

单词 adj
释义 adjabbr.1.【语法】=adjective2.=adjutant详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr.=adjective【语法】=adjutantadj寸Adj.(1)  Very small in amount: 手無寸鐵 a man unarmed (“not a scrap of metal”);寸步難行 cannot walk a step;寸土寸地 a wisp of territory;寸絲不掛 totally nude;寸腸 my little thoughts or feelings;寸紙 a short note;寸刻,寸,寸晷 even a brief moment (must be utilized);寸功 humble achievement or service;寸進 small progress;寸草不留 complete devastation of land.(2)  (Coll.) just right, right moment: 他來得真寸 he comes just at the right time.專Adj. & adv.(1)  Concentrated, devoted: 用心不專 is not devoted to one thing: 專心,專誠,專一,專專 [zhuan1xin1], [zhuan1cheng2], [zhuan1yi1], [zhuan1zhuan1]↓.(2)  Special, -ly confined to one subject or area: 專長,專利 [zhuan1chang2], [zhuan1li4]↓;專門,專科 [zhuan1men2], [zhuan1ke1]↓;專家 [zhuan1jia1]↓;專攻歷史 specialize in history;專精,專擅 be specially good at some field;專對他一人說 talk specially to him along;專此 (end of letter) the above is what I write about specially;專望 I wait or hope specially;專差,專足 by special messenger;專用線 Lines for special use, private line;專律 special laws;專條 special clause.(3)  Arbitrary, high-handed, tyrannical: 專橫,專制 [zhuan1heng4], [zhuan1zhi4]↓;自專 arbitrary, willful.Words8. 專斷 [zhuan1duan4], adj., arbitrary (in decisions).9. 專橫 [zhuan1heng4], adj., arbitrary, intolerant, overbearing.20. 專門 [zhuan1men2], (1) n. & adj., a specialized science; n. & adj., a specialty; 專門學校 a technological or professional school or college; (2) adv., specially: 專門與我作對 obssessed in opposing me.23. 專任 [zhuan1ren4], v.t., specially appointed to take full charge of (department, case, affair, etc.); adj. & n., full-time job, opp. 兼任 concurrent.挈Words1. 挈挈 [qie4qie4], adj., (AC) in a hurry.未Words5. 未冠 [wei4guan4], adj., (AC) not yet mature, before the “capping ceremony” (冠禮).12. 未來 [wei4lai2], n., the future, time to come; n., 未來的 adj., future (luck, etc.).13. 未了 [wei4liao3], adj., unfinished (business).16. 未然 [wei4ran2], adj. & n., before event, before it happens: 防患於未然 prevent trouble before it happens.17. 未入流 [wei4ru4liu2]. adj., out of the run; (of writers) not yet known or recognized.末Adj.(1)  Last in time : 末了 at the end;末班車 the last train or bus;末年 the last years of a period;末葉 the last generations of family, last part of century or dynasty;末流,末代 last generations.(2)  Last in place: 末座,末位,末席 the lowest seats at table.(3)  Last in importance: 末技,末藝 small arts;末策,末計 the last resort after other methods fail;末議 insignificant criticism, (modest) my humble views;末官 (modest) your humble servant, self-reference of official to superior.Words11. 末世 [mo4shi4], adj., last or declining years; 末世論 [mo4shi4lun4], n., eschatology.朱Adj.Vermilion, scarlet: 朱唇皓齒 red lips and white teeth;傅粉涂朱 facial make-up of powder and rouge;近朱者赤 phr. (fig.) be influenced by close association.Words3. 朱紅 [zhu1hong2], adj., scarlet. vermilion, a shade paler than 大紅 deep red.15. 朱殷 [zhu1yin1], adj., (AC) deep red.來Adj.(1)  Future, later on: 來年[lai2nian2], 來日 [lai2ri4]↓;來春 next spring;來月 next month;來歲 next year;來世 [lai2shi4]2, 來生 [lai2sheng1]↓.(2)  (Of person or thing) coming, incoming;來人 [lai2ren2], 來使 [lai2shi3], 來者 [lai2zhe3]↓;來函,來札,來翰 your letter;來意 [lai2yi4]↓;來情去意 mutual expressions of affection;來勢 [lai2shi4]4↓;送往迎來 be busy welcoming and bidding good-bye to friends.東N. & adj.(1)  The east, eastern: 東方 east;東邊 east side;遠東 the Far East: 近東 Middle East;東半球 Eastern Hemisphere;東風過耳 (advice) unheeded;東山再起 (of politician) to stage a comebake (allu.);東施效顰 (allu.) ugly woman (東施) trying to imitate famous beauty (西施) knitting her brows.(2)  Host, landlord, owner: 房東 landlord;股東 shareholder;作東 be host of dinner;東道,東兒,東家 [dong1dao4], [dong1er0], [dong1jia1]↓.(3)  (MC) toilet, latrine 東廁,東司.(4)  A surname.Words2. 東邊 [dong1bian1], adj., east side, on the east.束Words4. 束縛 [shu4fu2], v.t. & adj. & n., constraint, rigid control: 不受束縛 will not submit to control.木Adj.(1)  Wooden.(2)  Insensitive: 木了,麻木 (了) benumbed, paralyzed;木訥 [mu4na4]↓;木頭木腦 blockhead, stupid;木立 stand like a post;木雕泥塑 (person like) clay or wooden statue, blockhead.Words7. 