

单词 things
释义 things 本页中: things, thing'things'是'thing'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文put things v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (express [sth] in particular way)表达某事   谈论某事  Sam put things very differently.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (single object)物 wù  东西 dōng xī I'm not sure what this thing is. 我不敢肯定这是个什么东西。
thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (stuff, commodity) (个人的)所有物,用品,用具 备注: 常作 things My things are in the bedroom. 我的东西在卧室里。
thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (unspecified article) (非确指)某件物品 mǒu jiàn wù pǐn He said he was going to get a thing from his room.thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (bit of information) (信息)(一)件事,情况  Tell me one thing: Do you love me? 告诉我一件事:你爱我吗? 其他翻译英语中文thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (creature)生物 shēng wù  生灵 shēng líng She had a nightmare about a thing from space.thing nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (act or action)行动 xíng dòng  行为 xíng wéi  He never did a thing to help me. WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:things | thing英语中文all things considered exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (ultimately)综合考虑起来 zōng hé kǎo lǜ qǐ lái  总体来说 zǒng tǐ lái shuō The service is sometimes slow, but all things considered it's a great restaurant.among other things exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (one of a number)除了…外(还) chú le wài hái  此外还有 cǐ wài hái yǒu I cleaned out the junk drawer and found, among other things, my old slide rule.do silly things viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (act in a childish way)做幼稚的事 zuò yòu zhì de shìdo silly things viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (act in a foolish way)做愚蠢的事 zuò yú chǔn de shìhave better things to do v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (find [sth] a waste of time)有更好的事情要做 yǒu gèng hǎo de shì qíng yào zuò I have better things to do than play golf all day. I have better things to do than to argue with you.have other things to do v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (be busy already)另有要务 lìng yǒu yào wù  有更好的事要做 yǒu gèng hǎo de shì yào zuò I can't make it to the movies; I have other things to do.have things in common v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (have similarities or shared interests)有共同点 yǒu gòng tóng diǎn  有共通之处 yǒu gòng tōng zhī chù  Luckily, they get on well as they have so many things in common.living things nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (life forms)活物 huó wù So far as we know, living things only exist on Earth. Animals, plants, and bacteria are all examples of living things.look on the bright side, look on the bright side of things v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (consider positive aspects)看光明面 kàn guāng míng miàn  看有利的一面 kàn yǒu lì de yí miàn  往好处看  If you always look on the bright side, you will be a much happier person. 如果你遇事多往好处看看,你就会快乐得多。material things nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (objects, possessions)物质 wù zhì Sometimes an obsession with material things can prevent you finding true happiness.patch things up, patch it up (with [sb]) v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal, figurative (be reconciled)讲和 jiǎng hé   修好 xiū hǎo  My friend and I had a fight, but we've patched things up now.things nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (all aspects of situation)情况,形势,事态  There were riots in the streets, and things were getting out of control.things nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (life in general)事情 shì qíng Things have been getting better recently.things to do nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (tasks to be accomplished)该做的事 gāi zuò de shì  要做的事 yào zuò de shì I can't meet you today - I have things to do. Jack had a long list of things to do, but all he wanted to do was sleep.way of looking at things nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (perspective, perception)看待事情的方式 kàn dài shì qíng de fāng shì I can't understand your way of looking at things.without having to spell things out advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." informal (implicitly, tacitly)不必解释 bú bì jiě shì I hope that you'll accept what I say without my having to spell things out. 