

单词 articles
释义 文馨英漢☞article新世纪新世纪★◀▶articles/ˈɑːtɪkəlz/npl.<英>(training)法律培训in articles<废>(being trained)(按照契约)接受法律培训新世纪☞article详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /ˈɑːtɪkəlz/法律培训<英国> in articles (按照契约)接受法律培训常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社in articles(按照契约)接受法律培训articles事Words21. 事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.).來Words17. 來件 [lai2jian4], n., incoming communication or other articles received.折Words10. 折乾兒 [zhe2gan1] ([zhe2ga1er0]), v.i., to give gifts of cash instead of articles.招Words31. 招認 [zhao1ren4], v.i., to confess (crime); to claim (lost articles).拾V.t.拾物招領 articles found, owner please contact;Words7. 拾遺 [shi2yi2], n. & v.i., (1) (to make) a supplement of omissions in some work; (2) to pick up lost articles.揩Words1. 揩油 [kai1you2]([ka1you2]), v.i. & t., to sponge, get s.t. from friend free (such as meal, trip, articles): 揩他的油 sponge on him.摘V.t.(2)  To select, make excerpt extract: 文摘 a digest, collection of selected articles;Words4. 摘要 [zhe2yao4], n. & v.t., digest (of book, articles).卷Words13. 卷子 [jUan3zi0], n., a roll (of bedding, articles).換Words3. 換樣(子) [huan4yang4]([zi0]), v.i., (of person) change character or behavior; (of articles) change shape (due to misuse, temperature, etc.).搜Words7. 搜集 [sou1ji2], v.t., to collect (articles, rare editions, stamps, ores).12. 搜索 [sou1suo3], v.t., to search (hidden articles, etc.).撤Words9. 撤換 [che4huan4], v.t., to replace (with new articles, troops, positions).物Words15. 物品 [wu4pin3], n., wares, goods, products, articles: 貴重物品 valuable articles.輯Words5. 輯要 [ji2yao4], (1) n., an abstract, summary: a selection; n., (of books, articles); (2) v.i., summarize the essential ideas (of a book, etc.).地Words65. 地攤(兒) [di4tan1] ([di4ta1er0]), n., from 擺地攤 sell articles displayed on side walk floor.失Words78. 失物 [shi1wu4]1, n., lost articles.山Words32. 山貨鋪 [shan1huo4pu4], n., shop selling rustic articles of wood and bamboo.妝Words3. 妝奩 [zhuang1lian2], n., (1) trousseau; (2) (rare) cosmetic articles.典Words3. 典當 [dian3dang4], v.t., pawn (articles).9. 典質 [dian3zhi4]2, v.t., to pawn (articles).貴Words9. 貴重 [gui4zhong4], adj., valuable: 貴重物品 valuable articles.遺N.Article lost: 路(道)不舍撌 no one would keep lost articles found by the roadside;要Words25. 要件 [yao4jian4], n., important items, articles, documents.路N.路不拾遺 (of good gen. custom) lost articles are always returned.晬N.One full year after a child's birth: 晬盤 an assortment of articles placed on the table for a child to choose from on its first birthday anniversary, as a test of its inclinations and capabilities in later life.用Words20. 用品 [yong4pin3], n., appliance (s), material or articles for use (as cosmetics).服Words17. 服用 [fu2yong4], n., articles for personal use.鬻V.t.(LL) to sell: 鬻文 make a living by writing, selling articles;司N.筆墨官司 controversy in articles;堅Words11. 堅牢 [jian1lao2], adj., (of articles) strong and durable, strongly built.Adj.品 imitation articles;闌Words8. 闌遺 [lan2yi2], v.t. & n., (leave) articles left unclaimed.棄V.t.棄物 abandoned articles or not in use;齊Words4. 齊全 [qi2chuan2], adj., complete (gathering, articles of a set).高Words30. 高級 [gao1ji2], adj., (1) high-grade: 高級品,高級貨 high-quality articles, goods; (2) belonging to a higher class: 高級生 higher-class students; (3) of a higher grade: 高級中學 senior high school; 高級顧問 senior adviser; (4) superior, superb, excellent: 這辦法真高級 the method is most ingenious; 高級手法 superior maneuver.評Words4. 評價 [ping2jia4], n. & v.t., evaluation (articles, writings, philosophy); estimate.寢Words7. 寢廟 [qin3miao4], n., temple to deceased person (orig. of king, later on also of those who could afford it), the front hall (廟) containing spirit tablets for worship, the back hall (寢) containing articles and dress used by deceased.道N.道不拾遺 lost articles are always returned to owners-symbolic of good customs;手Words67. 手澤 [shou3ze2], n., heirloom; writing and personal articles of ancestor.質Words2. 質地 [zhi2di4]1, n., basic character (of person), basic material (of fabric, articles).刊N.叢刊 a library of chosen books or articles.條Words6. 條款 [tiao2kuan3], n., articles of agreement, treaty.9. 條目 [tiao2mu4], n., articles, items.什Words9. 什物 [shi2wu4], n., common everyday articles or objects.件N. & n. adjunct.物件 articles, things.信Words43. 信條 [xin4tiao2], n., creed; articles of creed.供N.(1)  (*[gong4]) Articles of sacrifice: 上供 offer sacrifice to the gods or spirits.徵V.t.(2)  To solicit, ask for (contributions, etc.): 徵稿 solicit articles for magazines;犯V.t.犯科,犯款 break articles of law;加Words9. 加料 [jia1liao4], n., articles made of superior materials.年Words28. 年貨 [nian2huo4], n., food and other articles for use during the New Year season.40. 年紙 [nian2zhi3], n., paper articles (such as scrolls, paper money for the dead) used at New Year.名Words47. 名物 [ming2wu4], n., things: 各種名物 different articles and things.色Words17. 色樣 [se4yang4], n., kind and quality (of wares, articles, people).筆Adv. & adj.筆戰 controversy in current articles;Words20. 筆墨 [bi3mo4], n., stationery articles; 筆墨生涯 writing as a profession; 筆墨官司 controversy in writing.絨N.絨線兒舖 store selling articles for sewing;級N.高級品 high-quality articles;縋V.i. & t.To scale down wall or send articles down from top floor by rope.詞目:Articles 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Articles1Articles of faith,該信之理數條2Articles of food,食物3Articles of war,甲令、軍令、軍法p 22 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華☞article




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