木強 [mu4qiang2], adj., stiff, insensitive. also wr. 木疆.27. 木刻 [mu4ke4], n. & adj., woodcarved (object); wood carving; woodcut.35. 木訥 [mu4na4], adj., silent, slow of speech.森Adj.(1)  In close rows as trees in forest: 森羅 [sen1luo2]↓;in close rows.(2)  Dark: 陰森 dark in dealings, cunning;黑森森 very dark;森然 see [sen1yan2]↓.(3)  Severe: 森嚴 [sen1yan2]↓.Words2. 森羅 [sen1luo2], adj., formidable: 森羅萬象 in formidable array; 森羅殿 palace of the King of Hell=閻羅殿.3. 森森 [sen1sen1], adj. & adv., dark, close, thick (vegetation): 黑森森 frightfully dark.4. 森嚴 [sen1yan2], adj., (laws, regulations) severe.5. 森郁 [sen1yU4], adj., thickly overgrown.橐Words3. 橐橐 [tuo2tuo2]2, adj., click-clack, sound of footsteps.禁V.t.違禁品 n., & adj., contraband;Adj. & adv.(*[jin1]) Durable, -bly: 禁穿 (of clothes) to wear well;禁用 long-lasting, serviceable for a long time;禁燒 (of fuel) slowburning.索Adj.Lonely, depressed: 索然 [suo3ran2]↓;離群索居 live alone, cut off from society.Words7. 索寞 [suo3mo4], adj., lonely, bored, depressed (also wr. 索莫,索漠).9. 索然 [suo3ran2], adj., (1) dull, uninteresting: 索然無味; (2) quiet, isolated: 牙門索然 (AC) commandant's office is quiet, without callers; (3) depressed: 索然出涕 (AC) depressed and shed tears.10. 索性 *[suo2xing4], adj., (1) straight-tempered; (2) (*[suo2xing4]), adv., may just as well, simply, without further ado: 索性給了他 might just as well make it a gift to him; adj., 索性走了 left without further trouble.13. 索索 [suo2suo3], adj., (1) a rustle, whispering sound; (2) (AC) frightened, startled; (3) bored, see [suo3ran2]↑.素Adj.(1)  White, color of mourning: 素服 [su4fu2]↓;素車白馬 white horse and unadorned carriage used at funeral;素手 [su4shou3]↓;素月 the bright moon.(2)  Simple, unadorned: 樸素 (person) simple, without ostentation of any kind;素質 [su4zhi2]↓;素服,素位,素餐 [su4fu2], [su4wei4], [su4can1]↓.(3)  Usual, habitual, present and past: 素望 usual, habitual reputation;素愿 lifelong wish;素行 [su4xing2], 素交suh-jiau↓;素風 habitual manner.(4)  Vegetarian, opp. 葷 [hun1], meat: 素火腿 ham made of bean curd;素面 noodles with vegetarian garnish;素油 [su4you2]↓;素席 [su4xi2]1↓.(5)  Poor: 寒素 (family) poor;無奈自己手頭兒素 unfortunately have no money.Words5. 素封 [su4feng1], adj., (AC) rich without ranks.9. 素凈 [su4jing4], adj., simple and neat (dress).15. 素樸 [su4pu2], adj., simple, unadorned (also wr. 素樸).23. 素手 [su4shou3], (1) n., white hand; (2) adj., empty-handed.絜Adj.(*[jie2]) U.f. 潔 63A.01.求V.i. & t.(oft. +adj.);表Words14. 表面 [biao3mian4], n. & adj., outside, surface; on the outside, superficial: 由表面觀之 look at on the surface; 當表面 as a front; n. & adj., 表面上 [biao3mian4shang4], adj. & adv., superficial, -ly: 表面上的進步,朋友 superficial progress, friends; n. & adj., 表面化 [biao3mian4hua4], v.i., come to the surface (of hidden feelings, currents).喪Adj.(*[sang4]) Downcast, outcast: 喪氣 [sang4qi4]↓: 頹喪 downcast, given up hope, dismal.Words3. 喪氣 [sang4qi4], adj., (1) downcast, frustrated; (2) ([sang4qi0]) adj., unlucky.十N. & adj.Ten: 十多個,十來個 over ten (pieces);十多歲,十來歲 over ten (of age);幾十個 several tens or dozens;百十來個 over hundred (pieces);十二使徒 the Twelve Disciples;十八羅漢 the eighteen Lohans (Arahats);女大十八變 a growing girl changes a great deal, how a teenage girl changes from year to year;十八般武藝 various skills in boxing, fighting with sword, spear, etc.;十三經 the Thirteen Classics, see 經 93B.30;十有八九 eight or nine out of ten;十無二三 less than two or three out of ten;十分之一 one-tenth;十一 (a) eleven, (b) one-tenth;十成,十分 [shi2cheng2], [shi2fen1]↓;十室九空 almost all (nine-tenths) houses empty after raid;十拿九穩 almost (nine-tenths) certain, 90 percent sure;十羊九牧 nine shepherds for ten sheep-more officials than residents;十目所視,十手所指 (AC) all eyes see it and all fingers point to it-useless to hide;十年樹木,百年樹人 it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men-long-term plan.Adj. & adv.Complete: 十全十美 perfect (beauty, character);十足 [shi2zu2]↓.Words1. 十成(兒) [shi2cheng2]([er0]), adj., hundred per cent (gold content, etc.): 有十成把握 hundred, percent certain.2. 十全 [shi2qUan2], adj., perfect, all complete (happiness, etc.).4. 