在这些条目还发现'things':在英文解释里:agenda - aggregation - all that - alphabetizer - and all that - anything and everything - appetite - assemblage - assembler - bag - balancing act - basket - billion - biotic - borderline - both - bottom drawer - brooder - bucket list - butterfingers - cache - call - camouflager - check against - chock-full - clean - clean up - clear-out - close match - coincide - collector - collide - conglomeration - conjuring - correlate - covey - craft - cuber - current situation - daily routine - discriminate - diversity - donate - doublet - dozen - dredger - ease the situation - eight - eighteen - eighty中文:共性 - 兼顾 - 物品 - 生物 - 镊文馨英漢☞thing新世纪新世纪★◀▶things/θɪŋz/npl.1.(belongings)财物I like my own things around me.我喜欢把自己的东西放在身边。2.(life in general)情况;生活Things are getting better.情况正在好转。how are things?orhow are things going?情况怎么样?3.(concerns)关心的事;事情the things of this world世间诸事4.to be seeing thingsorto be hearing things幻视;幻听新世纪☞thing详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /θɪŋz/财物 I like my own things around me. 我喜欢把自己的东西放在身边。情况;生活 Things are getting better. 情况正在好转。关心的事;事情 the things of this world 世间诸事to be seeing things;to be hearing things:幻视;幻听常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社how are things?;how are things going?情况怎么样?英英释义n.any movable possession (especially articles of clothing)things事N.事到如今 things have come to such a pass that.Words19. 事態 [shi4tai4], n., the look of things, situation, circumstances.21. 事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.).23. 事樣兒 [shi4yang4er0], n., look or appearance of things: 成什麼事樣兒 what will it look like?專Words25. 專擅 [zhuan1shan4], v.t., specialize in, be especially good at (playing flute, etc.); take things into one's own hands, act without authorization from superior.末N.(1)  Last part (versus 本 foundation): 本末 beginning and end: 物有本末,事有終始 there is a proper sequence of foundation and end-results, of first and last things;本末倒置 put first things last or last things first.東Words14. 東西 [dong1xi1], n., (1) east and west; (2) ([dong1xi0]) a thing: 很多東西 many things; 甚麼東西 what, what things; 你是甚麼東西 (abusive) what are you anyway? 不是東西 a rascal, scoundrel.囊N.探囊取物 things which one can readily lay hands on, easily, as easy as picking one's own pocket;囊中物 things already in the bag;本N.(2)  Foundation of things: 本末倒置,舍本逐末 attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials;車V.t.(3)  To shape (things) on a lathe.牛N.牛鬼蛇神 (of things) supernatural, (of a person's appearance) ugly, (now) bad elements;Words7. 牛刀 [niu2dao1], n., butcher’s knife: 割雞焉用牛刀 (lit.) why use a butcher's chopper to kill a chicken? -making unnecessarily great efforts to do trivial things; wasting of talent on trivials; 牛刀小試 (fig.) (of person of great potentials) give a little inkling of what one is capable of.生Words47. 生靈 [sheng1ling2], n., all living things: 生靈涂炭 the people's life destroyed, all life decimated.古Adj.(2)  (Of persons or things) different from the gen. accepted norm: 古怪 [gu3guai0], 古板 [gu3ban3]↓.Words7. 古方 [gu3fang1], n., (1) an ancient medical recipe; (2) old methods or ways of doing things.南Words12. 南箕 [nan2ji1], n., as in 南箕北斗 (lit.) the Sagittarius and the Dipper; (fig.) nominal things without any practical use.七Adj.七扭八歪 (of things) in a state of great disorder: 七楞八瓣 of most uneven size and formation;先V.t.(1)  To precede: 先意承志 do things before one is told.Adv.First, before (other things): 我先吃了 I have eaten already (ahead of dinner hour);Words49. 先務 [xian1wu4], phr., 先務之急 first things first.