

单词 adv
释义 adv 本页中: adv, adverb'adv'是'adverb'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文adv, adv. nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. abbreviation (adverb)副词 fù cí  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:adv | adverb英语中文adverb nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (grammar: modifying word) (语法)副词 fù cí In English, the ending -ly often indicates an adverb. 在这些条目还发现'adv':在英文解释里:thisadvabbr.1.=adverb2.=adverbial详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr=adverb=adverbialadv才Adv.(1)  (Emphatic assertion, similar to German doch) indeed: 那我才不怕 I'm certainly not afraid of that;那才妙了 would indeed be fun (if it should happen);你才是我所喜歡的人 you (not anybody else) are the one I love.(2)  Just, just now (in place of awkward character 才): 剛才 just now;才晴又雨 sky has just cleared and now it rains again;才要開飯客人來了 just as we were sitting down to dinner, a guest appeared.事Words14. 事先 [shi4xian1], adv., prior to event.17. 事實 [shi4shi2], n., fact: 事實如此 that is the fact; n., 事實上 [shi4shi2shang4], adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.).專Adj. & adv.(1)  Concentrated, devoted: 用心不專 is not devoted to one thing: 專心,專誠,專一,專專 [zhuan1xin1], [zhuan1cheng2], [zhuan1yi1], [zhuan1zhuan1]↓.(2)  Special, -ly confined to one subject or area: 專長,專利 [zhuan1chang2], [zhuan1li4]↓;專門,專科 [zhuan1men2], [zhuan1ke1]↓;專家 [zhuan1jia1]↓;專攻歷史 specialize in history;專精,專擅 be specially good at some field;專對他一人說 talk specially to him along;專此 (end of letter) the above is what I write about specially;專望 I wait or hope specially;專差,專足 by special messenger;專用線 Lines for special use, private line;專律 special laws;專條 special clause.(3)  Arbitrary, high-handed, tyrannical: 專橫,專制 [zhuan1heng4], [zhuan1zhi4]↓;自專 arbitrary, willful.Words1. 專差 [zhuan1chai1], adv., by special messenger.4. 專誠 [zhuan1cheng2], adv., specially: 專誠拜訪 make a special trip to call on s. o.; 專誠奉復 write a reply specially.13. 專專 [zhuan1zhuan1], adv., specially: 專專對他吩咐 specially told him (to do s.t.).20. 專門 [zhuan1men2], (1) n. & adj., a specialized science; n. & adj., a specialty; 專門學校 a technological or professional school or college; (2) adv., specially: 專門與我作對 obssessed in opposing me.21. 專命 [zhuan1ming4], adv., formerly, without waiting for orders from above.24. 專人 [zhuan1ren2], adv., by special messenger.26. 專心 [zhuan1xin1], adv., with concentration, devoted purpose.33. 專一 [zhuan1yi1], adv., with single mind and purpose.孛Adv.(*[bo2]) U.f. 勃 suddenly.未Adv.(1)  Not, yet, have not yet (contrast 不 do not, will not): 未曾 [wei4ceng2]↓;未能 have not been able to;尚未過目 have not seen it yet;未遇 failed to see him on visit;未嫁 not yet married;未成年 under age, or a minor;和約未成 negotiations have not yet been concluded;未老先衰 old before one's age;未之前聞 never heard of it;未之有也 there never was such a thing.(2)  (LL) at the end of a sentence, equals “or not?”: 寒梅著花未 have the plum flowers come to bud yet?Words3. 未嘗 [wei4chang2], adv., never: 未嘗對他說過 never told him; used in double negative: 未嘗不是 can't say that it is wrong, it is quite right, see [wei4ceng2]↓.8. 未幾 [wei4ji3], adv., (1) soon after, in a short time; (2) (LL) not much or many (=無幾 ).14. 未免 [wei4mian3], adv., (1) can’t say that it isn't (tactful expression for “is”): 未免過份 is rather too presumptuous; (2) could not help: 未免答他兩句 could not help saying a word or two in reply; 未免多情 could not help being sentimental.15. 未能 [wei4neng2], adv., could not: 未能免俗 phr., (court.)have to follow the customs.22. 未曾 [wei4ceng2], adv., never: 未曾見過 never saw, have never seen.末Words1. 末後 [mo4hou4], adv., later, after that.4. 末了(兒) [mo4liao3]([er0]), adv., at the end.8. 末末了 [mo4mo4liao3], adv., at the very end.來Adv.(1)  About, approximately: 三十來歲 about 30 years old;十來個 approximately ten or so;尺來長 about one foot long.(2)  As (big, small, etc.) as: 你色膽有天來大 your daring in sex exploits is fantastic( “big as the sky”).Special formations.(3)  Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: 唱個歌來湊熱鬧 sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. 以 in LL);東Adv.