十二 [shi2e4] ([she4]), adj., twelve: 十二分抱歉,滿意 hundred percent (“120%”) sorry, satisfied; 十二宮 the twelve constellations of the zodiac; 十二指腸 [shi2e4zhi3chang2], n., the duodenum; adj., 十二時 the twelve two-hour periods, 子,丑,寅,卯 (see Appendix A); 十二小時 twelve hours; adj.,十二屬 [shi2e4shu3], 十二肖 [shi2e4xiao4], the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A).6. 十分 [shi2fen1], adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.); (2) tenth part: 十分之一,之三 one-tenth, three-tenths.10. 十錦 [shi2jin3], adj., (dish) garnished with various ingredients: 十錦大鍋 casserole with different meat and vegetable contents.13. 十足 [shi2zu2], adj., hundred percent (pleased, arrogant, etc.): 十足赤金 24-karat gold; 十足洋奴 completely denationalized person, subservient to foreigners.14. 十字(兒) [shi2zi4] ([shi2ze4er0]), n. & adj., cross-shaped like letter +:十字架 the Christian cross; 十字街 or 街口 crossroads; 十字軍 the Crusades; 十字火 cross fire; 紅十字會 the Red Cross.本Adj.(1)  This, the present, our: 本日,本月,本周,本年 this day,month, week, year;本埠,本市 local (mail), this city;本國,本省 our country, this or our province;本鄉 or 本鄉土兒 our (one's) local district;本校 our school;本號 our shop;本人 [ben3ren2]↓;本土 native (products, etc.).(2)  Original: 本籍 one's ancestral district;本意 original meaning or intention;本義 original meaning.Words3. 本地 [ben3di4], n., & adj., native place or people, local; 本地人,話 local people, dialect; 本地出產 local product.14. 本來 [ben3lai2], adv. & adj., originally, as a matter of fact: 本來不該他的事 (this matter) should not concern him; 本來面目 real (unmasked), original appearance or character.25. 本生 [ben3sheng1], adj., natural; 本生父母 one's real, natural parents.豐Adj.Good-looking handsome, full and round.轟Adj.A booming noise: see 轟轟 [hong1hong1]↓.Words2. 轟轟 [hong1hong1], adj., descriptive of big, booming noise: 轟轟烈烈 with a heroic determination or in a sensational manner.5. 轟然 [hong1ran2], adj. & adv., with booming noise.辜Adj.Guilty: 無辜 innocent, free from guilt.牛Words6. 牛氣 [niu2qi0], adj., arrogant.生Adj.(1)  Raw.uncooked (meat, fruit), not processed (iron, copper, silk, oil, etc.): 生菜 uncooked, fresh vegetable;生油 [sheng1you2]↓;unripe: 蘋果生得很 the apple is still quite unripe;生地 one's birthplace, a strange place, a piece of uncultivated land;生書,生課 a new, yet untaught lesson.(2)  Crude, inexperienced, not smooth, not well learned: 生澀,生硬 [sheng1se4]2, [sheng1ying4]↓;生手 [sheng1shou3]↓.(3)  Strange, unfamiliar: 生人,生客 [sheng1ren2], [sheng1ke4]1↓;面生,陌生 (face) not seen before;生字 new, unlearned character.(4)  Alive: 生擒 capture alive;生吞活剝 interpret text, passage crudely without real understanding (“eat it alive”);生拉硬拽 do arm-twisting, force s.o. to do s.t.Words5. 生成 [sheng1cheng2], adj., born (clever, stubborn, etc.).13. 生動 [sheng1dong4], adj., moving: 氣韻生動 (painting) has rhythmic vitality.17. 生分 [sheng1fen0], adj., (person) not intimate enough, not well known to one: 不生分 quite familiar with each other.30. 生就(的) [sheng1jiu4]([de0]), adj., born one way or another (nervous, suspicious, etc.).39. 生來 [sheng1lai2], adj., see [sheng1jiu4], [sheng1cheng2]↑.40. 生冷 [sheng1leng3], adj., cold (in style, approach); n., (Chin. med.) cold dishes, cold drinks, fruits.59. 生色 [sheng1se4]1, (1) v.i., add color or luster (to gathering), come alive; (2) adj., distinctive (performance).60. 生澀 [sheng1se4]2, adj., crude, faulty (knowledge), lacking in fluency (in reading).65. 生性 [sheng1xing4], (1) n., one's born nature (violent, gentle, etc.); (2) ([sheng1xing0]) adj., aloof, solitary in nature: 他有點兒生性 he does not get along well with people.70. 生疏 [sheng1shu1], adj., (1) (of friends) having less contact, getting more distant; (2) (piano playing, sleight-of-hand, etc.) having not played for a long time, getting rusty.81. 生疼 [sheng1tong4], (1) adj., very painful; (2) v.t., to love dearly.89. 生硬 [sheng1ying4], adj., not smooth, not polished, crude (writing), rigid, stern, stiff.卉Adj.Plentiful.靠Words2. 靠不住 [kao4bu2zhu4], adj., undependable.3. 靠常兒 [kao4chang2er0], adj., (coll.) long lasting, wearing well.5. 靠得住 [kao4de2zhu4], adj., dependable.7. 靠近 [kao4jin4], adj. & prep., near: 靠近那邊 near that side.直Adj.