責N.敷衍塞責 do things perfunctorily;連Words1. 連璧 [lian2bi4], phr., (of two good things) combined together.打Words30. 打疊 [da3die2], v.i., to arrange (things) in order.65. 打撈 [da3lao0], v.i., to draw dragnet for recovering things in water.擱V.t.這屋子太小,擱不下這麼多東西 the room is too small for so many things;揀V.t.撿到(來)的 (of things) obtained without working for it, acquired through luck;抖Words4. 抖擻 [dou2sou3], v.t., arouse spirit, pick up energy: 抖擻精神起來 pull oneself together and do things; 抖擻灰土 shake off dust; v.t., 抖抖擻擻 or 抖抖縮縮 adv., cringing, trembling with fear or embarrassment.掐V.t.(1)  To gather with the hand (cogn. 夾 [jia2]): 把東西掐在一起 gather the things together with fingers;拆Words6. 拆開 *[che4kai1], v.t., break open (letter); take things apart to study.7. 拆爛污 *[chai1lan4wu1], v.i., to do things lousily and leave a mess.V.t.手腳 do things stealthily;扭V.t.扭壞 (of human body) sprain, (of things) damage by manipulation;拉Words18. 拉賬 [la1zhang4], v.t., buy things on credit.搭Words2. 搭包 [da1bao0], n., waistband outside jacket, used for carrying things (also wr. 褡包 63C.40).撂V.t.(1)  To drop: 把東西撂下來 drop things on the ground;拾V.t.(3)  To turn (things) about: 拾翻 [shi2fan0]↓.Words2. 拾掇 [shi2duo0], v.t., (1) to assemble and put to order; (2) to gather (sundry things, quotations); (3) to punish: 非拾掇拾掇他不可 must teach him a lesson.搶V.i. & t.搶東西 scramble for things in a riot or fracas;搶購物品 rush to buy up things (anticipating higher prices, etc.);搰V.t.To dig: 狐埋狐搰 a fox buries things and again digs them up--change one's mind constantly.拐V.i. & t.拐走了不少東西 have absconded with many things.把N. adjunct.(1)  Used before objects with handles or things to take hold of: 一把刀,一把傘,一把茶壼 a knife, an umbrella, a teapot;抗V.t.(5)  To carry thing on shoulder: 抗物,抗東西,抗一袋米 carry things, a bag of rice on shoulders.抱V.t.抱殘守缺 phr., be a stickler for ancient ways and things, be a traditionalist;攙Words7. 攙雜 [chan1za2], v.t., to mix in other things; v.t., p.p., adulterated.摸Words1. 摸底 *[mao1di3], v.i., get at the bottom (of things).搬V.i. & t.搬到那里去 where are you moving or taking (the things) to? 搬來搬去 move back and forth;擬V.t.相擬 draw an analogy between two things or persons.抓Words7. 抓撓 [zhua1nao0], v.t., (1) to scratch (itch); (2) to scramble, clutch and grab: 別抓撓東西 don't scramble a set of things; (3) to struggle, clamber: 他們兩人抓撓起來了 the two begin to clutch at each other; (4) to hustle, make hastily: 幫他們抓撓飯 help them hurry up the meal; 抓抓撓撓 adv., hurriedly: 抓抓撓撓把飯吃了 finished the meal hurriedly; (5) 抓撓兒 n., a children's game of bending and unbending fingers.按Words7. 按酒 [an4jiu3], n., (MC) snacks or things to go with wine.根N.(2)  The bottom of things: 刨根問底 inquire into the root of the matter;權Words13. 權力 [qUan2li4]2, n., power, actual power to do things: 權力很大 hold great power.15. 權能 [qUan2neng2], n., the power or ability to do things: 權能劃分 separation of powers and authorities.樞Words10. 樞紐 [shu1niu3], n., the hinge upon which other things turn or hang, basic determining factor.格V.t.格格不入 (of persons) cannot get along with one another, (of things) cannot fit one another;相Words62. 相同 [xiang1tong2], v.i., be alike, be the same (opinion, view of things).梢Words4. 梢頭 [shao1tou2], n., (MC & poet.) top of tree; end (of street, things.)橈V.i. & t.(2)  (AC) scatter: 橈萬物者莫疾乎風 nothing scatters things about so quickly as the wind.板N.(3)  Things made of board: 地板 wooden floor;物N.(1)  A thing, matter, things in gen.: 無物 nothing;他物 some other things;物極則反 things always revert or reverse themselves after reaching an extreme;物換星移 things or aspects of things have changed;游心物外 let the mind soar free from the material things;Words2. 物情 [wu4qing2], n., the condition of things.4. 物候 [wu4hou4], n., the season of things, quality of fruit, vegetable according to the seasons.牝N.求之於牝牡驪黃之外 judge not by material aspects of things.輕Adj.輕口薄舌 flippant, like to say nasty things about people.軌Words1. 軌道 [gui3dao4], n., (1) steel rails, a railway track; (2) a planetary orbit; (3) proper course of doing things: 上軌道 on the right track.