单词 | thrum |
释义 | thrum [θrʌm]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文thrum, thrum [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (tap or rap)轻敲 qīng qiāo 轻击 qīng jīthrum, thrum [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (strum: a stringed instrument) (乐器)弹奏,演奏 thrum1[θrʌm] n. 【纺织业】织边,织余;了机回丝;接头纱 线头;纱头 [复数]【航海学】绳毛绒;绳屑 【植物学】花丝;花药vt. 加穗边于,装流苏于 【航海学】把绳屑嵌入(帆布等)(以堵漏或防摩擦)短语: not care a thrum 一点也不介意thread and thrum见thread 变形:vt. thrummed . thrumming thrum2[θrʌm] vt.乱弹(吉他、班卓琴等),随意弹弄:He thrummed a guitar.他随意弹弄着吉他。 用单调而厌烦的声音朗读(或叙述) (用指头)随意地轻敲:The boss thrummed the table.老板用手指轻敲桌子。vi.随意弹;乱弹或弹弄(吉他等):to thrum on a harp随意弹弄竖琴 单调地弄响:The blood thrummed in my ears.血液的汩汩声在我耳边响。 (用指头)随意地轻敲:to thrum on a table用指头随意轻敲桌子n.弹弄(声);轻敲(声);单调的声音变形:vt. thrummed . thrumming 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨文馨文馨★◀▶thrumvt,vi,nɵrʌmthrumthrumsthrumthrumsthrummingthrummedthrummedvt.(thrummed; thrumming)① 彈弄(絃樂器),彈thrum a guitar彈弄吉他② 敲打(桌子等)vi.① 撥弄琴絃,彈琴<on>thrum on a harp彈豎琴② 敲打<on>He kept thrumming on the desk.他一直敲桌子。③ (尤指大機器)發出連續的隆隆聲n.① 彈弄;敲打② 彈弄[敲打]的聲音thrumɵrʌmthrumthrumsn.① (紡織品的)織邊,織餘,線頭;絲屑thrumvt,vi,nɵrʌmthrumthrumsthrumthrumsthrummingthrummedthrummedvt.(thrummed; thrumming)① 彈弄(絃樂器),彈thrum a guitar彈弄吉他② 敲打(桌子等)vi.① 撥弄琴絃,彈琴<on>thrum on a harp彈豎琴② 敲打<on>He kept thrumming on the desk.他一直敲桌子。③ (尤指大機器)發出連續的隆隆聲n.① 彈弄;敲打② 彈弄[敲打]的聲音thrumɵrʌmthrumthrumsn.① (紡織品的)織邊,織餘,線頭;絲屑thrum¹/θrʌm/(thrums,thrumming,thrummed)🄰vt.1.+ instrument拨弄;随意弹奏2.+ words, speech单调地重复3.【纺】(trim with thrums)用流苏(或线头)装饰🄱vi.(drum incessantly)连续轻叩;连续轻敲Rain thrummed on the roof.雨水敲打着屋顶。thrum²/θrʌm/n.1.(strumming)持续轻敲声;持续嗡嗡声the thrum of refrigeration motors制冷机的不断嗡嗡声2.【纺】(end of warp thread)接头纱;了机回丝3.【纺】(ends of warp thread collectively)纱头;线头;织边4.【纺】(fringe or tassel)缨子;流苏详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt. /θrʌm/拨弄;随意弹奏搭配:[object:instrument]单调地重复搭配:[object:words, speech]用流苏(或线头)装饰【纺织】 n. /θrʌm/持续轻敲声;持续嗡嗡声 the thrum of refrigeration motors 制冷机的不断嗡嗡声接头纱;了机回丝【纺织】纱头;线头;织边【纺织】缨子;流苏【纺织】 vi. /θrʌm/连续轻叩;连续轻敲 Rain thrummed on the roof. 雨水敲打着屋顶。英英释义n.a thrumming soundv.sound with a monotonous humsound the strings of (a string instrument)make a rhythmic sound词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社复数: thrums动词第三人称单数: thrums动词现在分词: thrumming动词过去式: thrummed动词过去分词: thrummed英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶质地粗糙thrummy shaggy thrum 花丝filament thrum 花药anther thrum 英汉大☞clast英汉大☞shive英汉大☞shag英汉大☞junk電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶thrum/θrʌm; θrʌm/(thrummed; thrumming)及物动词1 抚弹 < 弦乐器> , 拉 < 琴> , 拨弄 < 琴弦> ~ a guitar弹弄吉他2 (用手指) 轻敲, 轻扣 < 桌面等> 不及物动词1 抚弹 [弦乐器] , 拉 [琴] , 拨弄 [琴弦] [on]~ ona harp弹弄竖琴2 (用手指) 轻敲[…][on]Stop ~ming on your desk.