

单词 tie, tye
释义 詞目:Tie, Tye 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Tie, Tyev.t.1To bind打、綁、綁住、縛、繫、綯住、綯、綑、綁縛、結、維、絏、紲、系、編結、綴結、札、紮、束縛、纒、縶、𢴲、●𢵈、𦁐、縢、撮、絆、絆索、總2to tie into a bundle打包、札一札、札埋一札3to tie up綁起、綑起4to tie together綁埋、束埋、總束、札成5tie them up together綑埋佢一束6tie him fast綁緊佢、絆索住他7to tie to綁住、綯住、繫住8to tie a knot打纈、打結、締結9to tie a loose knot打生纈10to tie a hard knot打死纈11tie that knot打个纈12to tie the wedding knot結褵13to tie or bind round the head環辮角14to tie the hair into knot繳髻仔15to tie fast or tight綁緊、繫緊、綁實、縛緊16to tie up or fasten on𠮨17to tie up a cow𠮨牛18to tie round, as a girdle, to tie up in a sheaf束19to tie on the girdle綑紳20to tie with cords俾繩綁住、𢴬21to tie one's self up by a vow以發願自束22to tie one's hands綁人手23tie on an apron勒翻條帷裙咋24See Bandage and Bindp 1082 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Tie、Tye英華☞tie、tye英華☞connect英華☞anchor英華☞lasso英華☞fagot英華☞bound英華☞BIND英華☞CORD英華☞knot英華☞foul英華☞bind英華☞bend英華☞gird英華☞tied英華☞KID英華☞TIE英華☞ALL英華☞dub英華☞mat英華☞nip英華☞tie英華☞kid英華☞tag英華☞set英華☞pin英華☞lap英華☞BE




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