

单词 anc
释义 ANC abbr. African National Council (罗得西亚)非洲人全国委员会 American News Company 美国新闻社 Arlington National Cemetry (美国)阿灵顿国家公墓 Army Nurse Corps (美国)陆军护士队 Australian Newspapers Council 澳大利亚报业理事会 anc. abbr. ancient anciently  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 ANCabbr.① 非洲民族會議(=African National Congress)ANC/ˌeɪenˈsiː/n.=African National Congress详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˌeɪenˈsiː/=African National Congressanc 27B25 [chun1]. [Anc. var. of春 12.41]屯N.(2)  (*[chun2]) Anc. place name.掂 73B10  10A.40-6/64 ㄉㄧㄢ [dian1]. [Anc. var.敁]拋Words11. 拋堶 [pao1tuo2], n., (AC) an anc. game consisting of throwing bricks or stones.擬V.t.(5)  To consciously imitate, to follow manner or style: 摹擬 carefully copy anc. painting;權N.(4)  Anc. var. of 顴 cheekbone.柳 120B55  10B.22-9/75 ㄌㄧㄡˇ [liu3]. [Anc. var. ,]椌N.(AC) name of anc. wood-wind instrument;柷N.(AC) an anc. musical instrument;杞N.(2)  Name of anc. country, dwelled by descendants of [xia4] 夏 Dyn.: 杞人憂天 (abbr. into 杞憂) (allu.) a man of 杞 worried that the sky might fall down--superfluous worry.棋 137B15  10B.80-2/75 ㄑㄧˊ [qi2]. [Anc. var. ; pop.碁]犧Words2. 犧尊 [xi1zun1], n., an anc. wooden wine vessel in shape of an ox with hole on back.轘N.Anc. execution by tearing body apart with several carts.軔N.(2)  (U.f. 仞) an anc. measure of varying lengths: 掘井九軔 dig a well several score feet deep.輒N.(AC) stepping board on anc. cart. 163B15 ㄔˋ [chi4]. [Anc. var.敕 10S.82]馨Adj. & n.(2)  (Anc. dial.) such, like in 寧馨兒 such a (bright) child; 185B00 [zai1]. [Anc. var. of災 93.81]趙N.(1)  Name of an anc. country;越N.(1)  Name of anc. kingdom. 196A00 [fu4]. [Anc. var. of附 32B.00]均N.(2)  Name of an anc. measure.(3)  An anc. musical instrument.塤N.Anc. ocarina, made of clay; 220C40 [he2]. [Anc. var. of盍 11.30] 222B25 [shen4]. [Anc. var. of慎 22A.80]尷 225C20  12.70/43 ㄍㄢ [gan1]. [Anc. var ]失Words6. 失傳 [shi1chuan2], v.i., (of anc. art, book, mediacl formula) lost through the generations.夷N.(1)  Anc. barbarian tribe on east border, any border or foreign tribe: 夷狄 border tribes in gen., spec. on east (夷) and north (狄);(3)  Anc. plough-like implement.套Words13. 套色版 [tao4se4ban3], n., anc. colored woodblocks; such printing. 238A25 [qi2]. [Anc. var. of棋 10B.80]燕N.(3)  (*[yan1]) (a) Name of anc. kingdom where Peiping is: 燕京 [yan4jing1]↓;黃Words34. 黃鐘 [huang2zhong1], n., one of the twelve bells determining musical scale in anc. China.蔡N.(2)  An anc. state.薛N.(2)  The name of an anc. feudal state.莒N.(3)  The name of an anc. principality: 毋忘在莒 (allu.) a reminder not to forget the national humiliation but to recover the lost territory.芮N.(1)  Name of an anc. principality.花Words35. 花黃 [hua1huang2], n., an anc. cosmetic, from yellow flowers, rubbed on women's forehead.夔Words2. 夔龍 [kui2long2], n., an animal of lizard type in anc. bronzes.藝 293B00  20A.93-1/140 ㄧˋ [yi4]. [Anc. var.埶]靴 296B25  20B.70-9/177 ㄒㄩㄝ [xUe1]. [Anc. var. ]鞭Words8. 鞭土牛 [bian1tu3niu2], phr., anc. spring ceremony of beating earthen ox, also called 打春 “beating the spring.”鵲Words5. 