停止敲桌子3 < 大机器> 一直隆隆作响可数名词1 拨弄, 轻敲, 轻扣2 弹弄弦乐器之声, 拉琴声thrum/θrʌm; θrʌm/可数名词 (纺织品的) 织余, 线头, 绪余; 丝屑, 索屑thrum上机接头纱或布;了机接头纱或布Thrum雄蕊双向☞ fox--thrumthrum/θrʌm/ (thrummed, thrummed; thrumming) vi1. 发出低沉的轰轰声 • the deep thrumming of the engine 轰轰响的发动机 2. 随意地轻叩 • thrum on a table 用手指随意地轻叩桌子 3. 弹奏 • thrum on a guitar 信手弹奏吉他 vt1. 随意地轻叩 • thrum a desk 用手指轻叩书桌 2. 弹奏 • thrum a harp 弹竖琴 thrumvt.(及物動詞 transitive verb)亂彈(弦樂器、曲子)用指頭敲(桌子等)用單調的聲音朗讀[敘說]使有紗頭[流蘇]【海】把繩毛夾雜於(帆布)之中vi.(不及物動詞 intransitive verb)單調[拙劣]地彈撥,隨便地彈撥(弦樂器)用指頭敲單調地作響n.(名詞 noun)彈弄(的聲音)(指頭的)敲擊聲(織物的)紗頭thread and thrum.線頭,絨邊thread and thrum.流蘇thread and thrum.【海】繩屑,繩毛thread and thrum.紗頭似的東西thread and thrum.碎屑,小片thread and thrum.(植物的)花絲,花藥thread and thrum.a.(形容詞 adjective)用紗頭織的thrumthrumm-thrumm-thrumm-thrumm-document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:THRUM 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階THRUM1THRUM,to彈絃索1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 295 1847-48麥都思英華字典THRUM1織餘、繢、𦆠1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 1296 1866-69羅存德英華字典Thrum1織餘、緒餘、𦆠、繢2the stamens of flowers蕊3to彈、指撥4to weave織5to knot結6to twist絞7to fringe鑲繸1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 1787 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Thrum1Thrum an instrument, to,彈絃索1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 491 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Thrumn.1織餘、緒餘、𦆠、繢2the stamens of flowers蕊v.i.1彈、指撥v.t.1To weave織2to knot結3to twist絞4to fringe鑲繸1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 1080 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Thrum1織紡所餘的、紗線頭1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 394 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Thrumn.1The ends of weavers' threads, 織餘, 線頭, 緒餘織餘、線頭、緒餘2Any coarse yarn, 粗紗, 粗絲粗紗、粗絲3Anything like a thrum, 粗長物, 長細物粗長物、長細物4(Bot.) The stamens of flowers, (植)雄蕊(植)雄蕊5(Naut.) A mat made of yarn, (航)帆布或紗所織之席(航)帆布或紗所織之席v.t.1To fringe with threads or thrums, 鑲線鬚, 附線, 附紾鑲線鬚、附線、附紾2(Naut.) To insert short pieces of rope-yarn in a piece of canvas, (航)以線頭插入帆布(航)以線頭插入帆布v.i.1To play coarsely on an instrument with the fingers, 彈不入調, 亂彈, 亂撥彈不入調、亂彈、亂撥2To strike in a monotonous manner, 指彈指彈1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 2360 1913商務書館英華新字典Thrumn.1織餘、緖餘、陽蕊v.i.彈、指撥v.t.織、結、絞、鑲繸、鑲線鬚1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 508 1916赫美玲官話Thrum1Thrum the guitar彈弦子p 1498 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶雄蕊Staminal STAMEN Anther THRUM Androecium Staubgefäss 蕊Stamineous THRUM PISTIL a classifier of Flowers Corpuscula 緒餘REMNANT THRUM OVERPLUS Over-plus 粗絲coarse thrum coarse silk 指撥THRUM BORROW Set right, 粗紗thrum book-muslin 緖餘THRUM OVERPLUS 彈絃索fiddle thrum 繢thrum decorate 英華☞strum英華☞Burl英華☞reel英華☞PAT英華☞MAT英華☞TIP英華☞rap英華☞tie学术学术★◀▶thrum上機接頭紗或布;了機接頭紗或布紡織科技Thrum雄蕊林學 |
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