(1)  Erect, vertical, straight, not crooked: 垂直 perpendicular, hang straight;直上 straight up;直上直下 perpendicular;伸直腿 stretch legs straight;直挺挺,直蹶蹶 straight and stiff (in erect or prostrate position);直勾勾,直瞪瞪 stare bluntly, scared stiff;筆直 very straight;曲直 the right and wrong of parties in quarrel.(2)  Straight and honest: 正直 fair and honest;忠直 loyal;直道 [zhi2dao4]2↓.(3)  Straight forward: 直脾氣 straight temper: 直性 [zhi2xing4]↓;剛直 honorable, inflexible, incorruptible;直心眼兒 forthright (person);直漢 an honest fellow;坦直,率直 frank, candid, straight forward (confession, admission);說直話 give a straight talk;直爽 [zhi2shuang3]↓.(4)  On duty: 直日 (=值日) day on duty.Words5. 直道 [zhi2dao4]2, adj. & n., honest, straight dealing, the straight and narrow path.15. 直接 [zhi2jie2]1, adj. & adv., direct, direct-ly; 直接民權 rights of referendum and recall; 直接教授法 direct method of teaching modern language.16. 直捷 [zhi2jie2]2, adj. direct (communication, line): 直捷 (or 直截) 了當 phr., simple and direct (opp. beating about the bush).19. 直致 [zhi2zhi4], (1) adj., straight, without wavering; (2) adv., until, so that.21. 直諒 [zhi2liang4], adj., (AC) right and honorable (persons).23. 直溜 [zhi2liu0], adj., very smooth and straight.25. 直脈 [zhi2mo4], (1) adj., (bot.) straight-veined; (2) n., direct line of descent, see [zhi2xi4]↑.29. 直轄 [zhi2xia2], adj., under direct jurisdiction of central government.31. 直性(兒)(子) [zhi2xing4er0], (-[zi0]), adj., forthright (character).33. 直爽 [zhi2shuang3], adj., outspoken, straightforward, forthright.34. 直率 [zhi2shuai4], adj., ditto.矗Adj. & adv.Perpendicular: 矗立 stand erect;直矗矗 very straight, straight up.整V.t.also the whole unit, see Adj.2↓;Adj.(1)  Neat, tidy, orderly: 整齊,整潔 [zheng3qi0], [zheng3jie2]↓;齊整 tidy.(2)  Whole, not divided: 完整 intact;整個兒,整數 [zheng3ge4er0], [zheng3shu4]1↓;整日整夜 whole day and night;整夜不眠 did not sleep the whole night;整塊給他 give him the whole piece;整句念出來 read the whole sentence;說不出一句整話 cannot say a complete sentence;整院子都聽見你叫了 the whole courtyard heard your scream.Words2. 整齊 [zheng3qi0], adj., tidy, orderly, well-arranged (group or row), forming a complete set.3. 整飭 [zheng3chi4], adj., clean and orderly, sharply disciplined (conduct): 軍容整飭 in fine battle array.7. 整整 [zheng2zheng3], (1) adv., exactly: 整整一百元 exactly $100; (2) adj., as in 整整齊齊 very neat and orderly, see [zheng3qi0]↓.8. 整潔 [zheng3jie2], adj., clean and neat.古Adj.(1)  Old, ancient, classic, oldfashioned: 古代 [gu3dai4], 古人 [gu3ren2], 古物 [gu3wu4]↓;古錢,古畫,古籍 ancient coins, paintings, books;古裝 old-fashioned binding or dress;古妝 in ancient costume;古語,古諺 an old saying, proverb;古井無波 (usu. of women) have no more sexual desire, (lit., “not a ripple in an ancient well”);古色古香 (of ancient objects of art) having antique flavor;古雅 [gu3ya3]↓;古法 time-honored methods.(2)  (Of persons or things) different from the gen. accepted norm: 古怪 [gu3guai0], 古板 [gu3ban3]↓.Words1. 古板 [gu3ban3], adj., (1) ultra-conservative, single-track-minded; unavvommodating; (2) oldfashioned, out-of -date.4. 古道 [gu3dao4], (1) adj., kind, considerate, generous (lit., “acting like a gentleman of old”): 古道熱腸 considerate and warmhearted; (2) n., ancient rules and methods; (3) n., ancient road.5. 古典 [gu3dian3], n., & adj., classic, classical: 古典主義 classicism; 古典派 classicist; 古典音樂 classical music.9. 古怪 [gu3guai0], adj., peculiar, eccentric,exotic: 希奇古怪 strange and eccentric.13. 古老 [gu3lao3], adj., old-fashioned, outmoded.15. 古樸 [gu2pu3], adj., (of manners) simple and plain, uncontaminated by modern fads.17. 古稀 [gu3xi1], adj., seventy years old: 古稀老人 an old man aged three score and ten; 年近古稀 approaching seventy in age.18. 古昔 [gu3xi2], adj., of old, in times gone by.26. 古雅 [gu3ya3], adj., with a classic touch and in the best taste.杏Words4. 杏黃 [xing4huang2], adj., apricot yellow.哲Adj.Wise: 明哲 discreet;明哲保身 keep out of harm by discretion.謷Adj.(AC) magnificent: 謷乎大哉.砉Adj.(AC) sound of crashing.杳Adj.(1)  Deeply hidden: 杳冥,杳遠[yao3ming2], [yao3yUan3]↓.(2)  Dark, silent: 杳然 [yao3ran2]↓;(3)  杳無音信 completely not heard from;杳杳無蹤 left without a trace;杳如黃鶴 (LL) gone like the yellow stork.Words1. 杳冥 [yao3ming2], adj., dark and fathomless.2. 杳然 [yao3ran2], adj., without any sound.3. 杳遠 [yao3yUan3], adj., far distant.Adj.