鵲鏡 [qUe4jing4], n., anc. bronze mirror with magpie design on back.出Words112. 出土 [chu1tu3], v.i., (1) (anc. objects) be excavated; (2) sprout up; (3) 剛出土兒 just born.小Words62. 小篆 [xiao3zhuan4]2, n., anc. script in Chirn and Hahn Dyns., simplified from 大篆.112. 小學 [xiao3xUe2], n., (1) elementary school, primary school; (2) study of anc. forms, phonology and meaning of written language.水Words94. 水漏 [shui3lou4], n., an (anc.) water clock, clepsydra.韋Words1. 韋編 [wei2bian1], n., (AC) leather strap for binding bamboo strips (竹,策冊) the anc. form of books.州Words1. 州伯 [zhou1bo2], n., (AC) head of one of the nine main divisions (九州) in anc. times.畫Words14. 畫角 [hua4jUe2], n., an anc. horn used in the army like bugle.書Words38. 書傳 [shu1zhuan4], n., (AC) books and records; commentary on 尚書 an anc. classic.41. 書卷 [shu1jUan4], n., book, esp. in anc. form of a scroll: 書卷氣 phr., (of painting, person) air of cultivated refinement.也Fin. part.古也,墓而不墳 in anc. days, a grave was made without a mound.典Words6. 典章 [dian3zhang1], n., cultural establishments (典章文物); anc. institutions.7. 典籍 [dian3ji2], n., books in gen., esp. anc. works.蟲N.(1)  Anc. var. of 虺 31.70.蟲Words3. 蟲篆 [chong2zhuan4], n., (1) the [zhuan4] or seal script on anc. bronze; (2) (AC) (fig.) insignificant decorative skill.螺 412A10  22D.01-4/142 ㄌㄨㄛˊ [luo2]. [Anc. var.蠃]螘 414C30  22D.30-2/142 ㄧˇ [yi3]. [Anc. var. of蟻 ant] 426A50 [wa4]. [Anc. var. of襪 63C.71]三Words21. 三墳五典 [san1fen2wu2dian3], n., lost anc. books of historical records.44. 三節棍 [san1jie2gun4], n., an anc. weapon, a three-jointed bar.45. 三晉 [san1jin4], phr., the anc. state of Jihn 晉, later divided into three states: 趙 Jauh 魏 Weih and 韓 Harn.豆N.(2)  Anc. sacrificial vessel.于Prep.indistinguishable from 於 60S.63, except anc. usage has confirmed the following compp.↓. 443A20 [qin2]. [Anc. var. of琴 31.32]玉Words3. 玉帛 [yU4bo2], n., jade and silks-gifts in anc. China.奡N.Name of anc. person.五Adj.The number five: 五尺之童 (AC) a young boy of five anc. feet;Words36. 五刑 [wu3xing2]1, n., the five anc. punishments: tattoo, cutting off nose, feet, castration and death, 墨,劓,剕,宮,大辟.盃 461A30  31.30/108 ㄅㄟ [bei1] [Anc. var. of杯 10B.01]百Words19. 百衲本 *[bo2na4ben3], n., edition of anc. works made up of collated passages, or of best existing editions of parts, cf. [bo2na4yi1]↓.N.An anc. weapon, a lance.天Words11. 天橋 [tian1qiao2], n., (1) overpass at railways; (2) anc. scaffolding for attacking city walls.45. 天竺 [tian1zhu2], n., anc. term for India.55. 天祿 [tian1lu4], n., (1) a fabulous creature in anc. sculptures; (2) anc. idea of official rank in heaven.89. 天庭 [tian1ting2], n., (1) the forehead: 天庭飽滿 a full forehead; n., (2) anc., the imperial court.108. 天元 [tian1yUan2]1, n., anc. Chin. algebra.夏N.(4)  夏國 anc. name of Bactria (also 大夏).覆V.i. & t.覆車之戒,前車覆,後車戒 (anc. proverb) overturned cart in front is warning for those behind; 478B00 [nai3]. [Pop. & anc. var. of遒 80.83]環Adv.燕瘦環肥 of two anc. beauties, 趙飛燕 was thin, and 楊玉環 (貴妃) was plump.璋N.An anc. jade ornament;珪N.Anc. form of 圭.瑞N.(1)  A jade tablet used as a token of authourity and good faith in anc. times.