

单词 arteries
释义 文馨英漢☞artery新世纪新世纪★◀▶arteries/ˈɑːtərɪz/n.artery 的复数形式新世纪☞artery详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /ˈɑːtərɪz/参见:arteryarteries穴N.(4)  Certain parts of human body containing vital arteries, such as armpit: 穴道,點穴 vital points recognized in karate and acupuncture.動Words15. 動脈 [dong4mo4], n., artery, opp. 靜脈 vein; 動脈硬化癥 arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries; 動脈瘤 aneurysm.血Words16. 血管 [xUe4guan3], n., blood vessels; arteries (動脈) and veins (靜脈); 血管硬化 arteriosclerosis.經Words21. 經絡 [jing1luo4], n., veins and arteries.arteries动脉arteries動脈魚類arteries, elastic type彈性動脈魚類arteries, muscular type肌肉型動脈魚類arteries, pericardial圍心動脈魚類arteries, swim bladder泳鰾動脈魚類




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