(1)  Clear (=晰 41A.22).(2)  White (u.f. 皙).暫Adj. & adv.(1)  Temporary, for the time being: 暫且,暫時 [zhan4qie3], [zhan4shi2]↓;暫定 temporarily decide(d);暫住 stop at place for a while;暫用,暫借 use, borrow, for a short period;暫緩 postpone for the moment;暫不施行 hold up measure for the present.(2)  (AC) suddenly: 暫面 suddenly see one's face.皙Adj.(1)  (Of human skin) white: 白皙,白皙皙 very white.(2)  Clear (var. of 晰 41A.22)嗇Adj.Miserly, stingy: 吝嗇 ditto.青Adj.(1)  Green, greenish, sometimes blue;cf. 青錄,青翠 [qing1lU4], [qing1cui4]↓;青虛虛 very green;青山綠水 green hills and blue waters;青天 the blue sky;臉色發青 sallow, greenish complexion;青腫 bluish swelling on skin;青出於藍而勝於藍 pupil excels teacher (“green comes from blue but excels blue”);不管青紅皂白 phr., irrespective of right or wrong in dispute (“green, red, black or white”).(2)  Not ripe: 青梅,青杏 green prune, apricot;橘子還青呢 the orange is not ripe yet;青黃不接 food shortage between two harvests, gap between generations or any gap in succession.(3)  Young: 年青 (of person) young, immature;他很年青 he is very young;青春,青年 [qing1chun1], [qing1nian2]↓.(4)  Black, dark, greyish: 青牛,青狐 black ox, black fox;青驪,青馬 grey horse;藏青 dark, heavy blue;石青 dark green;佛青 purplish black;青素 black and white (clothing);青絲 black hair.(5)  Gracious: 青眼 (the black of eye) sympathetic look, dist. 白眼 (white of eye) look of disdain;青覽,青鑒,青及 (in letters) for your gracious perusal;青眼,青睞 [qing1yan3], [qing1lai4]↓;垂青 show favor to (person), kindly look or consideration.Words2. 青青 [qing1qing1], adj., green (grass).3. 青春 [qing1chun1], adj. & n., (1) young, period of youth: 青春時代 years of one's youth; 青春期 puberty; adj. & n., (2) age (in asking of a youth): 你青春幾何 how young (i.e., old) are you?49. 青年 [qing1nian2], n. & adj., youth; youthful; 青年期 adolescence; 青年會 Y.M.C.A.; 青年商會 Junior Chamber of Commerce; 青年節 Youth Day.66. 青翠 [qing1cui4], adj., beautiful green (garden, etc.).67. 青蔥 [qing1cong1], (1) adj., ditto; (2) n., onion. [qing1ci2]1, n., pure pale-green porcelain, much valued.71. 青紫 [qing1zi3], adj. & n., (1) purple and blue (bruise); (2) ancient officials of high rank (dressed in purple and green).77. 青熒 [qing1ying2]1, adj., shining (of lamp light, jade).毒Adj. & adv.(1)  Poisonous: 毒蟲,毒蛇 poisonous insect, snake;毒牙,毒刺 poison fangs, poisonous sting;毒箭,毒酒 poisoned arrow, wine.(2)  Malicious, murderous, with hate or intention to harm: (下) 毒手 use murderous means;毒計 dastardly plan to hurt or persecute;毒心 murderous heart;狠毒心腸 cruel heart;毒恨 bitter hate;惡毒 evil, cruel;毒打 beat mercilessly;毒罵 revile, rail at madly.Words4. 毒辣 [du2la4], adj., murderous, cruel, devilish (plan).棼Adj.Confusing, tangled.驁Adj.Unruly, uncontrollable, proud: 桀驁 violent-tempered;驁放 proud and disdainful of conventions.熬Adj.(*[ao1]) Worried, despondent: 今天他熬了 he is in a bad mood today;熬心,熬惱 [ao2xin1], [ao2nao3]↓;熬頭,熬喳兒[ao2tou0], [ao2cha2er0]↓.Words1. 熬熬 [ao2ao2], adj., (AC) discontented, clamorous (=嗷嗷).2. 熬喳兒 *[ao1cha2er0], adj., depressed, indifferent to everything.5. 熬惱 *[ao1nao3], adj., irritated, vexed.7. 熬心 *[ao1xin1], adj., see [ao2nao3]↑.七Adj.Seven, seven times;七擒七放 (allu.) 諸葛亮七擒孟獲 Juker Liahng subjugated a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times;七十二 a round number;七十二行 every one of the seventy-two professions;出七 an impossible number in dice where the maximum is six, hence a miracle: 說出七來也不行 even a miracle won't make (s.o.) budge;他可貧出七來了 he is down to the last cent;七…八… higgledy-piggledy, pell-mell;七大八小,七長八短 of uneven size;七顛八倒 totter in any and all directions;亂七八糟,七零八落 all a hideous mess;七扭八歪 (of things) in a state of great disorder: 七楞八瓣 of most uneven size and formation;七手八腳 to serve hand and foot;七上八下 (or 落) in a mental flurry of indecision;七嘴八舌,七言八語 all talking in confusion or offering different opinions;七拼八湊 to scrape together;七折八扣 not pay up full amount;七通八達 (of location) reaching out in all directions;七老八十 in one's seventies.屯Adj.(*[zhun1]) (In AC compp. only) 屯剝 ([tun2bo1]), 屯否 ([tun2pi3]), 屯難 ([zhun1nan4]), 屯質 ([tun2zhi4]), 屯坎 ([tun2kan3]),all meaning encountering hard knocks in life, buffeted.先Adj.(1)  Ahead in place, before in time, opp. 