advanced-cut meander
advanced-cut meander前切曲流advanced-cut meander前切曲流海洋地質學advanced-cut meander前切曲流地質學名詞advanced-cut meander前切曲流地球科學名詞—地質
theory of inheritance of acquired characters
theory of innovation diffusion
theory of innovation diffusion (tid)
theory of interest rate parity
theory of international finance
theory of international indebtedness
theory of international trade
theory of interpersonal attraction
theory of interpersonal relations
theory of invariants
theory of inventive problem solving
theory of inventive problem solving (triz)
theory of ion exchange in glass
theory of ionization
theory of irrational numbers
theory of island biogeography
theory of isostasy
theory of journalistic audience
theory of junctions
theory of justice
theory of knowledge
theory of large samples
theory of large scale system
theory of leadership behavior
theory of learning
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