璣N.(2)  璇璣,璿璣 an anc. astronomical instrument, armillary sphere.碑Words6. 碑林 [bei1lin2], n., collection of anc. tablets housed in Si-an, Shensi.碳 500A20  31B.81-2/112 ㄊㄢˋ [tan4]. [Anc. var.炭]砭Words2. 砭灸 [bian1jiu3], n., (med.) anc. method of acupuncture, puncture (砭 to puncture and 灸 to cauterize).雺 510A10  31D.00-3/173 ㄇㄥˊ [meng2]. [Anc. var. of霧 31D.50↓]雷Words8. 雷鼓 [lei2gu3], n., (1) a drum used in anc. times in sacrificing to the celestial god; (2) drum taps.刵V.t.To lop off the ear, an anc. punishment.子Words35. 子書 [zi3shu1]1, n., works of anc. philosophers other than those of Confucius.45. 子夜 [zi1ye4]1, n., midnight; 子夜歌 an anc. ballad or its later imitations.48. 子音 [zi3yin1], n., (anc. phonetics) consonants (opp. 母音 vowels).柔Adj.柔然 an anc. Tartar tribe; 539C00 [han2]. [Anc. var. of函 31.21]乃 540A15  32.50/4 ㄋㄞˇ [nai3]. [Anc. var. ,乃]飛Words5. 飛券 [fei1qUan4], n., kind of anc. paper-money.16. 飛樓 [fei1lou2], n., anc. scaffolding for laying siege and attacking city wall.25. 飛梯 [fei1ti1], n., anc. weapon for scaling enemy city wall.恿 541C45  32.72/61 ㄩㄥˇ [yong3]. [Pop. var. of 63.72; anc. var. of勇 32.50]通Words1. 通寶 [tong1bao3], n., anc. Chin. coin.86. 通韻 [tong1yUn4], n., (of rhymebooks) anc. rhyme categories which are now interchangeable.阿Words9. 阿堵物 *[a4du3wu4], n., (1) (anc. coll., contempt.) that thing; n., (2) (LL allu.) money.10. 阿父 *[a4fu4], n., (anc. coll.) father, also (AC) uncle (=伯父,叔父).陳N.(1)  Name of anc. city-state.隮V.i.(1)  (Anc. var. 躋) to ascend: 由賓階隮 go up by the stairs reserved for guests.陽Words3. 陽春 [yang2chun1], n., the springtime; 陽春白雪 (allu.) name of an anc. melody (opp. popular songs) --s.t. selected and among the best; 陽春面 plain noodles.8. 陽關 [yang2guan1], n., a place name in anc. China, (fig.) place of departure, 陽關曲 [yang2guan1qU1], n., a parting song.阮N.(1)  An anc. musical instrument.院N.書院 anc. type of college;孔Words4. 孔方兄 [kong3fang1xiong1], n., (sl.) money (from anc. coin with a square hole).孤Pron.(AC) (court.) my humble self, a term generally used by anc. prince or king: 孤王 I, your humble prince (cf. Eng. “we”);饕Words1. 饕餮 [tao1tie4], n., a mythical figure, oft. found on anc. bronze vessels, representing greed, looking like gargoyle: 饕餮之徒 gluttons, greedy persons; name of anc. savage tribes.斝N.An anc. wine cup. 570B50 [wei2]. [Anc. var. of圍 41.41]品N.grading of painters, writers in anc. books (詩品,畫品). 572A40 [bi3]. [Anc. var. of鄙; var. of圖]吳N.(1)  Name of anc. [wu2] kingdom in lower Yangtze area;詠 580C00 ㄩㄥˇ [yong3]. [Anc. var.詠]協 580C30 ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2]. [Anc. var. of協 10S.50]啼 584C35  40A.22-6/30 ㄊㄧˊ [ti2]. [Anc. var.]吪 597C30  40A.70-9/30 ㄜˊ [e2]. [Anc. var.訛 60A.70] 598C40 [ti2]. [Anc. var. of啼 40A.22] 601C25 [xiao4]. [Anc. var. of笑 92A.81]蹴Words1. 蹴踘 [cu4jU2], v.i., anc. game of kicking ball (football).郢N.Name of anc. city.勛 620A25  40S.50-9/19 ㄒㄩㄣ [xUn1]. [Anc. var. of勳 90S.50]墨N.(3)  A surname: 墨翟,墨子 Moh Dir, Mocius, or Motse, anc. philosopher of universal love;罍 628A40  41.21/121 ㄌㄟˊ [lei2]. [Anc. var.