後 behind: 先路 road ahead, those leading;先例[xian1li4]↓(2)  The deceased, the late (uncle, mother, husband, wife, etc.): 先大夫,先府君 my (our) late father;先秦 pre-Chirn period.(3)  Pertaining to past ages: 先圣,先賢,先哲,先輩 [xian1sheng4], [xian1xian2], [xian1zhe2], [xian1bei4]↓.(4)  Of prime importance or prior in importance: 先要[xian1yao4]↓.Words18. 先決 [xian1jUe2]1, adj., first to be determined: 先決問題,條件 problem, terms, to be decided first, precondition.41. 先史 [xian1shi3], adj., prehistoric: 先史時代 prehistoric times.42. 先天 [xian1tian1], n., (1) born constitution, physique or mental energy; (2)instinctive, inborn, innate (kindness); n., (3) 先天性 adj.&. n., (disease) congenital.克Adj.The very (day): 克日,克期完成 finish the very day, on set date (also wr. 克).Words3. 克家 [ke4jia1], adj., (AC) be worthy to carry on family fortune; 克家子 such worthy son.4. 克己 [ke4ji3], adj., unselfish, or v.i., overcome selfishness; adj., (in business sales) sacrifice, cheap; self-denial.梵Adj.(1)  Buddhist: 梵宮,梵剎,梵宇 Buddhist temple;梵師 Buddhist monk;梵嫂 Buddhist monk's wife (facet.).(2)  Sanskrit: 梵文,梵宇 Sanskrit script, language;梵語 Sanskrit language.恝Adj.Without care or worry: 恝然 indifferent, unconcerned.惠Adj.Kind, generous: 惠音 your kind letter;惠政 benevolent policy;惠聲 reputation for kindness;惠風 mild air or breeze;惠而不費 phr., a kind act which does not cost much.慧Adj.Intelligent: 聰慧 bright, (mind, child);靈慧,黠慧 quick in understanding;秀外慧中 (usu. of child, girl) pretty and intelligent;淑慧 bright and good (woman).懋Adj.Splendid, worthy: 懋業,績,功 splendid achievement;懋典 impressive ceremony.真Adj.Real, genuine, true: 真實,真確 [zhen1shi2], [zhen1qUe4]↓;(opp. to 偽,假) 真偽 [zhen1wei4]↓;真假[zhen1jia3]↓;這玉是真的 this jade is genuine;真的事實 real, true facts;真情,真跡[zhen1qing2], [zhen1ji1]↓;真面目 the real or close view of person or thing, dist. hearsay or reputation;真知灼見 insight won from close knowledge of subject;真善美(nn.) the true, the good and the beautiful;失真 (of portrait, copy) not true to life or to original;天真 innocent, naive;認真 earnest;寫真,傳真 portrait;寫真 also (Japanese) photograph;逼真 lifelike.Words1. 真切 [zhen1qie4], adj., realistic, close to life (description); earnest (appeal).5. 真確 [zhen1qUe4], adj., true, not false (facts, opinion).24. 真率 [zhen1shuai4], adj., genuine, forthright, without affectations.25. 真實 [zhen1shi2], adj. & adv. & n., true, -ly, real, -ly, factual, -ly, (facts, opinions, feelings, etc.).賁Adj.(*[bi4]) Shining.Words1. 賁賁 [ben1ben1], adj., (AC) making chattering noise (of birds).贅Adj. & adv.Extra, supernumerary: 贅言,贅詞,贅述 [zhui4yan2], [zhui4ci2], [zhui4shu4]↓;累贅 wordy, repetitious.契Adj.Sworn: 契兄弟 sworn brother;契父,契母 [qi4fu4], [qi4mu3].↓.Words4. 契合 [qi4he2], (1) v.i., agree, match together; (2) adj., intimate, suitable, friendly.9. 契闊 *[qie4kuo4], adj., (LL) separated: 契闊三年 absence of three years; 契闊之情 remembrance during absence.樊Words2. 樊然 [fan2ran2], adj., (LL) confusing.支Adj.Disperse: 支離 [zhi1li2]↓.Words4. 支絀 [zhi1chu4], adj., short of money.18. 支離 [zhi1li2], adj., broken up, piecemeal: 支離散亂 all jumbled up; adj. 支離破碎 all broken up, (of arguments) occupied with unimportant details; adj. 言語支離 give ambiguous statements.楚Adj.(1)  Painful: 痛楚 pain, -ful苦楚 (also v.t. & n.) a distress, distressed, to distress;酸楚 pitiful, sad.(2)  Neat, clear: 清楚 clear;楚楚 [chu3chu3]↓.Words2. 楚楚 [chu2chu3], adj., (1) bright and clear; (2) luxuriant; (3) 楚楚可憐 delicate and touching (girl); 楚楚動人 delicate and attractive.速Adj. & adv.Quick, -ly, rapid, -ly: 迅速,快速 quickly: 快速公路 freeway;火速,神速 as quickly as possible;高速 supra-speed (highway);加速 go faster, accelerate;速為辦理 do it quickly;速度,速率 [su4du4], [su4lU4]↓.Words1. 速成 [su4cheng2], v.i. & adj., do hurriedly, cram: 速成科 a short course (in subject).造Words16. 造作 [zao4zuo4], (1) v.t., make, manufacture; (2) adj., artificial, labored; (3) as in 矯揉造作 falsify, -fied, done for effect.連Adj. & adv.Continuous, -ly, joined: 連年,連日,連天 year after year, day after day;連連 continuous, -ly;see 連,連續 [lian2mian2], [lian2xU4]↓;兵連禍結 continuous wars and turmoil;連篇累牘 pages and pages (of persiflage);連署 sign joint signatures;連記法 [lian2ji4fa3]↓;連名 (write letter, statement) with joint signatures;in comb. 