東行 going east;oft. coupled with 西 west, describing confusion, on all sides: 東倒西歪,東零西亂 lying on all sides;東一個,西一個 lying here and there, spread everywhere;東一拳,西一腳 a blow here, a kick there;東不成,西不就 cannot or will not accept post and be without job;東涂西抹 draw paint everywhere;東食西宿 without definite place for board or lodging;東拉西扯 (of talk) rambling, incoherent, disorderly;東奔西走 going in all directions for s.t.;東張西望 to look in all directions.森Adv.(LL) rising or growing closely: 林豎,森聳 (buildings, trees) rising closely together or in a row;森列 displayed, stacked closely (weapons, armed soldiers, monuments, etc.).Words3. 森森 [sen1sen1], adj. & adv., dark, close, thick (vegetation): 黑森森 frightfully dark.柰Adv.(Corrupt var. of 奈 12.01).禁Adj. & adv.(*[jin1]) Durable, -bly: 禁穿 (of clothes) to wear well;禁用 long-lasting, serviceable for a long time;禁燒 (of fuel) slowburning.索Adv.(*[suo2]) 索性 [suo2xing4]↓.Words10. 索性 *[suo2xing4], adj., (1) straight-tempered; (2) (*[suo2xing4]), adv., may just as well, simply, without further ado: 索性給了他 might just as well make it a gift to him; adj., 索性走了 left without further trouble.素Adv.Usually, in the past, heretofore: 平素 ditto;素來,素日,素昔 [su4lai2], [su4ri4], [su4xi2]2↓;素不相識 didn't know him before;素不通信 haven't written each other before;素稱 has been known to be;素識 have known (person) for a long time;素知 I have known always.Words1. 素常 [su4chang2], adv., usually (comes to office punctually, etc.).12. 素來 [su4lai2], adv., see [su4chang2]↑.16. 素日 [su4ri4], adv., usually, in the past, see [su4chang2]↑.21. 素昔 [su4xi2]2, adv., here to fore.表Words14. 表面 [biao3mian4], n. & adj., outside, surface; on the outside, superficial: 由表面觀之 look at on the surface; 當表面 as a front; n. & adj., 表面上 [biao3mian4shang4], adj. & adv., superficial, -ly: 表面上的進步,朋友 superficial progress, friends; n. & adj., 表面化 [biao3mian4hua4], v.i., come to the surface (of hidden feelings, currents).十Adj. & adv.Complete: 十全十美 perfect (beauty, character);十足 [shi2zu2]↓.Words6. 十分 [shi2fen1], adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.); (2) tenth part: 十分之一,之三 one-tenth, three-tenths.7. 十個頭兒 [shi2ge0tou2er0], adv., (coll.) very, extremely: 天氣十個頭兒的冷 bitterly cold.本Adv.Originally, indicating what is not, but should be (short for 本來): 本(來)應該如此 should have been so anyway, similarly 本應,本該,本當;本(來)不如此 originally it was not so;本屬,本是,本可 originally belong, should be, might;本可合并討論 (the two problems) could have been discussed together.Words14. 本來 [ben3lai2], adv. & adj., originally, as a matter of fact: 本來不該他的事 (this matter) should not concern him; 本來面目 real (unmasked), original appearance or character.轟Words5. 轟然 [hong1ran2], adj. & adv., with booming noise.生Adv.(1)  Keenly in 生恐,生怕 [sheng1kong3], [sheng1pa4]↓;生疼 keenly painful;活生生 very much alive.(2)  Abruptly, rudely, by force: 生把他拉下來 pull him down by force;硬生生 abruptly.(3)  Used as adv. ending: 好生走路 walk cardfully;偏生 unfortunately;偏生我又不會 unfortunately, I don't know how;怎生 how: 不知怎生是好 don't know what to do (esp. in MC=怎麼, also wr. 作麼生).Words6. 生前 [sheng1qian2], adv., while person was living.56. 生平 [sheng1ping2], adv. phr., all one's life; usually: 生平不好酒 usually (one) does not drink or never drinks.62. 生生 [sheng1sheng1], adv., (1) generation after generation: 生生世世 ditto; (2) well and healthy: 生生憂慮出病來 get sick from sheer worry (for a healthy person); 好生生的怎麼就死了 how could he die so suddenly-he was looking so well? 生生不息 life and growth in nature, continuous reproduction (of plants and animals).直Adv.(1)  Straight, directly: 直達 go straight or directly;直視 look straight;秉筆直畫 write the truth without fear or favor;直言,直說 talk straight;直打直 in a straight manner;直前,直向前往 go straightforward;直陳 to present (facts) straight.(2)  Continuously: 一直走 go without stop;一直說 (or 哭) 下去 talk (or cry) on and on;直去直來 go and come back without stopover;直等一個人 keep waiting (without stop) for a person;直到 (conj.) until: 直到日入 until sundown;直到今日 until today.(3)  Just, only indeed: 直是 be indeed, be just (a shadow, a phantasy, a joke, etc.);直須 need only to (ask him direct, etc.);直不百步耳 (孟子) (of a retreating army retreating fifty paces) only difference is that it did not retreat a hundred paces.Words6. 