軟Words21. 軟子 [ruan3zi0], n., basket or other container for holding things: 刨軟子 calculate the net weight by subtracting the weight of container.胡Words8. 胡搞 [hu2gao3], v.i. & t., make a mess of (things), act without plan or proper knowledge.敷Words4. 敷衍 [fu1yan3]2, v.i., go through the motions without sincerity: 和他敷衍一下 do necessary courteous things; 敷衍了事 do the routine things superficially and have done with it.喜V.i.好大喜功 like to do grandiose things to impress people;勢N.(4)  Situation in gen.: 情勢,形勢 situation, the way things look;Words4. 勢頭 [shi4tou2], n., prestige, power, the way things look.裁V.t.剪裁 to trim tree, cut things into shape;遠Words5. 遠大 [yUan3da4], adj., great, broad (plan, policy, view of things).走V.i.走馬看花 take only a passing glance (at things, a new city, etc.);起Words57. 起始 [qi2shi3], n., the beginning: 凡事起始難 all things are difficult at the start.趨V.i.大勢所趨 the general trend of things.堆Words2. 堆兒 [dui1duo0er0], n., a pile, things gathered together to form a heap.鼓Adj.Bulging, swelling: 鼓鼓囊囊 (of things fully stuffed) bulging out.奇Adj.千奇百怪 many strange, unusual things;在V.i. & t.(6)  Be in certain category of class: 在所不免 is (one of those things) unavoidable;在不可知之數 is one of those things that are yet uncertain.奮Words2. 奮發 [fen4fa1], v.i., make high resolve to succeed: 奮發有為 resolve to do some great things; 奮發圖強 strive to make country strong.有Words60. 有為 [you3wei2], phr., can accomplish great things, promising.大Words72. 大略 [da4lUe4], (1) adv., generally; (2) n., the gist of things; (3) 雄才大略 (person's) great talent.87. 大撒巴掌兒 [da4sa1ba1zhang0er0], phr., to let things take their own course, leave a free hand.夫Fin. part.(LL) in questions and exclamations, indicating deep feeling: 逝者如斯夫 things pass away like this! oft. with 矣:有矣夫 there is such a thing;失Words39. 失滅 [shi1mie4], v.i., (things) disappear, vanish; (fire) be extinguished; v.t., to lose (things).夾N.(2)  A small case, boards for keeping things in place: 信夾 a case for holding letters, a letter clip;Words1. 夾板 *[jia1ban3], n., (1) thin boards for holding things together; (2) an instrument of torture: 上夾板 (lit. & fig.) put on the rack; (3) 三夾板 plywood.10. 夾間兒 *[jia2jia4er0], n., space in between two things (also 兩夾間兒).套N. adjunct.一套東西 an odd lot of things.N.(4)  Clich?/i>, formula: 俗套,老套 (derog.) same old things, hackneyed phrases or statements;老是這一套 the same old things too often repeated.雄Adj.雄才大略 great talent, capable of doing great things;其Words5. 其他 [qi2ta1] (coll. [qi2tuo1]), phr., and others, often 及其他 and others; the other (persons, things): 其他作品 and other works.7. 其外 [qi2wai4], n. & adv. phr., outside, extra (persons, things) =此外: 其外概不收費 but for this there are no charges.荼N.symbolic of bitterness: 如火如荼 phr., descriptive of blazing powerful army or of things growing vigorously.藥Words21. 藥籠 [yao4long2], n., medicine box: 藥籠中物 things which may be needed any time, like household medicine chest.草Words2. 草包 [cao3bao1], n., (abuse) dullard, imbecile, one who is liable to spoil things.蓋Words5. 蓋世 [gai4shi4], adj., rising above all others: 蓋世無雙 (of things or persons) without a match, peerless; 蓋世英雄, the greatest hero; see [gai4dai4]↑.7. 蓋藏 [gai4cang2], n. & v.t., things hoarded up; to hoard up.著Words10. 著力 *[zhuo2li4], v.i., to put forth effort (to do things).萬Words31. 萬象 [wan4xiang4], n., all things of the universe.39. 萬物 [wan4wu4]2, n., the creation, all living things.芳Adj.(3)  (Court. & litr.) reference to things connected with ladies: 芳名 your (her) name;花Adj.眼花撩亂 dazzled (by sight of things).葸Adj.Overcautious, timid, worried about small things: 畏葸 ditto.葵Words3. 葵藿 [kui2huo4], n., (inferiors in self-deprecation) cheap, worthless things.菽N.不辨菽麥 ignorant of common things (“cannot tell wheat from beans”).蠆N.(LL) a kind of scorpion: 躉尾 tail sting of scorpion: 蜂躉 wasps and scorpions-(fig.) deadly, poisonous things.難Adj.難能可貴 (of things or actions) exceptionably commendable;觀Words6. 