shotgun quiz
shotgun quizn.(名詞 noun)【美•俚】突襲式考試document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');
cercospora daizu miura; cercospora leaf spot of the soy bean; frog eye disease of the soy bean; c. sojina hara
cercospora deightonii
cercospora digitalis nakata et takimoto
cercospora dolichi ellis et everhart
cercospora dolichi ellis et everhart; c.vignae raciborski; c.raciborskii matsumoto et nagaoko; c.neovignae yamamoto
cercospora dubia
cercospora edgeworthiae hori
cercospora edgeworthiae hori-- leaf spot of the paper-bush
cercospora edgeworthiae hori; leaf spot of the paper-bush
cercospora elephantopodis
cercospora erechtitis
cercospora eriobotryae enjoji
cercospora erythrinicola
cercospora eugeniae
cercospora fabae fautrey
cercospora fabae fautrey; ring spot of the broad bean; zonate leaf spot of the broad bean; c.zonata winter
cercospora fagopyri
cercospora fagopyri nakate et takimoto
cercospora fukushiana
cercospora fuligena roldan
cercospora fusimaculans atkinson c.panici-miliacei saw.
cercospora gaultheriae
cercospora gerberae
cercospora gossypina
cercospora gossypina cooke
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更新时间:2025/3/15 10:43:37