properzi aluminum method
properzi aluminum method卜氏连续铸铝法properzi aluminum method卜氏連續鑄鋁法礦冶工程名詞
as if speechless
as if speechless,
as if to say
as if touched with a wand
as if… ever!
as if (或 though)one owned the place
as if (或 though)one's life depended on (或 upon) it
as if (或 though) something were(或 was) not enough
a sigh
a sigh enough to melt a rock
a sigh enough to melt the rocks
a sigh of admiration
a sigh of pity
a sight better
a sight better(或more等)
a sight for sore eyes
a sight for sore eyes(或for the gods)
a sight for sore for the gods
a sight more等
a sight of
a sight to see
a signal defeat
a signal flag
a signal flag with serrated edges
a signal gun
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更新时间:2024/12/23 1:31:20