觀瞻 [guan1zhan1], n., (of things) outward appearance: 有礙觀瞻 to present an ugly or unpleasant appearance; 觀瞻所在 concerns appearance to visitors.豐Words1. 豐富 [feng1fu4], adj., rich (wealth, material things); vigorous (energy).睿Adj.(2)  Referring to things belonging to or done by the sovereign: 睿藻 works written by the emperor.肯V.i. & aux.肯吃苦,肯做事 is willing to work hard, to take up things.比Words5. 比附 [bi3fu4], v.t., (LL) compare by putting things together; append.狀Words3. 狀況 [zhuang4kuang4], n., condition (of things in school, hospital, of patient), general aspects.5. 狀態 [zhuang4tai4], n., manner or appearance; condition of things, see [zhuang4kuang4]↑; 戰前狀態 status quo ante bellum; 現此狀態 status quo.疑V.i & t.疑神疑鬼 imagine all sorts of things.坐V.i. & t.坐井觀天 take a narrow view of things, (“see the sky from the bottom of a well”);(4)  (Of things) fall back from pressure: 這堵墻往後坐了 the wall is beginning to give backwards;串V.t.(2)  To pass out and in irregularly or freely: 串衚衕兒 peddle things through the alleys of Peiping;常Words15. 常住 [chang2zhu4]1, (Budd.) (1) n., resident monk: 常住物 his things; (2) n., temples; (3) adj., eternal, invariable.畫V.i. & t.畫神,畫理 to paint the expression of persons or inner law of things.尚Conj.Even: 衣食尚不足,何論其他 one has not even enough to live on, let alone other things.劣Adj.定優劣 to grade (persons, things), superior or inferior;皮Words20. 皮毛 [pi2mao0], adj. & n., superficial; -ity: 皮毛之見 superficial opinion; 得其皮毛 only learned the superficial things, without the spirit.少V.i. & t.(1)  To find missing: 這屋里少了幾件東西 a few things are missing in this room;東西少了 things are missing.Words28. 少數(兒) [shao3shu4er0], n., a small number (of people, things); minority.情N.實情 true state of things;Words19. 情狀 [qing2zhuang4], n., general condition of things (family circumstances, patient's condition, etc.).慎Words2. 慎著 [shen4zhe0], v.i., to delay, postpone: 作事別慎著 do not postpone things you have to do.料V.i.料事如神 foretell things accurately (“miraculously”).粗Words2. 粗笨 [cu1ben4], adj., heavy, bulky (furniture, luggage); adj., awkward, heavy-handed (stroke in callig., or gen. way of doing things).糟Adj.(1)  Ruined, spoiled: 糟了 (of things) be made a mess, in terrible shape;精Words43. 精粗 [jing1cu1], n., things of all sorts (“the fine and the coarse”).蛇N.虎頭蛇尾 things which start off big and then end up in nothing;蠟Words26. 蠟丸(兒) [la4wan2] ([la4wa2er0]), n., a wax-coated pill (of medicine or other things).順Words36. 順眼 [shun4yan3], adj., easy on the eye: 看不順眼 (things) are disgusting (to look at).數N.(1)  Number (of things): 數學 [shu4xUe2]↓;在不可知之數 is one of those things we cannot be sure about.Words7. 數兒 [shu4er0], n., (1) number (of things); (2) 有數兒 I get the idea.12. 數目 [shu4mu4], n., number (of things counted), also amount: 很大的數目 a big sum.一Words3. 一切 [yi2qie4], adj. & adv., all, the whole (contents, members, funds, things).12. 一堆兒 [yi4dueer0], (1) n., a heap, a pile (of things); (2) adv., (eat, work) together.三Words40. 三腳貓 [san1jiao3mao1], n., an odd fellow, one who may do odd things.頭N.千頭萬緒 complexities of a situation, innumerable things to do;平Words46. 平日 [ping2ri4], adv., in the usual course of things, usually.五Adj.五光十色 all kinds (of people, things);百Adj.百廢待舉 a thousand things wait to be done, restored;Adv.百依百順 obedient in all things;面Words15. 面目 [mian4mu4], n., (1) facial expression, demeanor: 面目清秀 have delicate looks; 面目可憎 repulsive looks; (2) looks of things in gen.; 面目全非 all looks wrong, or differently; (3) honor=面子 see [mian4zi0]↓: 有何面目見人 how can I face the world?雨Words12. 雨具 [yU3jU4], n., things providing against rain (umbrella, boots, etc.).兩N. & adj.Two, in gen. use as adj. in speaking of two pieces, things, sides, parties, dist. 二, used only in counting: 兩百元 two hundred dollars (in counting, 二百元 would be more common);天Words17. 天道 [tian1dao4], n., God’s way, divine order of things, spiritual principles: 天道好還 God's way goes in a cycle; (dial.) the weather.逐Words7. 逐末 [zhu2mo4], n., as in 棄本逐末 run after the less important things, forgetting the important.