直點兒 [zhi2diaaer0], adv., (apologize, etc.) continuously, repeatedly without stop.15. 直接 [zhi2jie2]1, adj. & adv., direct, direct-ly; 直接民權 rights of referendum and recall; 直接教授法 direct method of teaching modern language.19. 直致 [zhi2zhi4], (1) adj., straight, without wavering; (2) adv., until, so that.矗Adj. & adv.Perpendicular: 矗立 stand erect;直矗矗 very straight, straight up.整Words6. 整個兒 [zheng3ge4er0], adv., the whole piece or lot; completely (fail, destroyed, etc.).7. 整整 [zheng2zheng3], (1) adv., exactly: 整整一百元 exactly $100; (2) adj., as in 整整齊齊 very neat and orderly, see [zheng3qi0]↓.15. 整日 [zheng3ri4], adv., the whole day; 整日價 ditto.16. 整天 [zheng3tian1], adv., the whole day: 一整天.古Words14. 古來 [gu3lai2], adv., since ancient times.暫Adj. & adv.(1)  Temporary, for the time being: 暫且,暫時 [zhan4qie3], [zhan4shi2]↓;暫定 temporarily decide(d);暫住 stop at place for a while;暫用,暫借 use, borrow, for a short period;暫緩 postpone for the moment;暫不施行 hold up measure for the present.(2)  (AC) suddenly: 暫面 suddenly see one's face.Words1. 暫且 [zhan4qie3], adv., for the time being.2. 暫時 [zhan4shi2], adv., ditto.甫Adv.(LL) Just: 甫至,甫畢 just arrived, just closed (meeting);甫能 be just able to;甫識 just begin to know.南Adv.Southward: 南巡 (or kings) make an inspection trip in the south;南奔 escape southward;南投 go southward;南行 ditto;南下 go down south.毒Adj. & adv.(1)  Poisonous: 毒蟲,毒蛇 poisonous insect, snake;毒牙,毒刺 poison fangs, poisonous sting;毒箭,毒酒 poisoned arrow, wine.(2)  Malicious, murderous, with hate or intention to harm: (下) 毒手 use murderous means;毒計 dastardly plan to hurt or persecute;毒心 murderous heart;狠毒心腸 cruel heart;毒恨 bitter hate;惡毒 evil, cruel;毒打 beat mercilessly;毒罵 revile, rail at madly.先Adv.First, before (other things): 我先吃了 I have eaten already (ahead of dinner hour);first: 你先去 or 在先, you go first;以先,之先;(used after vb.) before: 未去之先 before he went away;先發制人(mil.) the advantage of initiative or initial attack, also in social or political fights;先禮後兵 first a courteous exchange of words, then war;先入為主 the first speaker has the advantage to instil certain notions;先入之見 prejudice;先花後果“first flower, then fruit”-first have daughters, then sons;先錢後酒 first pay, then deliver goods;先斬後奏 (general) empowered to kill first then report later;先親後不改 the form of address of a relative does not change if a new relationship develops;先憂後樂 first labor, then enjoy later;先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 a leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people.Words3. 先前 [xian1qian2], adv., in times before: 先前不這樣 it was not so before.4. 先期 [xian1qi2], (1) adv., beforehand: 先期通知他 inform him beforehand; (2) in earlier period.11. 先後 [xian1hou4], (1)adv., successively: 先後到會(guests)come in succession; (2)n., order of precedence.32. 先行 [xian1xing2], adv., first: 先行試辦 try first this arrangement.36. 先事 [xian1shi4]2 adv., first: 先事宣傳 begin first with publicity, propaganda.37. 先是 [xian1shi4]3 adv., (LL) to go back to the beginning (introducing background of story).43. 先頭 [xian1tou2], adv.,(1) at first: 先頭他不知道 at first he did not know; [xian1tou2], adv., (2) formerly.惠Adv.Kindly, graciously, be so kind as to: 惠賜,惠贈 (court.) so kind as to give;惠臨,惠然肯來 honor(me) with your presence;惠顧 (court. of prospective customer) graciously come to our shop, to patronize;惠存 (court.) keep as souvenir.想V.i. & t.(2)  To think of, to remember (oft. followed by adv., 到,起): 虧你想得到 how good of you to think of it;真Adv.Really, truly: 真正[zhen1zheng4]↓;真個 [zhen1ge4]↓;他真了不起 he is really marvellous;真的那麼厲害 is he really that capable or ruthless? 你真行 you are really wonderful;真大膽,聰明,etc. really daring, clever.Words7. 真個 [zhen1ge4], adv., (esp. MC) really (=真的):真個銷魂 (of woman) really captivating; really surrender in love.8. 真個的 [zhen1ge2de0], adv., ditto.10. 真正 [zhen1zheng4], adv., really, truly.22. 真心 [zhen1xin1], n., real feeling; adv., genuinely, sincerely: 真心信佛 genuinely believe in Buddhism.25. 真實 [zhen1shi2], adj. & adv. & n., true, -ly, real, -ly, factual, -ly, (facts, opinions, feelings, etc.).