櫑]甲Words6. 甲骨文 [jia2gu3wen2], n., anc. script on tortoise shells or bones.毋 633A45  41.41-1/80 ㄍㄨㄢˋ [guan4]. [Anc. var. of貫 41.80]回 636B55  41.41-4/31 ㄏㄨㄟˊ [hui2]. [Anc. var. ; pop. ]國Words1. 國寶 [guo2bao3], n., (1) national treasures such as anc. objects of art, imperial seals, etc.; (2) a nation's best talents; (3) the national coin.四Words63. 四元 [si4yUan2], n., (anc. Chin. polynomial algebra) 天地人物 standing for A, B, C, D.昺 642B40  41.42/72 ㄅㄧㄥˇ [bing3]. [Anc. var. for炳] 647C15 [chao2]. [Anc. var. of晁↑] 649B50 [jU4]. [Anc. var. of懼 22A.11]昭Words6. 昭穆 [zhao1mu4], adj., (pertaining to anc. royal ancestral temples) the first founder of dynasty in the center; those ancestors of 2nd, 4th and 6th generations on the left, called 昭 [zhao1], and those of the 3rd, 5th and 7th generations on the left, called 穆 [mu4].畯N.(1)  An anc. agricultural officer: 田畯 (AC) a bailiff.影Words14. 影戲 [ying3xi4], n., (1) movie; (2) an anc. form of projecting cut-out and manipulated paper shadows on screen, somewhat similar in effect to marionette.冊N.(1)  Anc. form of book consisting of series of bamboo strips strung together.周Words3. 周髀 [zhou1bi4], n., an anc. work on astronomy and trigonometry, based on conception of the sky as a vault. 698B30 [hui2]. [Anc. var. of回 41.41]風Words27. 風懷 [feng1huai2], (1) n., poetic or romantic sentiment; (2) v.t., worship (the anc. great).殳N.(AC) a long pole, an anc. weapon.胚 709C10  42A.30-3/130 ㄆㄟ [pei1] [Anc. var. ].脫Words32. 脫胎(兒) [tuo1tai1] (tuo-ta-’l), v.i., (lit.) “come from a certain placenta,” to compose by borrowing the form of some anc. model but changing the subject--curiously approved in art of composition from emphasis on copying ancients; also 脫胎換骨.臏N.anc. punishment of removing kneecap.叵Words1. 叵羅 [po3luo2], n., (AC) anc. goblet.毉 748B45 ㄧ [yi1]. [Anc. var. of醫 51.41]翳N.(2)  Pheasant tail fan in anc. dance.駙Words1. 駙馬 [fu4ma3], n., husband of princess; (AC) anc. title for chief of palace guards: 駙馬都尉 [fu4ma3du1wei4].驃N.(2)  Name of anc. country (now eastern Burma).Words1. 驃騎將軍 [piao4qi2jiang1jUn1], n., anc. title of a high military general.騾 761C00  51B.01-4/187 ㄌㄨㄛˊ [luo2]. [Anc. var. ]驛Words1. 驛傳 [yi4chuan2], v.t., send by anc. courier system.駿N.A spirited horse:八駿 eight legendary horses of an anc. emperor (周穆王); 773C30 [yi3]. [Anc. var. of以 21.81]尺Words1. 尺八 [chi3ba1], n., an anc. flute-like instrument.闕Words5. 闕文 [qUe1wen2], n., a missing sentence or passage (in anc. scripts).郡N.An anc. administrative district: 郡縣 [jUn4xian4]↓.亭Words1. 亭長 [ting2zhang3], n., anc. sheriff.棄Words3. 棄觚 [qi4gu1], phr., (LL) throw down the pen, stop writing (觚 anc. bamboo slip for writing).裹Words6. 裹足 [guo3zu2], v.i., (1) hesitate for fear of danger: 行旅裹足 (LL) travellers hesitate to come; 裹足不前 hesitate to proceed; (2) (anc. custom) to bind the feet of women. 815B30 [qi4]. [Anc. var. of棄 60.01]亡 815B45  60.21/8 ㄨㄤˊ [wang2] (*ㄨˊ [wu2]). [Anc. var. ]齊N.(2)  Name of anc. kingdom, now in northern Shantung Province;立Words11. 立決 [li4jUe2], n., (anc. law) immediate execution of a prisoner.音N.