

单词 thunderously
释义 thunderouslyˈɵʌndərəslɪadv.① 雷鳴般地;轟隆轟隆地thunderously/ˈθʌndərəslɪ/adv.1.(very loudly)雷鸣般地;轰隆隆地Flamenco dancers do have stomping thunderously on the boards down to a fine art.弗拉明科舞者们当真把木板地上的轰鸣舞步变成了精美艺术。2.(threateningly)勃然大怒地;极其愤怒地Paget surveyed the scene, his brow darkening thunderously.佩吉特勘查现场, 愤怒地拧紧眉头。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 adv /ˈθʌndərəslɪ/雷鸣般地;轰隆隆地 Flamenco dancers do have stomping thunderously on the boards down to a fine art. 弗拉明科舞者们当真把木板地上的轰鸣舞步变成了精美艺术。勃然大怒地;极其愤怒地 Paget surveyed the scene, his brow darkening thunderously. 佩吉特勘查现场,愤怒地拧紧眉头。




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