贅Adj. & adv.Extra, supernumerary: 贅言,贅詞,贅述 [zhui4yan2], [zhui4ci2], [zhui4shu4]↓;累贅 wordy, repetitious.契Words1. 契契 [qi4qi4], adv., (AC) sorrowfully.速Adj. & adv.Quick, -ly, rapid, -ly: 迅速,快速 quickly: 快速公路 freeway;火速,神速 as quickly as possible;高速 supra-speed (highway);加速 go faster, accelerate;速為辦理 do it quickly;速度,速率 [su4du4], [su4lU4]↓.Words3. 速駕 [su4jia4], adv., (invitation) to come early, start early on journey.造Words14. 造次 *[cao4ci4], adv., abruptly, quickly, without too much care.連Adj. & adv.Continuous, -ly, joined: 連年,連日,連天 year after year, day after day;連連 continuous, -ly;see 連,連續 [lian2mian2], [lian2xU4]↓;兵連禍結 continuous wars and turmoil;連篇累牘 pages and pages (of persiflage);連署 sign joint signatures;連記法 [lian2ji4fa3]↓;連名 (write letter, statement) with joint signatures;in comb. 連…帶:連踢帶打 both kick and hit (a person);連本帶利 both capital and interest.Adv.Even: 連看都不一看 won't even take a look;連理都不理 won't even pay any attention.Words4. 連氣兒 [lian2qie4er0], adv., in a fit of determination, anger, etc.: 一連氣兒告了三天假 asked for three day's leave straight; 一連氣跑了三里路 ran for a mile at one stretch.17. 連連 [lian2lian2], adv., continuously, in succession: 連連點頭 nod repeatedly.20. 連忙 [lian2mang2], adv., quickly, without hesitation.22. 連年 [lian2nian2], adv., year after year.27. 連日 [lian2ri4], adv., day after day (it rains, etc.)34. 連續 [lian2xU4], adj. & adv., continuous, -ly: 連續下雨 rains continuously; 連續犯 repeated offender.37. 連天 [lian2tian1], adj., & adv., (1) for days; 連天陰雨 rainy for days; (2) “touching the sky”; 叫苦連天 cry to heavens; 喊聲連天(=震天) screams pierce the sky; 大水連天 the flood reaches the horizon.41. 連夜 [lian2ye4], adv., (1) the very same night; (2) all night.打Words93. 打總兒 [da2zong3er0], adv., altogether.擦Words3. 擦黑兒 [tsaheer0], adv., about or toward dusk.據Words3. 據此 [jU4ci3], adv., on these grounds, for this reason, therefore, hence.攘Adj. & adv.In a state of confusion: 天下攘攘,皆為利往 (AC) all the hustle and bustle in the world is only for money;熙熙攘攘 (LL) streams of people busily coming and going.抖Words4. 抖擻 [dou2sou3], v.t., arouse spirit, pick up energy: 抖擻精神起來 pull oneself together and do things; 抖擻灰土 shake off dust; v.t., 抖抖擻擻 or 抖抖縮縮 adv., cringing, trembling with fear or embarrassment.搖Words16. 搖搖 [yao2yao2], adj. & adv., shaky, -ily.排Words14. 排門(兒) [pai2men2] ([pai2merer0]), adv., (sell) door to door.拂Words1. 拂晨 [fu2chen2]1, adv., at daybreak.3. 拂拂 [fu2fu2], adv., flapping.6. 拂曉 [fu2xiao3], adv., at break of day.掃Words17. 掃數 [sao3shu4], adv., the whole amount (repaid, etc.).21. 掃營兒 [sao3ying2er0], adv., (coll.) see [sao3shu4]↑.扭Adj. & adv.扭扭 bashful;扭股兒糖 in a twisting or wriggling manner;扭扭搭搭 swinging from side to side.拉Words44. 拉雜 [la1za2], adj. & adv. untidy, confused, (of room, etc.): 拉雜書來 write at random.擅Adv.Arbitrarily: 擅自作主 act arbitrarily;擅敢 dare without permission (open letters, etc.);擅便 [shan4bian4]↓.Words1. 擅便 [shan4bian4], adv., arbitrarily: 擅便行事 act arbitrarily.搭Words18. 搭訕著 [da1shan4zhe0], adv., (reply, leave) in a listless or embarrassed manner.舍Words6. 舍命 [she3ming4], adv., at the risk of one's life (=拼命).抽Words19. 抽冷子 [chou1leng3zi0], adv., to strike at unexpected moment, unexpectedly.捎Words1. 捎帶 [shao1](')[dai4], (1) v.t., to bring or carry along (an article); (2) 捎帶著 adv., while one is on it; 這件事他捎帶著就辦了 he will do it while on the job (without special effort); 捎帶腳兒逛公園 took a stroll in the park while on the way (to an invitation).扼Words5. 扼要 [e4yao4], adj. & adv. & n., (the) essential(ly), salient points as in summary: 請扼要的說一遍 tell us the essential points.托Words2. 托地 [tuo1di4], adv., (MC) suddenly: 托地跳將過去(=突然).抵Words11. 抵死 [di2si3], adv., stubbornly “until death,” to the end: 抵死不從,抵死不承認 refuse to submit, admit, even unto death; 抵死醉了 be dead drunk.挾Words1. 挾仇 [xie2chou2], v.i. & adv., nursing an enmity, harboring an old wrong.4. 挾恨 [xie2hen4], v.i. & adv., harboring a grudge, hatred.7. 挾嫌 [xie2xian2], v.i. & adv., carrying a grudge against s.o.撲Words1. 撲嗤(兒) [pu1chi1] ([pu1che1er0]), adv., descriptive of burst of laughter, or guffaw.2. 撲的 [pu1de1], adv., suddenly.5. 撲地 [pu1di4], adj. & adv., (1) all over the ground; (2) suddenly: 撲地落下來 suddenly drops to the ground.15. 