琳Words1. 琳瑯 [lin2lang2], (1) n., beautiful jade; n., sound of jade; (2) adj., resplendent: 琳瑯滿目 (of multitude of beautiful things) dazzle the eye.理N.(3)  The rationale of things: 物理 (學) physics;事理 the wherefore and why of things;V.t.梳理 (lit.) to comb hair, (fig.) straighten out or arrange (things, data) in proper order;理東西 clean up things;Words13. 理路 [li3lu4], n., the logical sequence of things of events: 理路分明 clear line of reasoning.瑣Words3. 瑣細 [suo3xi4], (1) n., trifles, details; (2) adj., small and tedious (work, things).砸Words2. 砸鍋 [za2guo1], v.i., fail in a task (work, assignment); 砸鍋槌兒 one who makes a mess of things.配V.t.他配說這種話嗎 is he the person qualified to say such things? 配對 to make a pair, to mate.Words1. 配備 [pei4bei4], n., (mil.) arms; and equipment things, decorations that go with (a thing); v.t., to furnish with arms.5. 配合 [pei4he2], v.t. & adj., match (things together); well-matched, appropriate.靈N.靈修 attending to spiritual things.Adj.(2)  (Of things) alert, responsive, alive: 靈通,靈便,靈活 [ling2tong1], [ling2bian4], [ling2huo2]↓.(of things) work well;聒Words1. 聒聒叫 [gua1gua1jiao4], adj., (Shanghai) (of things, persons) the best there is.巧Adj.取巧 do things by irregular ways;耽Words1. 耽擱 [dan1ge0], v.i. & t., delay; stop over (at) place: 別把這事耽擱了 don't delay this matter; 耽擱時間 waste time or holdup of other things.5. 耽誤 [dan1wu4], v.t., hold up, interfere with (other things) by neglect, also wr. .聽V.i & t.(3)  (*[ting4]) To let go, to let s.t. happen of its own accord: 聽其自然 let things take their natural course;形N.形形色色 the myriad shapes, all kinds of things;情形 condition (of people, things), situation;子Words25. 子母 [zi3mu3], n., (1) mother and child; (2) capital and interest; (3) two things, one heavy and the other light, as contrasted with one another; 子母彈 (mil.) shrapnel; 子母環 two links, one big and the other small, joined together; 子母扣兒 a button, of which one half in male and the other female, a snap-button.39. 子虛 [zi3xU1], n., unreal, nonexistent things: 子虛烏有 pure imagination.騖V.i.(2)  To run after, strive after: 貪高騖遠 run after high position or far-off things;通Words9. 通稱 [tong1cheng1], n., general or common name for things.13. 通達 [tong1da2], adj., well versed, experienced and understanding: 通達事理 understand things.陳Words15. 陳設 [chen2she4], (1) V.i. & t., to exhibit; (2) ([chen2she0]) n., things on exhibit.孤Adj.(2)  (Of persons or things) aloof, detached: 孤僻 [gu1pi4], 孤憤 [gu1fen4], 孤芳 [gu1fang1], 孤峭 [gu1qiao4]↓;呆Words1. 呆板 [ai2ban3] ([dai1ban3]), adj., stupidly mechanical (interpretation etc.) doing things by the book.品Words12. 品類 [pin3lei4], n., variety of things; category.只Adv.(2)  Just, simply: 只管,只顧 go ahead without hesitation, be unconcerned with other things;嗜N.A hobby, special love of certain things (smoke, food): 嗜好 [shi4hao4]↓.叨Words2. 叨登 (叨蹬) *[dao1deng0], v.i., chatter, jabber: 又來叨蹬這件事 again came to talk about this thing; turn things upside down.吃Words3. 吃的 [chi1de0], n., things to eat: 吃的穿的都有 have enough food and clothing.13. 吃兒 [che1er0], n., things to eat: 今天有什麼好吃兒 what food have we got for today?15. 吃力 [chi1li4], v.i., (things) take a lot of doing: 吃力不討好 a thankless task.喚V.t.叫喚 to cry out (for help) or bid servant to do things;唼Words6. 唼眼 [sha4yan3], n., small holes bored by worms in furniture or other things.蹈V.i. & t.蹈常襲故 shortened as 蹈襲 get into a rut, be a slave to old methods of doing things.別N. & v.i.區別 distinction between things;分別 separation of two similar things, also difference;號Words13. 號數(兒) [hao4shu4]([er0]), n., serial number; number (of persons, things).景Words7. 景況 [jing3kuang4], n., (1) state of affairs, condition of things, circumstances; (2) a person's fortune, good or bad.10. 景象 [jing3xiang4], n., prospects, condition, appearance, outlook (of things).星N.物換星移 (LL) things change with the passing of years;量N.(3)  (*[liang4]) Generosity, capacity for toleration: 器量大,小 capacity, incapacity, for tolerating and forgiving small things;冒V.i.