知音 a true friend (from allu. an anc. musician and his only friend who appreciated his music).高Words36. 高麗 [gao1li0], n., anc. name for Korea.方Words42. 方冊(策) [fang1ce4], n., anc. records (pack of bamboo or wooden strips): 布在方策 is in the anc. records.46. 方言 [fang1yan2], n., dialect; name of anc. treatise on dialect words.旁Words13. 旁坐 [pang2zuo4], n., (anc. law) crime which makes criminal's family punishable, such as plot against emperor; cf. 連坐10.83.烹Words1. 烹醢 [peng1hai3], v.t., (AC) boil and make into mincemeat sauce, anc. form of punishment.意Words2. 意錢 [yi4qian2], n., (AC) anc. gambling game.六Words11. 六禮 [liu4li3], n., (1) the six ceremonies of betrothal and marriage (納采,問名,納吉,納徵,請期,親迎); (2) the anc. six ceremonies in classics: capping, wedding, funeral, sacrifice, communal festival, presentation (冠,婚,喪,祭,鄉飲酒,相見).跡N.古跡 (oft. 古跡,古蹟) anc. relics or monuments;訓N.古訓 anc. teachings;Words5. 訓詁 [xUn4gu3], n., one branch of study of classics, concerned with anc. meanings of words.詛Words2. 詛祝 [zu3zhu4], n., (1) (AC) an anc. official in charge of administering oaths; (2) (AC) to curse and swear.詁N. & v.t.Exegesis of meaning of words, esp. anc. meanings, usu. 訓詁;講Words5. 講古 [jiang2gu3], v.i., recount anc. tales, tell stories of the past.說Words20. 說古 [shuo1gu3], v.i., (coll.) tell old tales, of anc. custom, etc.54. 說文 [shuo1wen2], n., name of the famous anc. dictionary by 許慎--a study of principles of composition of Chin. characters.鏟 869B35  60S.00-2/18 ㄔㄢˇ [chan3]. [Interch.鏟 81A.11; anc. var. 71S.00]雜 871C00  60S.11-9/172 ㄗㄚˊ [za2]. [Anc. var. ] 874C10 [bing4]. [Anc. var. of并]龍Words6. 龍骨 [long2gu3], n., (1) teeth and bones of anc. animals used as medicine; (2) main beam, prow to stern, of boat; (3) 龍骨車 system of water wheels for hauling up water.12. 龍門 [long2men2], n., "dragon gate" (myth.) where a carp becomes transformed into a dragon: 一登龍門,身價百倍 phr., prestige increases a hundred fold once a person is admitted to s. o.'s friendship; n., place famous for anc. sculptures on cliffside. 883A00 [si4]. [Anc. var. of俟 91A.81]庠N.Anc. term for county school of various grades, generally equiv. high school: 庠生 (LL) high school graduate;庶 895A15  61.63-2/53 ㄕㄨˋ [shu4]. [Anc. var. ]庵 896A15  61.70-1/53 ㄢ [an1]. [Abbr.廠,; anc. var.庵,盦] 899A45 [shu4]. [Anc. var. of庶 61.63]宰N.An anc. official title: 冢宰 the chief minister of state; 942C20 [jing3]. [Anc. var. of阱 32A.20]突Words7. 突厥 [tu2jUe2], n., anc. Turks' kingdom; Turks, Turkic tribe.渠Words1. 渠沖 [qU2chong1], n., anc. heavy cart for ramming city gates.棨N.Anc. military tally, in the shape of a halbert, for transmitting messages: 棨戟 ditto;河Words2. 河伯 [he2bo2], n., River God: 河伯娶婦 an anc. custom of sacrificing a young beautiful girl as the wife of the river god.源N.源遠流長 (a trend, an institution) of anc. origin and long development.汗Words2. 汗青 [han4qing1], n., (LL) books, history (“sweat out the sap in bomboo”- anc. form of preparing bamboo strips for writing).渾Words17. 渾天 *[hun4tian1], n., an anc. theory that the sky was like an eggshell and the earth a yolk; 渾天儀(astron.) an armillary sphere. 