連…帶:連踢帶打 both kick and hit (a person);連本帶利 both capital and interest.Words6. 連帶 [lian2dai4], adj., connected: 連帶關系 (two events) are connected.8. 連合 [lian2he2], v.i. & adj., combine(d), join (efforts, pieces together); cf. 聯合 unite(d), 31S.22.11. 連接 [lian2jie1], v.i.& adj.,(happen) together, one after another: 連接見四個客人 receive four visitors in succession.14. 連珠 [lian2zhu1], adj., joined like a string: 連珠炮 a string of firecrackers; 連珠箭 a volley of arrows.18. 連理 [lian2li3], adj., in 連理枝 two trees with a joined branch; (fig.) marital love.21. 連綿 [lian2mian2], adj., continuous, -ly: 連綿不斷 without stop or break.28. 連心 [lian2xin1] adj., deeply attached to one another.34. 連續 [lian2xU4], adj. & adv., continuous, -ly: 連續下雨 rains continuously; 連續犯 repeated offender.35. 連鎖 [lian2suo3], adj., linked together: 連鎖關系 causally related; 連鎖反應 chain reaction.37. 連天 [lian2tian1], adj., & adv., (1) for days; 連天陰雨 rainy for days; (2) “touching the sky”; 叫苦連天 cry to heavens; 喊聲連天(=震天) screams pierce the sky; 大水連天 the flood reaches the horizon.40. 連延 [lian2yan2], v.i., & adj., stretch on , spread (as mountain range).郁Adj.(1)  Dense (forest): 郁勃 [yU4bo2]↓;郁沉沉 very dense or deep.(2) Melancholy, pent up, repressed in feeling: 郁悶,郁紆,郁伊[yU4men4], [yU4yU1], [yU4yi1]↓.Words1. 郁勃 [yU4bo2], adj, dense (growth).2. 郁結 [yU4jie2], adj., tied up, tangled up, depressed in feeling.4. 郁積 [yU4ji2], adj., tangled up, see [yU4jie2]↑.5. 郁悶 [zhu4men4], adj., depressed, melancholy.6. 郁塞 [yU4se4], adj., see [yU4jie2]↑ .7. 郁陶 [yU4tao2], adj., (AC) longing, anguished.8. 郁伊 [yU4yi1], adj., melancholy, depressed.9. 郁邑 [yU4ji4], adj., ditto (also wr. 郁悒).10. 郁紆 [yU4yU1], adj., ditto.11. 郁郁 [yU4yU4]1, adj., fragrant.12. 郁燠 [yU4yU4]2, adj., (1) hot, murky (weather); (2) melancholy.婪Adj.Greedy, avaricious: 貪婪.Words1. 婪酣 [lan2han1], adj., gluttonous.2. 婪婪 [lan2lan2], adj., insatiably greedy.持Words4. 持衡 [chi2heng2], (1) v.i., (LL) maintain standard by criticism of events, personalities; (2) adj., balanced (criticism).打Words59. 打緊 [da2jin3], (1) v.i., as in 不打緊 does not matter, of no importance; (2) adj., critical, urgent.擰Adj.(1)  (*[ning3]) Wrong, mistaken: 擰了 make mistake, make a correction;(n.,) 擰兒 a difference of opinion: 他們倆有點擰兒.(2)  (*[ning4]) 擰性 stubborn by nature;擰種 such a stubborn fellow!抹Words3. 抹膩 [mo3ni0], adj., very neat and precise.撩Words4. 撩亂 [liao2luan4], adj., in confusion.5. 撩人 [liao2ren2], adj., stirring, moving.揉Adj.Mixed, mingled, confused: 揉雜 disordered, jumbled, intermingled.擦Words4. 擦擦 [ca1ca1], adj., descriptive of scraping sounds.振Words7. 振振 *[zhen1zhen1], adj., (AC) kind, generous; impressive-looking; 振振有詞 with eloquence (argumentatively).攘Adj. & adv.In a state of confusion: 天下攘攘,皆為利往 (AC) all the hustle and bustle in the world is only for money;熙熙攘攘 (LL) streams of people busily coming and going.掉Words4. 掉歪 [diao4wai1], adj., naughty, mischievous.拌Words2. 拌蒜 [ban4suan4], v.i., walk knock kneed, bandy-legged; (fig.) meet constant frustrations; n. & adj., gauche, gaucherie, clumsy, -siness.捍Words2. 捍格 [han4ge2], adj., incompatible, ill-fitting: 捍格不入 do not mesh, (ideas) mutually conflict.摔Words1. 摔打 [shuai1da3], v.i., receive hard knocks: 在外頭摔打過 went through the rough and tumble of life-experienced hardships; v.i., 摔打咂拉 [shuai1da3za2la2], adj., tough (person), letting nothing stand in the way.擢Adj.Tall, erect (trees): 擢木千尋 trees hundreds of feet tall.Words3. 擢秀 [zhuo2xiu4], adj., (1) outstanding (talent, character); (2) luxuriant (plant).撞Adj.撞鼻 rebuffed.Words1. 撞壁 [zhuang4bi4], adj., up against a blind wall.擁Words5. 擁擠 [yong3ji3], adj., crowded.拙Adj.(1)  Stupid, dull: 笨拙 ditto;口拙 slow of speech;拙眼 [zhuo2yan3]↓.(2)  (Court., self-deprecating) my (“stupid”): 拙見 my opinion;拙著 my book or essay;拙荊 my wife;恕我眼拙 I beg to differ (“excuse my stupid view”).Words1. 拙笨 [zhuo2ben4], adj., stupid.5. 拙劣 [zhuo2lie4], adj., inferior, execrable (work).6. 拙實 [zhuo2shi0], adj., solidly built.摳Words1. 摳摟 [kou1lou0] adj., sunken: 眼睛摳摟兒 the eyes are sunken (as from lack of sleep).搖Words16. 