撲撲 [pu1pu1], adv., descriptive of palpitation: 撲撲的心頭跳.16. 撲簌簌 [pu1shu1shu1], adv., gushing forth (tears).19. 撲通 [pu1tong1], adv., descriptive of sound of s.t. dropping into water.挨Words7. 挨著 [ai1zhe0] (*[ai2zhe1]), (1) part., hugging close to: 挨著路邊 hugging to the roadside; (2) adv., one by one: 一個挨著一個過過去 pass by one by one.8. 挨肩 [ai1jian1] (*[ai2jian1]), adv., rubbing shoulders with: 挨肩擦膀 go in a jostling crowd , also 挨肩兒 ([ai1jia1er0]).13. 挨門(兒) [ai1men2] ([ai1merer0]), adv., door-to -door (canvass, deliver, etc.).19. 挨次 [ai1ci4], adv., in good order, one by one.23. 挨晚兒 [ai1wa3er0], adv., toward dusk.撒Words20. 撒潑 [sa1po1], adj., & adv., vile-tem-pered (woman), given to scolding others.21. 撒然 *[sa3ran2], adv., (MC) abruptly (awakened).投Words21. 投明 [tou2ming2], (1) adv., toward down; (2) 棄暗投明 (of bandits, rebels) give oneself up to the government.22. 投暮 [tou2mu4], adv., (MC) toward dusk.援Words7. 援例 [yUan2li4], adv., according to precedent.捉Words4. 捉狹 [zhuo1xia2], adj., & adv., mischievous, calculating; 捉狹鬼 (abuse) nasty, mean fellow.提Words8. 提前 [ti2qian2], v.t., advance in date; adv., ahead: 提前考試 take examination ahead of schedule; v.i., as in 提前清償 payment in advance.抓Words7. 抓撓 [zhua1nao0], v.t., (1) to scratch (itch); (2) to scramble, clutch and grab: 別抓撓東西 don't scramble a set of things; (3) to struggle, clamber: 他們兩人抓撓起來了 the two begin to clutch at each other; (4) to hustle, make hastily: 幫他們抓撓飯 help them hurry up the meal; 抓抓撓撓 adv., hurriedly: 抓抓撓撓把飯吃了 finished the meal hurriedly; (5) 抓撓兒 n., a children's game of bending and unbending fingers.10. 抓早兒 [zhua1zao3er0], adv., get up early (to start journey, etc.).挺Adv.(1)  (Coll.) rather, pretty: 挺好 quite good;摟Words7. 摟頭 [lou1tou2], adv., head on: 摟頭就是一棍,把他打倒 felled him with a blow head-on.接Words10. 接著 [jie1zhe0], adv., right after: 接著第三者來了 a third party came right after.按Words3. 按成(兒) [an4cheng2]([er0]), adv., proportionately (=按成分).15. 按次 [an4ci4], adv., in good order or sequence.根Words1. 根本 [gen1ben3], (1) n., root, bottom, foundation; (2) adj. & adv., basic(ally): 根本問題 a basic problem; adj. & adv., 這件事根本就不對 the thing is basically wrong; (3) adj., honorable, reputable: 根本人家兒 a decent family; (4) adv., utterly, entirely, completely: 根本不知 don't know it at all; adv., 根本沒有這回事 it's utterly unfounded.3. 根底(兒) [gen1di3] ([gen1dieeer0]), n., (1) the basis, the why and wherefore of a thing (also 根兒底兒,根兒里); n., as adv. phr., basically; n., (2) the foundation of a thing; (3) background learning, early training: 他的根底很好 he has good scholastic training; (4) one's material possessions: 他頗有根底 he is quite well-to-do.權Adv.For the present: 權且代理 act as deputy for the time being.Words3. 權且 [qUan2qie3], adv., for the time being.枉Adv.(1)  (Court.) condescend to: 枉顧,枉駕 [wang3gu4], [wang3jia4]↓.(2)  Vainly: 枉費,枉然 [wang3fei4], [wang3ran2]↓.(3)  Unjustly: 枉死 [wang3si3]↓.Words11. 枉然 [wang3ran2], adv., (struggle, die) in vain.梯Words5. 梯己 [ti1ji3], (1) n., secret savings (of housewife, etc.); (2) adj., very partial, confidential (probably standing for 體己): 梯己話 confidential talk; adj., 梯己人 a confidant(e); (3) adv., personally: 梯己送路 send off personally.極Adv.Very, to the highest degree: 極大,極小 the biggest, smallest;極好,極壞 the best, the worst;極多,極少 maximum, minimum amount;極美,極丑 prettiest, ugliest;極難,極易 hardest, easiest;極表同情 most sympathetic;極為贊美 praise to the skies.Words1. 極其 [ji2qi2], adv., very, to the fullest measure.7. 極端 [ji2duan1], (1) n., extreme points, ends, or limits of a thing: 走極端 go to extremes; (2) adj., extreme, radical: 極端手段 extreme measures; 極端思想 radical thoughts; (3) adv., extraordinarily, very: 極端不好 indescribably bad; adv., 極端可恨 most hateful; 極端可愛 most lovable; 極端理想 highly idealistic.8. 極度 [ji2du4], adj. & adv., extreme(ly), ultimate(ly), intemperate(ly), up to the breaking point.14. 極目 [ji2mu4], adv., as far as the eye can see: 極目四望 take a panoramic view from some vantage point.格Words9. 格外 [ge2wai4], adv., exceptionally: 格外小心 be especially careful.