冒熱氣 do things by spurts and darts.目Words5. 目光 [mu4guang1], n., a man's vision, ability to size up person or scheme: 目光遠大 have farsight; 目光銳利 have sharp eye; 目光如豆 extremely shortsighted, myopic view of things; 目光無神 dull-looking.四Adj.四分五裂 from all sides (things appear);煦V.i. & t.煦育萬物 make all things grow by action of heat;具N.(3)  A unit of things: 屍首一具 one corpse.明Words5. 明器 [ming2qi4], n., things buried with and for the dead; also 冥器.眼Words10. 眼花 [yan3hua1], adj., dim in vision: 眼花撩亂 see things in a blur; 眼花兒 darling, the apple of one's eye: 看他的兒女好像眼花兒似的 his children are his darlings.30. 眼面前(兒) [yan3mian0qian2] ([yan3mian0qia2er0]), phr., 眼面前的事 things of common daily occurrence.瞎Adv.瞎找 look for things without plan;Words6. 瞎鬧 [xia1nao4], V.i., do foolish things; be unruly, boisterous.則N.有物有則 there are things and laws to govern them;賭Words10. 賭具 [du3jU4], n., things used in gambling (dice, etc.).置V.t.裝置,配置 to arrange, set up (things) in place (e.g., a frigidaire);Words2. 置備 [zhi4bei0], v,t., to make preparations for things needed.夥N.(3)  A crowd: 一大夥 a great number of people or things;助Words5. 助裝 [zhu4zhuang1], n., money given friends on departure (to help buy 行裝 or things needed on journey).月Words48. 月牙兒 [yUe4ya2er0], n., the new moon; things resembling it.凡Adj.凡事 all things;凡事小心 be careful in all things.過Words15. 過得去 [guo4de2qU4], adj., (1) (of road, etc.) passable; (2) (things, performance) fairly good; (3) 給他過得去 do not embarrass him; (4) 心里過得去 feel at ease (not guilty).脾Words6. 脾胃 [pi2wei4], n., appetite, also (fig.) tastes: 脾胃相投 have similar tastes, like the same things.肥Words4. 肥甘 [fei2gan1], adj. & n., things good to eat, delicacies.脆Words4. 脆快 [cui4kuai4], adj., simple and direct (in doing things).腰Words8. 腰斬 [yao1zhan3], v.t., to cut things in half; formerly, to execute criminal by cutting body in half at the waist.12. 腰里硬 [yao1li0ying4], n., broad trousers belt or hard braid girdle, oft. used for carrying things.堅Words12. 堅凝 [jian1ning2], adj., (of things) congealed, solidified, hardened, (of persons) firm, resolute, unwavering.匡Words6. 匡時 [kuang1shi2], v.i. & adj., guide country over crisis, do things for the good of society.馬N.Horse, things that have to do with riding and carriage: 馬鞭 horsewhip;Words52. 馬蹄 [ma3ti2], n., horse's hoof, things resembling it: 馬蹄表 desk clock; 馬蹄金 [ma3ti2jin1], n., (1) gold ingot; n., (2) a kind of lichee tree; 馬蹄兒 [ma3tie2er0], n., horse-hoof shaped pastry; 馬蹄袖 (兒) [ma3ti2xiu4] ([er0]), n., a form of sleeve in Manchu Dyn. costume; 馬蹄銀 [ma3ti2yin2], n., silver ingot (in form of a horse hoof).發N.發短心長 (AC) old in age but vigorous in mind, spec. still planning things.松Words9. 松懈 [song1xie4], v.i., to take things easy, to idle on job.蠶Words7. 蠶忌 [can2ji4], n., things to avoid in raising silkworms.厚Words10. 厚生 [hou4sheng1], phr., (AC, LL) that all living things may multiply and live in comfort.原Words33. 原始 [yUan2shi3], n., origin (of things), the primitive beginnings; 原始人 primitive man, prehistoric man.45. 原由 [yUan2you2], n., reason(s) for things.歷N.來歷 background history, origins: 來歷不明 (of persons) of dubious origins, (of things) of questionable background.厥Pron.厥等 things of that sort;駢Adj.(1)  Joint, coupled (of things paired together): see esp. 駢體文 [pian2ti3wen2]↓.驅Words1. 驅遣 [qU1qian3], v.t., to order (person) about, dictate (another to do things).遐Words10. 遐想 [xia2xiang3], v.i., to fancy, think or wish faraway things.局Words8. 局面 [jU2mian4], n., (1) gen. conditions of place, country or the world; (2) the pattern (of things, a game play, a chess game, etc.); (3) ([jU2mian0]) a show-off.開V.t.開荒腔 tell a tall tale, talk about things one doesn't know;關V.t.關不住 (of doors, windows, boxes, etc.) cannot be closed, (of things or persons) cannot be shut out: 春色關不住 the beauties of spring cannot be shut out.享Words3. 享受 [xiang3shou4], v. t., to enjoy (the good things of life, good luck).Adj.出外進 (of things) uneven, with too many people coming in and going out.