Tehuelche [tə'weltʃei; te-] n.(南美)特维尔切人 特维尔切语变形:n. Tehuelche . Tehuelches 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Te·huel·che/te`wɪltʃe; teiˈweltʃei/名词(pl. -che or -ches)帖维尔雀人((阿根廷南部之印第安族, 为西般牙殖民者所消灭))形容词Te·huel'che·an
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics (aiaa)
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics{=aiaa}
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics 美国航空和星际航行协会
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics,aiaa
american institute of architects
american institute of architects {=aia}
american institute of architects 美国建筑师协会
american institute of banking
american institute of banking (aib)
american institute of banking {=aib}
american institute of biological science
american institute of certified public accountants
american institute of certified public accountants {=aicpa}
american institute of certified public accountants--aicpa
american institute of certified public accountants 美国会计师协会
american institute of chemical engineers
american institute of chemical engineers (aiche)
american institute of chemical engineers {=aiche}
american institute of chemical engineers{=aiche}
american institute of chemical engineers 美国化学工程师协会
american institute of chemists 美国化学家协会
american institute of consulting engineers
american institute of consulting engineers 美国顾问工程师协会
american institute of electrical and electronic engineers 美国电机及电子工程师协会
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