相Adv.Mutually, each other, together (oft. used like a prefix to vbb., with the sense “with”): 相勸 to reason with, persuade;相會,相聚 to meet together;相對 face with;相告 tell (speak with) another person;相煩 to bother (person);相罵,相打 scold, fight each other;相爭 wrangle with each other;相助 help each other;相敬如賓 (of couple) treat each other with respect (“like guests”);相生相克 (of 五行 the states of motion) mutually reinforce or neutralize;相映成趣 gain by contrast;相提并論 to be mentioned in the same breath, regarded in same category;相形見拙 lose by comparison;相得 [xiang4de2]↓;不相上下 about equal;實不相瞞 I am telling you the truth;相犯 interfere with each other;相商 discuss together;相托,相囑 to ask a person to do s.t., etc.Words18. 相反 [xiang1fan3], v.i., to be opposite, contrary: 正正相反 exactly the opposite; 相反的adv., contrariwise, on the contrary.27. 相互 [xiang1hu4], adv., mutually (help, envy, etc.) each other.30. 相將 [xiang1jiang1], adv., together, in each other's company.33. 相偕 [xiang1jie1], adv., together (go away, etc.).72. 相與 [xiang1yU3], (1) v.i., live or work together: 很難相與 difficult to live with or work with (person); (2) adv., together (climb mountains, laugh, etc.).概Adv.概 or 一概 all, without exception;概不賒欠 no credit allowed to anybody, always cash;概作罷論 let no more be said about it altogether;概不作答 no reply will be given to any correspondence;概而言之 generally speaking;可以概見 generally evident;概覽 viewed in gen.橫Adj. & adv.(1)  Across, horizontal, sideways: 橫渡 ferry or sail across;橫放 lay down horizontally;橫斜 (flower branches) leaning across and downward;橫斷山脈 a mountain range which cuts across area;橫斷面 a cross section (of a tree, ship, etc.);橫行 walk sideways (as crab);橫貫公路 the cross-island highway, east-west highway, opp. 縱貫 north-south;橫擋路中 stand across the road;玉體橫陳 her body lying stretched across the bed;橫列 arranged in a row;opp. 豎 or 直 straight down, hence 橫豎 crisscross, see [hen2shu4]↓.(2)  (*[heng4]) Violent, cross, cruel, tyrannical: 他忽然橫起來 he suddenly became cross (flared up);你不要這麼橫 don't be so cross;橫虎虎的 excited and angry;橫話 violent words;橫眼 a sidelong belligerant look, glower;處士橫議 (AC) the scholars indulged in free criticism;橫行霸道 act against law and reason, like a tyrant;蠻橫 overbearing, arrogant;橫暴,橫逆 [heng4bao4], [heng4ni4]↓.(3)  (*[heng4]) By accident: 橫死 die an unnatural death;橫禍 unexpected disaster;橫事 ditto.(4)  (*[heng4]) Illegal: 發橫財 get rich illegally, making a windfall.Words12. 橫豎 [heng2shu4], adv., either way, in either case: 橫豎我不來了 anyway I am not coming; adv., oft. in phr., meaning crisscross: 橫七豎八,橫三豎四 spread all across in confusion; adv., 橫沖直撞 to run amuck, (of vehicle or person) collide right and left.撲Words5. 樸實 [pu2shi0], adj., simple, direct honest: 樸樸實實(兒) adv., directly, in simple, direct way.梭Words4. 梭梭 [suo1suo1], adv., (eyes) shifting like the shuttle.特Adv.Especially, specially: oft. 特別,特地 [te4bie2], [te4di4]↓;特 used alone, common in LL and official writing: 特派,特遣 send, appoint especially;特命 appoint by presidential mandate;特準,特赦 give special permission, pardon by special decree;at end of correspondence: 特此函達,奉告,通知 you are hereby notified, informed, of the above;大錯特錯 grievously mistaken.Words1. 特別 [te4bie2], adj. & adv., special, -ly: 特別費用,開支 special expenses; 特別理由 special reason; 特別快車 special express; 特別掛號 special delivery; 特別通融 make a special exception.7. 特地 [te4di4], adv., specially: 特地為這件事來 come specially for this purpose.21. 特為 [te4wei2], adv., specially (do, provide s.t.); ([te4wei4]) specially for.23. 特意 [te4yi4]1, adv., purposely.物Words21. 物物 [wu4wu4], adv., everything: 物物交換 exchange article by article.轉Adv.Used freely before another vb., in sense “on,” “round”: 轉交,轉達,轉致,轉遞,轉送 please forward (letter);轉告 please tell the other party;轉飭 please give order to subordinate (department);see 轉相 [juaanxiang1]↓;宛轉 62.70.Words1. 轉背 [zhuan3bei4], adv., as soon as one turns one's back.19. 轉念 [zhuan3nian4], adv., as in 轉念間 in a short while, before you know it.25. 轉相 [zhuan3xiang1], adv., each other by turn: 轉相仿效 copy each other; 轉相警告 warn each other in turn.28. 轉手 [zhuan2shou3], (1) V.i., to pass on to another; (2) adv., in a moment: 轉手成空 lose all quickly; adv., 轉手變卦 change one's mind in a short moment.29. 