978A15 [liu2]. [Anc. var. of流 63A.70]消Words14. 消中 [xiao1zhong1], n., anc. name for diabetes (also called 消渴 [xiao1ke3]↓, modn. 糖尿病 “sugarurine disease”).漏Words12. 漏壺 [lou4hu2], n., a water clock, an anc. device for measuring time.滴V.i. & t.To drip one by one (tear, blood, sweat, oil, etc.): 滴血 anc. method of verifying blood affinity by dripping blood of son on deceased parent's bone to see if it is absorbed or not.湯Words7. 湯鑊 [tang1huo4], n., anc., cauldron for boiling man alive.泥Words7. 泥古 *[ni4gu3], v.i., be ultra-con-servative, be a slave to anc. authorities, customs,or traditions.流Words38. 流沙 [liu2sha1], n., anc. term for desert; sandy loam, silt, bog.40. 流星 [liu2xing2], n., meteor, shooting star: 流星劍 very fast swordplay; 流星鎚 (anc. weapon) chain and hammers.凌Words4. 凌遲 [ling2chi2], v.t., anc. punishment for heinous crime by slow torture; (fig.) persecute. 1026A00 [fa3] ([fa1], [fa2], [fa4]). [Anc. of法 63A.93]禮 1030A45  63B.30-2/113 ㄌㄧˇ [li3]. [Abbr. and anc. var. ] 1032B35 [li3]. [Pop. and anc. var. of禮 63B.30]禊N.Anc. festival in spring and autumn held on water banks to drink (禊飲) and cleanse away the evil influences. 1035B40 [za2]. [Anc. var. of雜 60S.11]裨N.(2)  (*[pi2]) An anc. surname.袒Words4. 袒免 [tan3wen4], phr., (AC) anc. funeral custom of baring right shoulder and wrapping hair up inside turban.衲V.t.(1)  (Of clothes) mend, patch up: 百衲本 edition consisting of reprint of assorted anc. books.袍Words3. 袍笏 [pao2hu4], n., anc. costume at imperial audience (笏 memorial tablet): 袍笏登場 phr., (contempt. of officials) taking position of power, as in a dress rehearsal.衫Words1. 衫子 [shan1zi0], n., (1) anc. woman's dress; (2) (Chin. opera) the role of a young woman (=青衣).扁N.(2)  (*[pian1]) An anc. surname.戎N.戎蠻 an anc. barbarian tribe in the south;尊Words40. 尊彝 [zun1yi2], n., anc. ceremonial vessels.釜N.(2)  Anc. grain measure 6斗 4升.八Words25. 八音 [ba1yin1], n., eight categories of instrument in anc. orchestra (metal, stone, string, bamboo, gourd, clay, leather, wood).鄭N.(2)  Name of anc. principality in classical times.羯N.(2)  An anc. barbaric tribe.刱 1081B25  80S.50-5/18 ㄔㄨㄤˋ [chuang4]. [Anc. var. of創 81S.00] 1086A05 [wang2]. [Anc. var. of亡 60.21]鉶N.(AC) an anc. bronze tripod with two ears for holding soup.N.(1)  A kind of anc. weapon.銖N.An anc. weight measure, now one-forty-eighth of an ounce;鐻N.An anc. bell-shaped musical instrument.鍾N.(2)  An anc. measure (of grain) defined as 64 斗 ([dou3]).鍠N.An anc. weapon.鎰N.Anc. measure of gold, 20 or 24 ounces.鉛Words2. 鉛筆 [qian1bi3], n., (1) pencil; (2) lead used for writing in anc. China, see [qian1huang2], [qian1qian4]↓.13. 鉛汞 [qian1gong3], n., lead and mercury (used in anc. alchemy).鋸N.A saw: 刀鋸 anc. instruments of punishment for cutting and maiming;鉗 1113A10  81A.41-2/167 ㄑㄧㄢˊ [qian2]. [Anc. var.箝 92A.21]N.(2)  An anc. iron collar used on prisoners;錯Words9. 錯 [cuo4jian3], n., a mix-up in the arrangement of bamboo strips in anc. books--a textual error.錙N.An anc. measure of weight, weighing eight ounces: 錙銖 [zi1zhu1]↓.銅Words10. 