立V.i.&t.立德,立功,立言 do one of three things to be remembered by posterity, by one's character, by outward achievements or by ideas and sayings;商Words27. 商品 [shang1pin3], n., commercial products; things for sale.方Words2. 方便 [fang1bian0], (1) adj., convenient: 不方便 inconvenient; (2) n., special consideration: 行方便,與人方便,大開方便之門 give special consideration, open special avenue for doing things, to facilitate; (3) euphem. for 大小便 toilet.充Words2. 充斥 [chong1chi4], v.i. & t., (bad things, thieves) abound.交Words16. 交付 [jiao1fu4], v.t., hand over (things); pay (money, bills).32. 交結 [jiao1jie2]1, v.t., (1) (of persons) associate with; (2) (of things) interconnect, intertwine.游Words24. 游心 [you2xin1], phr., 游心物外 to let the mind wander free beyond material things.玄Words5. 玄根 [xUan2gen1], n., (1) (Taoist) the mysterious root of all things; (2) (Budd.) person's endowment at birth.21. 玄牝 [xUan2pin4], n., (Laotse) the Mysterious Mother of things in universe.28. 玄虛 [xUan2xU1], (1) adj., abstruse, mystical; (2) n., 故弄玄虛 play tricks, make things look unnecessarily mysterious.諱V.t.有所隱諱 there are things concealed and unspoken of.話N.說你壞話 said things against you;諸Adj.諸如此類 like this kind of things, et cetera;論V.i. & t.議論 opinion, discussion, person's view on things, or ability for expressing comments;記Words13. 記事兒 [ji4she4er0] n., the first beginnings of a child's intelligence and memories: 那時我才記事兒 I was then only beginning to remember things.說Words51. 說頭兒 [shuo1tou0er0], n., things to discuss: 沒什麼大說頭兒 there is nothing much to discuss.訛V.i. & t.(2)  To nag, persist in asking: 訛著茶點 constantly asking for tea and things.雜V.i. & t.雜入 mix in with other things.Adj.雜八湊兒 an assemblage of disparate things;雜湊兒 put dissimilar things together;雜樣兒 an assortment of different things;端N.萬端 all things, all kinds;Words1. 端的 [duan1di4], (1) adv., really: 端的好看 really pretty; (2) n., the bottom of things, see [duan1di3]↓.2. 端底 [duan1di3], n., (get at the) bottom of things.旋Adv.(1)  Soon: 旋得旋失 (of things) no sooner obtained than lost again;塵Words2. 塵表 [chen2biao3], n., world beyond the material things.唐Words5. 唐塞 [tang2se4], v.t., do things perfunctorily, do s.t. to fulfill duty nominally (塞責); stop questions by evasive answer (also wr. 搪).庶Words7. 庶類 [shu4lei4], n., the various things of life; the animal kingdom.18. 庶物 [shu4wu4]1, n., the things of the universe.庚N.(1)  The seventh character in the 天干 series of ten characters used for numbering years or itemizing persons or things, see Appendix A.痛Words4. 痛快 [tong4kuai4], adj. & adv., also 痛痛快快 (1) to heart's content, without mincing matters: 痛痛快快喝一杯 drink or gulp it straight down; 痛快淋漓 (of writing, esp. virulous attack) with great eloquence, stirring, moving; (2) direct in dealings: 這人很痛快 this man is forthright and simple; 做事很痛快 get things done simple, quickly; 說話很痛快 does not mince words, or talks directly and simply; 你痛快點好嗎 will you please be more explicit?癩Adj.Bad (opp. of 好): 東西有好有癩 some things are good, some are bad.麟Words3. 麟角 [lin2jiao3], adj., as in 鳳毛麟角 rare and precious things or persons.字Words2. 字號 [zi4hao4], n., (1) characters used to designate particular groups of persons or things: 各有字號 each group (division, class, compartment) designated by a special character; (2) ([zi4hao0]) shop sign, a signboard; (3) ([zi4hao0]) good name, reputation, prestige: 字號人物 personages and their reputation; 字號舖兒 reputable firms.宗N.宗宗件件,宗宗樣樣 all kinds (sorts), things of every description;宰V.t.(1)  Govern, rule: 宰制(萬物) to lord it over (all things);塞V.i.塞滿 stuff place full of things;容Words15. 容容 [rong2rong2], adj., (1) (AC) negligent of one's duties, taking things lightly, lacking seriousness of purpose; (2) (AC) flying, fluttering, floating in the air.24. 容易 [rong2yi4]1 ([rong2yi0]), adj., (of things) easy to do or understand, simple, requiring not much skill or effort.宿Words13. 宿夕 [su4xi4], adv., (things expected) overnight




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