

单词 tear at
释义 tear at (用力)撕;扯;抓:He tore at the cover of the parcel.他用力撕包裹的封皮。He fell into rage and tore at my hair.他勃然大怒,扯我的头发。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 tear atphr.① 撕扯tear atvt. fus.1.(pull violently at)to tear at sth+ prey, meat, flesh撕扯;用力撕Hounds are tearing at the fox's belly.几只猎狗正撕扯狐狸的腹部。The lion was tearing at his flesh.狮子正撕扯他的肉。+ clothes撕扯Female fans tore at his clothes.女歌迷撕扯他的衣服。2.(cause distress to)to tear at sb使痛苦;使悲伤;使苦闷Her words were tearing at him.她的话让他伤心。The idea tore at me and I sat there hypnotized with shock.这一想法让我很痛苦, 我坐在那儿惊呆了。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt fusto tear at sth:撕扯;用力撕;撕扯 Hounds are tearing at the fox's belly. 几只猎狗正撕扯狐狸的腹部。 The lion was tearing at his flesh. 狮子正撕扯他的肉。 Female fans tore at his clothes. 女歌迷撕扯他的衣服。to tear at sb:使痛苦;使悲伤;使苦闷 Her words were tearing at him. 她的话让他伤心。 The idea tore at me and I sat there hypnotized with shock. 这一想法让我很痛苦,我坐在那儿惊呆了。




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