ed, -tion); v.i. 通貨膨脹 gen. inflation; v.i. inflated.展Words6. 展覽 [zhan2lan3], v.t. & n., (make) exhibit, -tion (of art, etc.).交Words53. 交尾 [jiao1wei3], v.i. & n., (of animals and insects) copulate, -tion.評N. & v.t.(1) Criticise, criticise-ism, evaluate, -tion, comment, usu. 批評,公評 open discussion;譯V.t. & n.To translate, -tion: 譯出 translate (a language);調Words14. 調解 [tiao2jie3], v.t. & n., to mediate, -tion; reconcile, -ciliation.諷Words1. 諷諫 [feng4jian4], v.t. & n., remonstrate (-tion) with (ruler) by clever analogy.庇Words3. 庇蔭 [bi4yin4], v.t. & n., protect, -tion, by providing riches, property, influence (to posterity).4. 庇佑 [bi4you4] v.t. & n., protect, -tion, and bless, -ing (of God).應V.i. & t.反應 react, -tion;容Words13. 容忍 [rong2ren3], v.t. & adj. & n., tolerate, -ant, -tion.冥Words10. 冥想 [ming2xiang3], n. & v.i., day-dream, contemplate, contemplate-tion.凍Words6. 凍藏 [dong4cang2], v.i. & n., refrigerate, -tion.灌Words2. 灌溉 [guan4gai4], n. & v.t., irrigate, -tion.消Words8. 消化 [xiao1hua4], v.i. & t. & n., digest, -tion; 消化液 digestive juice; 消化器官 digestive organs; 消化系統 digestive system, tract.泌V.i. & n.To secrete: 分泌 secrete, -tion;渡V.t.引渡 (law) extradite, -tion;凝Words10. 凝聚 [ning2jU4], v.i. & n., (1) (chem.) coagulate, -tion; (2) 凝聚精神 concentrate attention.補Words3. 補償 [bu3chang2], v.t. & n., compensate, -tion.分Words25. 分離 [fen1li2], v.i. & t. & n., part (from friends, family); (chem.) dissociate, -tion.28. 分泌 [fen1mi4], v.t. & n., secrete, -tion (hormone, etc.).教Words4. 教導 [jiao4dao4] ([jiao4dao3]), n. & v.t., teach, -ing, instruct, -tion; train, -ing.舉V.t.選舉 select (person), elect, -tion.反Words45. 反射 [fan3she4], v.i. & n., reflect, -tion (of light).53. 反應 [fan3ying4]1 v.i. & n., react, -tion.54. 反映 [fan3ying4]2, v.i. & n., reflect, -tion (of light, character, period).種Words4. 種痘 *[zhong4dou4], n. & v.t., to vaccinate, -tion.移Words15. 移民 [yi2min2], v.i. & n., to immigrate, -tion; 移民局 immigration office.翻Words17. 翻譯 [fan1yi4], n. & v.t., translate, -tion; also w.r 繙譯.動V.i. & t.震動 shake up, quake, vibrate, -tion.火Words26. 火化 [huo3hua4], v.i. & n., cremate, -tion.休Words19. 休養 [xiu1yang3], v.i. & n., rest and recuperate, -tion.侮Words2. 侮辱 [wu3ru4], v.t. & n., to humiliate; -tion.射V.i. & t.輻射 to radiate, -tion;繹V.i.演繹 (logic) to deduce, deductive, -tion;結Words43. 結業 [jie2ye4], v. i. & n., graduate, -tion. |
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