轉瞬 [zhuan3shun4], adv., in the twinkling of an eye, quickly.33. 轉側 [zhuan3ce4], (1) v.i., toss about in bed; (2) adv., before you turn your back.36. 轉眼 [zhuan3yan3], adv., in the twinkling of an eye.軒Words15. 軒軒 [xUan1xUan1], adj., & adv., proud, self-pleased: 軒軒自得.輕Adv.Lightly, softly: 輕吹,輕奏 play softly in music;輕敲 tap softly;輕輕 [qing1qing1]↓;輕舉妄動 act rashly;輕諾寡信 who promises too lightly is seldom able to live up to his words;輕信謠言 listen indiscriminately to rumors;輕妝 have a simple makeup.Words5. 輕輕 (兒) (的) [qing1qing1]([er0])([de0]), adv., lightly, softly (tap a door, lay s.t. on floor); (talk) softly; (tell him) gently.18. 輕舉 [qing1jU3], phr., (1) (LL) (Taoist) to go up to heaven bodily; (2) 輕舉妄動 see Adv.↑.28. 輕聲 [qing1sheng1]2, (1) n., untoned or unaccented (syllable), marked by preceding('), as 先生 [xian1sheng0], [xian1sheng1]; (2) adv., in a light voice.30. 輕率 [qing1shuai4], adj., & adv., light-minded, -ly.37. 輕易 [qing1yi4], (1) adj., easy to do; (2) adv., light-mindely: 輕易舉兵 rashly start a war; adv., 他不輕易來 he does not come without important reason; 不輕易動怒 he does not get angry without good reason.輒Adv.(LL) usually, often: 輒難之 often took issue with him;輒以為是 usually approve;動輒得咎 usually blamed for every move.較Adv.More (=更): 較高,較低 higher, lower;較好,較長,較短 better, longer, shorter;較遠,較近 farther, nearer;比較 v.t., to compare, see 比 21S.70, adv., comparatively;計較 to dispute: 別和他計較 to let him have his way.Words1. 較真兒 [jiao4zhe1er0], adv., in earnest (=認真), earnestly.博Adj. & adv.Broad, learned, well-read, esp. 廣博 broad in learning, knowledge or territory;淵博 broad and deep (in learning, philosophy);博大 [bo2da4]↓;博施濟眾 phr., interested in charities;博洽多聞 phr., knowledgeable, well-informed, conversant;博覽群書 be well read, has read many books;博古通今 conversant with ancient and modern learning.靜Adj. & adv.(1)  Motionless, static, passive (opp. 動 mobile, dynamic, active): 動靜 active and passive, dynamic and static, also a person's movements;靜臥 lie motionless;靜伏 lie low;靜觀 contemplate, watch from the sidelines;靜修 (Cath.) retreat, also 避靜.(2)  Silent, quiet: 靜悄悄 quiet(ly), silent(ly);寂靜 silent, quiet, still, noiseless;沈靜 taciturn, reticent;夜深人靜 in the dead of night.(3)  Peaceful, calm, tranquil: 靜謐 quiet and peaceful.(4)  Chaste: 貞靜 modest and chaste.干Words5. 干麼 [gan4ma2], adv., (1) why: 你干麼不走 why didn't you leave? (2) what are you doing? (oft. shortened to [ga4ma2]).胡Adv.(1)  (AC) why (=modn. 何): 胡不歸 why not go (come) home;胡以,胡為 [hu2yi3], [hu2wei2]↓;作此胡為,此胡為者 what is this for?(2)  Without law, order or reason, recklessly, blindly, foolishly: 胡花 spend money foolishly;胡來,胡搞 [hu2lai2], [hu2gao3]↓;胡亂,胡鬧 [hu2luan4], [hu2nao4]↑;胡說 [hu2shuo1]↓;oft. coupled with 亂:胡思亂想 let mind wander, entertain foolish ideas;胡言亂語 talk foolishly;胡作非為 commit foolish acts.Words14. 胡里胡涂 [hu2li0hu2tu0], adv., in disorderly fashion (also wr. 糊里).16. 胡亂 [hu2luan4], adv., anyhow, carelessly: 胡亂過一夜 pass the night without proper sleep; 胡亂吃下去 eat a meal without thinking.30. 胡涂 [hu2tu2]1 ([hu2tu0]), adj. & adv., (1) muddle-headed, slow-witted; (2) haphazardly, slipshod: 胡涂了事 wind up a case or finish a job carelessly.31. 胡突 [hu2tu2]2, adv., see [hu2tu2]1↑.33. 胡為 [hu2wei2], adv., (LL) why: 胡為至此 why brought to this pass?34. 胡以 [hu2yi3], adv., why: 胡以如此 why so, why this?朝Words8. 朝夕 *[zhao1xi4], adv., (1) morning and night: 朝夕思慕 think of person morning and night; (2) in a short while.切Adj. & adv.(1)  Close, -ly, fitting, to the point: 切中 (時弊,要害) hit closely the shortcomings, hit the nail on the head;不切事,不切實際 (opinions, remarks) unrealistic, not practicable, not correspond to reality;切鄰 (MC) close neighbor;切膚之痛 sorrow hits home, or sorrow like cutting one's flesh: 切身,切己,切近 [qie4shen1], [qie4ji3], [qie4jin4]↓;親切 warm and sincere;關切 be concerned about (person, affair);密切注意 watch closely.(2)  Firmly: 切勸 sincerely persuade or dissuade, firmly advise;切諫 firmly advise (ruler) against;切責 severely charge (with duty), reprimand.(3)  Urgent, -ly, be careful to, carefully: 迫切 urgent;see 切切 [qie4qie4]↓;used imperatively, be sure to: 切記 be sure to remember;切勿忘記 must never forget;切不可 must never;切囑 (this is my) most urgent advice;切望 I hope sincerely, urgently.Words1. 