

单词 teachings
释义 文馨英漢☞teaching新世纪新世纪★◀▶teachings/ˈtiːtʃɪŋz/npl.+of philosopher, religion教导;学说;教义the teachings of Jesus耶稣的教义新世纪☞teaching详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /ˈtiːtʃɪŋz/教导;学说;教义搭配:[+ of philosopher, religion] the teachings of Jesus 耶稣的教义teachings本Words11. 本質 [ben3zhi2], n., innate character (of metal, children), essential character (of teachings).敷V.i. & t.敷宣,敷揚 publicize, promote (teachings).旨Words1. 旨趣 [zhi3qU4], n., essential idea, purport (in speech, teachings).堂N.登堂入室 degrees of understanding of master's teachings (堂 guest room; 室 bedroom as more intimate in degree);曲Words27. 曲學 [qU1xUe2], n., heretical school, esoteric teachings.忠Words7. 忠孝 [zhong1xiao4], adj. & n., loyal to country and filial to parents, loyalty and filial piety: 忠孝之道 the teachings of loyalty and filial piety.遺Words15. 遺教 [yi2jiao4], n., advice, teachings left by s.o. past.31. 遺訓 [yi2xUn4], n., dying instructions; advice or teachings left by s.o.正Words12. 正道 [zheng4dao4], n., orthodox doctrine or teachings.盂N.盂缽真傳 inherited teachings of a Budd. master (see 缽 92S.10).孔Words3. 孔道 [kong3dao4], n., (1) teachings of Confucius; (2) thoroughfare.明Adj. & adv.古有明訓 the clear teachings of the ancients;弘V.t.To promote, expand (interch. 宏 62.93): 弘道 to promote, expand the teachings;邪Words2. 邪曲 [xie2qU1], adj., base, vile, corrupt (ways, teachings).4. 邪道 [xie2dao4], (1) n., heterodox doctrines; n., impious, corrupt teachings; 邪道兒 immoral or illegal doings (gambling, smuggling, etc.); (2) ([xie2dao0]) adj., suspicious, devious: 都說這人來得邪道 they all say there is s.t. suspicious about this person.18. 邪說 [xie2shuo1], n., heterodox or immoral doctrines: 異端邪說 ditto; teachings that lead one astray.履V.i.(1)  To step on, tread, to fulfill (promise), follow (teachings): 履冰 to tread on ice-caution;辟V.t.辟佛,辟墨 argue against Buddhism, Motse's teachings.衣Words4. 衣 (缽) [yi1bo1], n., (lit.) the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master, passed on to disciple as symbol of apostolic succession: 衣 真傳 received or is keeper of true teachings.訓N.(1)  Moral teachings: 教訓 v.t., to teach, to scold;古訓 anc. teachings;家訓 family teachings, family training, oft. name of book containing teachings for one's own family.說Words17. 說法 [shuo1fa3], v.i., (Budd.) to expound teachings: 另外一種說法 another way of looking at it; 現身說法personally appear to teach or explain; 憑你的說法 according to what you say.宣Words21. 宣揚 [xUan1yang2], v.t., to spread (culture, sect, teachings, etc.).實Words9. 實質 [shi2zhi2]1, n., the inner substance or quality, essence (of teachings).流Words13. 流毒 [liu2du2], v.t. & n., (have) evil effect (of teachings, opium): 流毒青年 poison young minds.33. 流派 [liu2pai4], n., branch or sect (of teachings); type (of persons), trend (of writing).法N.(5)  (Budd.) the Law, the church, the teachings of the church: 法師,法座 term of address to abbot, master;Words37. 法言 [fa3yan2], n., (AC) venerable, old teachings.盛Words8. 盛行 [sheng4xing2], v.i., spread widely: 其道盛行 its teachings are very popular.心Words7. 心傳 [xin1chuan2], n., personal teachings of master to pupil; also esoteric teachings.20. 心證 [xin1zheng4], n., (Budd.) realization of truth of teachings in scriptures by personal experience.尊V.t.尊師重道 honor the teacher and respect his teachings.道N.(1)  Doctrine, body of moral teachings, truth: 孔孟之道,儒道 teachings of Confucius and Mencius;道不行 the right teachings do not prevail;Words34. 道統 [dao4tong3], n., the body of transmitted orthodox teachings.食V.t.oft. fig., to digest: 食古不化 read ancient teachings without digesting them--be slave to the ancients;傳N.衣缽真傳 (Budd.) true teachings: 家傳 inherited in the family;僻Adj.(2)  Devious, unorthodox: 偏僻,邪僻 strange (teachings, conduct).佛Words8. 佛老 [fo2lao3], n., Buddha and Laotse, their teachings oft. considered related in respect to life phenomena.仁Words20. 仁言 [ren2yan2], n., (AC) precepts, moral teachings.信Words44. 信從 [xin4cong2], v.t., to believe and obey (God, His teachings).儒Words6. 儒教 [ru2jiao4], n., the teachings of Confucius.修Words42. 修行 [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (1) to practise moral teachings; [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (2) ([xiu1xing4]) (Budd.) to practise Buddhist conduct.行Words11. 行道 [xing2dao4], phr., promote teachings (usu. Confucian); (2) practise medicine (=行醫) (euphem. used by physicians); (3) go around the image of Buddha during worship.循V.t.不循正道 (lit. & fig.) go astray, do not follow the regular teachings;師Words4. 師承 [shi1cheng2], n., the succession of teachings from master to disciples; 師承記 such record showing how oral tradition was handed down.名Words15. 名教 [ming2jiao4], n., Confucianism, the body of teachings on social relationships.缽N.衣缽真傳 true teachings handed down from the Master.妖Words20. 妖言 [yao1yan2], n., heterodox teachings, any irresponsible gossip.經N.講經 expound the teachings of Buddha or Confucius;




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