銅龍 [tong2long2], n., (1) anc. water clock with copper dragon's head; (2) a kind of faucet.鎬N.(2)  (AC) 鎬京 anc. capital of King Wu (武王).鈞N.(1)  An anc. measure of weight equal to 30 catties: 千鈞一發 in a most dangerous condition (very critical situation) (“thousands of catties hanging by a hair”);鉤Words4. 鉤稽 [gou1ji1], v.t., to audit (accounts); to make critical exegesis (of anc. history, etc.).鐃Words1. 鐃歌 [nao2ge1], n., an anc. military song.銃N.Anc. cannon.銕 1123B50  81A.81-1/167 ㄊㄧㄝˇ [tie3]. [Anc. var. of鐵 81A.71]鈇Words1. 鈇鑕(質) [fu1zhi4], n., anc. instrument for cutting the body of the condemned in two at the waist.鍰N.(1)  Anc. measure of weight.錠N.(3)  An anc. food vessel with legs.創 1134A10  81S.00-2/18 ㄔㄨㄤˋ [chuang4] (*ㄔㄨㄤ [chuang1]). [Anc. var.刱]鄶N.(AC) name of anc. city.俎N.(1)  An anc. sacrificial vessel: 俎豆 [zu3dou4]↓;Words1. 俎豆 [zu3dou4], n., two anc. sacrificial vessels. 1135C25 [jian4]. [Anc. var. of劍 81S.00] 1137B15 [cong2]. [Anc. var.從 91B.83]乂 1138C45  82.82/4 ㄧˋ [yi4] (ㄞˋ [ai4]). [Interch.艾 20A.82; anc. var. of刈 82S.00] 1148C35 [nian2]. [Anc. var. of年 92.10]氏Words1. 氏族 [shi4zu2], n., matriarchal tribe or system in anc. China.兵Words3. 兵部 [bing1bu4], n., anc. department of war.質N.(4)  (*[zhi4]) (AC) anc. battle-axe and case used for executing prisoners (also wr.鑕).秤 1177A25  90A.10-3/115 ㄔㄥˋ [cheng4] (*ㄆㄧㄥˊ [ping2]). [Anc. var.稱 90A.42]稱Words33. 稱引 [cheng1yin3], v.t., to quote (from anc. sages or from others).棱 1185B05  90A.82-1/115 ㄌㄥˊ [leng2]. [Anc. var.棱]卿N.(1)  (In anc. dyns.) high ministers of various ranks: 公卿 the dukes and high ministers;集V.t.集句 poems composed of quotations from anc. poets. 1203B45 [zui4]. [Anc. var. of罪 41.22] 1204C55 [dao3]. [Anc. var. of島 91.50]盤N.anc. tub (cogn. modn.盆);Words21. 盤龍癖 [pan2long2pi3], n., gambling habit (allu. to anc. gambler, Liu Parnlurng). 1208C20 [qian1]. [Anc. var. of愆 91.72]白Words87. 白下 *[bo2xia4], n., (MC) anc. name of Nanking.舟Words3. 舟師 [zhou1shi1], n., (1) see [zhou1zi3]↓; (2) anc. navy.烏N.書經三寫,烏焉成馬 (anc. proverb) when a book is copied thrice, the characters 烏 and 焉 become 馬;鳥Words5. 鳥篆 [niao3zhuan4], n., form of anc. script so called because it looked like birds’ footprints.九Words13. 九流 [jiu3liu2], n., the nine schools of thought in anc. China.史Words12. 史冊 [shi3ce4], n., anc. history books, historical works.雙Words17. 雙陸 [shuang1lu4], n., an anc. dice game (also wr. 雙六).追Words18. 追蹤 (蹤) [zhui1zong1], v.t., to imitate, emulate (anc. models).傳N.(2)  (*[zhuan4]) Anc. commentary: 傳注,傳疏 [chuan2zhu4], [chuan2shu1]↓;Words35. 傳授 [chuan2shou4], v.t., to teach, hand down (anc. teaching, esp. esoteric).倚Words1. 倚傍 [yi3bang4], v.i., to copy slavishly (anc. models), claim the prestige of schools and -isms. 1238A30 [lai2] (*[lai4]). [Anc. form of來]依Words1. 依傍 [yi1bang4], v.t., to rely on s.o. more powerful; to imitate slavishly anc. models in writing: 依傍古人.什N.(1)  (Anc. mil.) a file of ten soldiers.偃Words6. 偃月 [yan3yUe4], n., the crescent moon; 偃月刀 a curved sword or curving knife--an anc. weapon.仞N.An anc. measure of varying lengths: 壁立千仞 (of mountain cliffs) towering sky-high.