搖搖 [yao2yao2], adj. & adv., shaky, -ily.掛Words17. 掛零(兒) [gua4ling2]('l), adj., odd, with a little extra: 他已經五十掛零了 he is over fifty (“fifty plus”)29. 掛味兒 [gua4weher0], adj., (of singing or food) pleasing to the ear or palate, pleasant to listen to or to eat.排Words3. 排場 [pai2chang2], adj., impressive looking (of dress, feasts, gatherings).拂Words4. 拂戾 [fu2li4], adj. disobedient, unruly.掃Words16. 掃興 [sao3xing4] ([sao4xing4]), v.i., feel disappointed; v.i., adj., disappointing.抑Words8. 抑塞 [yi4se4], (LL)(1) v.i. & t., to block progress; (2) adj., or p.p., (drain) blocked; adj., (people) hindered from rising to top.10. 抑揚 [yi4yang2], (1) adj., rising and falling (of tones, rhythm); (2) n., praise and blame; (3) adj., drifting aimlessly.11. 抑抑 [yi4yi4], adj., (AC) meticulously correct (manners).扭Adj. & adv.扭扭 bashful;扭股兒糖 in a twisting or wriggling manner;扭扭搭搭 swinging from side to side.拉Words13. 拉答 [la1da2], adj., untidy, slovenly (of composition, furniture, etc.).14. 拉丁 [la1ding1], n. & adj., (translit.) Latin (also wr. 臘丁).16. 拉忽 *[la3hu0], adj., (1) careless, negligent; (2) stupid, foolish, muddle-headed.37. 拉颯 [la1sa4], n., & adj., (MC & Soochow dial.) dirt, -ty, garbage (var. of 垃圾, [le4se4]).42. 拉絲 [la1si1], adj., (1) (of action) hesitating: 人家決不拉絲,說走就走they never hesitate and, if they agree to go, will go right away; (2) (of speech) longwinded: 說的捷脆快,并不拉絲 what (he) said was perfectly clear-cut and not long-winded.43. 拉遢 [la2ta0], adj. dirty, untidy.44. 拉雜 [la1za2], adj. & adv. untidy, confused, (of room, etc.): 拉雜書來 write at random.拮Words1. 拮據 [jie2jU1], (1) n., a sore hand; (2) adj., lacking financial resources: 手頭拮據 broke , short of funds.拓Words6. 拓落 [tuo4luo4], adj., in hard luck, unsuccessful in career.招Words44. 招眼 [zhao1yan3], adj., conspicuous; 招眼毒 [zhao1yao1du2], v.i., cause jealousy.據Words1. 拮據 [jie2jU1], adj., short of money.拾Words5. 拾沒 [shi2mo0], adj., (MC) =什麼,甚麼 what?描Words2. 描金 [miao2jin1], adj., (of furniture) painted with gold lines.抽Words21. 抽象 [chou1xiang4], adj., abstract: 抽象名詞 abstract nouns; 抽象畫 abstract painting.撟Words1. 撟捷 [jiao4jie2], v.i. & adj., agile, alert and nimble.拐Words2. 拐孤 [guai3gu0], adj., odd, whimsical: 那人脾氣很拐孤 that man is rather peculiar.4. 拐角兒 [guai3jiao3er0], (1) v.i., make just one turn; (2) adj., situated at the corner: 拐角兒上那家店鋪 the shop just around the street corner.8. 拐彎兒 [guai3wa1er0], adj., (1) making turns in walking; (2) where the road turns; (3) speaking indirectly or hinting: 這個人說話總愛拐彎兒抹角兒的 the man will always beat around the bush; (4) (of numbers) more than: 這本新書比那本舊的貴兩倍還要拐彎兒 the new book costs more than double the old one.揚Adj.Loud, showy: 趾高氣揚 strut about, head in the clouds, give oneself airs;揚聲 a loud voice.Words2. 揚氣 [yang2qi0], adj., smug, self-satisfied.4. 揚厲 [yang2li4], adj., arrogant.9. 揚揚 [yang2yang2], adj., self-satisfied.撝Adj.撝謙 (AC) sincere and humble.拘Adj.Subject to restraint: 拘謹 [jU1jin3]↓;拘拘縮縮 timid, timorous, spiritless;拘泥 [jU1ni2]↓;拘禮 [jU1li3]↓.Words4. 拘介 [jU1jie4], adj., (LL) (of conduct) scrupulously correct.6. 拘謹 [jU1jin3], adj., (of persons) cautious, modest, diffident, reserved.8. 拘執 [jU1zhi2], (1) adj., stubborn; (2) v.t., to arrest.9. 拘拘 [jU1jU1], adj., (1) sticking to rules, formalistic; (2) (AC) hunchbacked; (3) 拘拘小數 a small amount.13. 拘攣兒 [jU1'lyuaer0], adj., cramped;17. 拘泥 [jU1ni2], v.i. & adj., (be) formalistic, sticking to the rules.19. 拘束 [jU1shu4]([jU1su0]), (1) v.t., restrain, restrict the freedom of; (2) adj., (of persons) awkward. timid, shy, not at ease.搊Words1. 搊搜 [chou1sou3], adj., (MC) ugly in looks or temper.拗Adj.(*[yU4], *[yao4],sp. pr. *[niu4]) Stubborn, recalcitrant: 違拗 defy (orders, law), defiant;拗強,拗性 [ao4qiang2],[ao4xing4]↓.Words2. 拗強 [ao4qiang2], adj., stubborn.5. 拗性 *[niu4xing4] ([ao4xing0]), adj., stubborn.扎Adj.(1)  Broad: 扎腦門兒 broad-headed.(2)  Widespread, open: 扎煞,扎勒扎煞 [zha1sha0], [zha1le0zha1sha1]↓.Words1. 扎耳 [zha1er3], adj., grates on the ears, irritating to the ears: 這話聽著很扎耳朵 such words grate on my ears.7. 扎勒扎煞 [zha1le0zha1sha1], adj., widespread:




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