切切 [qie4qie4], adv., (1) (in imperative sentence) please do, be sure to: 切切記住 be sure to remember; 切切毋違 be sure not to disobey; (2) descriptive of sorrow: 凄凄切切,切切而哀 plaintive, mournfully; of small whispering sounds: 小弦切切如私語 the small strings seem like whispering; (AC) of careful work or demeanor: 切切偲偲; of fondness: 切切故鄉情 fondly remember home distict.協Words6. 協力 [xie2li4], adv., pulling together: 同心協力 unite all efforts for common purpose.10. 協同 [xie2tong2], adv., working together or with (another person).勃Adj. & adv.Sudden (-ly), rising: 勃騰騰 (MC) very angry.Words6. 勃然 [bo2ran2], adj. & adv., sudden (-ly): 勃然變色 turning red in the face, angry.乾Adv.(1)  In vain: 乾著急 exasperated and anxious and can do nothing about it;乾瞪眼 stare helplessly;乾撂臺 fail to turn up for appointment.(2)  Without tears or other liquids: 乾咳 a dry cough (without phlegm);乾哭,乾嚎,乾號 howling without tears;乾嘔 vomit and throw up nothing;借乾舖 borrow a bed for the night in singsong house (“without moisture”).(3)  Only, with nothing else: 乾憑這點本事 (person) has only this bit of skill;乾靠你一份薪水 depend only on your salary (for household expenses).Words45. 乾脆 [gan1cui4], (1) adj., straightfoward: 他做人很乾脆 he is very straightforward; (2) adv., simply and without hesitation or mincing words: 他說話乾脆 he does not beat about the bush; 不如乾脆把這筆賬勾掉 it would be simpler to write it off as bad debt; 乾脆就做把 do it then without further discussion; (3) adj., (food) crisp: 又乾又脆.頓Adv.Suddenly: 頓改前非 suddenly reform oneself;頓悟 suddenly realize (the truth), (Zen) awakening in a flash of insight.Words4. 頓時 [dun4shi2], adv., at once, immediately, in a short space.故Adv.Purposely, intentionally: 故意 [gu4yi4]↓;明知故犯 commit an offense knowingly;故作不知 pretend not to be aware of.Words4. 故爾 [gu4er3], adv., therefore, hence.5. 故而 [gu4er2], adv., ditto.20. 故此 [gu4ci3], adv., for this reason, on this account.22. 故意 [gu4yi4], n. & adv., (1) n., an old friend's goodwill: 十觴亦不醉,感子故意長 so grateful for your hospitality, I have downed ten goblets and not got tipsy; n. & adv., (2) adv., on purpose: 故意不回答 purposely did not give a reply.赤Words9. 赤腳 [chi4jiao3], adj. & adv., barefooted.18. 赤手 [chi4shou3], adv., with barehands.21. 赤足 [chi4zu2], adj. & adv., barefooted, see [chi4jiao3]↑.幸Adj.不幸 adj. & adv., unfortunate, -ly.Adv.(1)  Kindly, please: 幸勿推卻 please be kind enough not to decline.(2)  Fortunately: 幸而,幸虧 [xing4er2], [xing4kui1]↓;幸得 ditto;幸得是你 luckily it was you;幸得原諒 fortunately you forgave me;幸已脫險 happily or luckily (person) is out of danger;幸告完成 happily it is completed;不幸給他瞧見 unfortunately he saw it;不幸而言中 if unfortunately what I predict should come about.Words2. 幸而 [xing4er2], adv., luckily: 幸而是你 luckily it is you and not s.o. else.4. 幸虧 [xing4kui1], adv., fortunately: 幸虧他早有準備 fortunately he was well prepared.盍Adv.(1)  (AC) why not (何不,曷不):盍各言爾志 (AC) why not tell me each of his ambition in life? 盍興乎來 (AC) why not rise up (in revolt), come and join us?(2)  (AC) why: 盍令不行 why is order not obeyed?喜V.i.(2)  To feel happy: 可喜 likeable, (adv.) luckily;熱Adv.Immediately: 趁熱 do s.t. right away: 趁熱打鐵 strike while the iron is hot;又不趁熱趕將去 haven't gone there at once.老Words22. 老大 [lao3da4], n., (1) a person of advanced age; (2) the eldest brother; (3) a gangster leader; n., 老大的 [lao3da4de0], adv., very, extremely, exceedingly: 心里老大的不愿意 extremely unwilling.60. 老來 [lao3lai1], adv., in one's old age: 老來貧 live in poverty in old age; 老來少 old in age but young at heart; 老來俏 (of woman) becomes prettier as one gets older.111. 老早 [lao2zao3], adv., very early: 老早起來 got up very early; long ago: 那信老早寄出去了 that letter was posted long ago.124. 老遠 [lao2yUan3], adj. & adv., from afar.載Adv.(1)  (U.f. 再) again, once more: 載拜 “yours respectfully,” as a polite complimentary close to letters.(2)  Then: 載戢干戈 then fighting will cease.Words1. 載道 [zai4dao4], v.i. & adv., (1) v.i., (of litr. works) moralize; v.i. & adv., (2) adv., everywhere: 怨聲載道 voices of discontent can be heard all over.截Adv.




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