仿V.t.摹仿 to copy (anc. picture, callig.);Words5. 仿制 [fang3zhi4], v.t., made or copied from anc. model.儵 1265B05  91A.63-9/9 ㄕㄨˋ [shu4]. [Anc. var.of倏 91A.81]他 1266B25  91A.70-2/9 ㄊㄚ [ta1] (re. pr. ㄊㄨㄛ [tuo1] from anc. 反切 system, but not gen.). [Anc. var.它 see 62.70; modn. var.他 (he)她 (she) and牠 (it) are new, but not gen., except她]代N.(4)  Anc. kingdom.儀Words12. 儀曹 [yi2cao2], n., anc. bureau of ceremonies.佚V.i. & adj.(2)  Missing, lost (anc. book): 遺佚 ditto (interch. 逸 92.83).侯N.(4)  Anc. var. of 何 and 維.倏 1274A45  91A.81-9/9 ㄕㄨˋ [shu4]. [Anc. var.儵,翛; pop. ]衛N.(4)  Name of an anc. state.行N.(2)  An anc. verse form usu. narrative and longer than the conventional four or eight lines of Tarng poetry.獬N.(AC) an anc. goat, reputed to gore guilty person at court, see 獬豸 [xie4zhi4]↓.狴Words1. 狴犴 [bi4an4], n., (LL) name of anc. beast, now signifying prison.獨Words4. 獨孤 [du2gu1], n., an anc. surname. 1308C20 [qiu1]. [Anc. var. of秋 90A.81]劓V.t.To cut off the nose-an anc. punishment.艨Words1. 艨沖 [meng2chong1], n., anc. warships protected with cowhide (also wr. 蒙沖).郫N.Name of anc. county in Szechuan: 郫縣.貊N.Name of anc. northern tribe: 蠻貊之邦 country of barbarians.魯N.Name of anc. city state of Confucius;角N.(5)  The third of the five notes (宮,商,角,徵,羽) of the anc. Chin. musical scale.畫角 an anc. military bugle.(10)  An anc. drinking vessel, an anc. measure of capacity.Words4. 角巾 *[jUe2jin1], n., kerchief worn by anc. hermits. 1340C45 [bao1]. [Anc. form of 包 92.70] 1346C20 [xian1]. [Anc. var. of鮮 92C.10]矢N.(1)  An arrow: 矢石 arrows and rocks in anc. battles. 1354B15 [hou2]. [Anc. var. of侯 91A.81]Adj.(AC) (1)  faraway: 古以來 sine anc. times.竽N.An anc. flute: 濫竽充數 (allu.) to fill a post without real qualification.Words36. 冊 [jian3ce4]1, n., (1) bamboo tablets for writing on in anc. times;箏N.(1)  A flat stringed instrument with (anc.) five and (later) thirteen strings.算Words3. 算器 [suan4qi4], n., (AC) holder for chips in anc. shooting game.簫N.anc. panpipes, a series of pipes banded together: 簫鼓 flutes and drums;竺N.(1)  天竺 anc. translit. of “Hindu”--India (also 身毒 Sindu).簋N.(AC) an anc. round bowl.箜Words1. 箜篌 [kong1hou2], n., an anc. string instrument plucked with a wooden peg.笳N.An anc. reed musical instrument introduced from northwestern tribes.簪Words6. 簪纓 [zan1ying1], n., anc. official headgear (“hair clasp and tassels”).篇Words3. 篇籍 [pian1ji2], n., (esp. anc.) books.筑N.An anc. musical instrument with thirteen strings.篪N.An anc. musical pipe.箋Words3. 箋注 [jian1zhu4], v.t. & n., (make) commentary on anc. texts.6. 箋疏 [jian1shu1], n., exegesis, commentary on anc. texts.斛N.(2)  An anc. surname.鰒N.Anc. name for 鮑魚 abalone, a shellfish.鄒N.(1)  Name of an anc. principality in modern Shantung.樂Words8. 樂府 *[yUe4fu3], n., anc. songs for court entertainment, esp. Hahn and Jihn Dyns.11. 樂戶 *[yUe4hu4], n., anc. singer or musician under government control, later professional musician, also professional prostitute. 1397B15 [yUan2]. [Anc. var. of員 40.80] 1407C05 [yin1]. [Anc. wr. form of姻 93A.41]媯N.An anc. surname.緙Words1. 緙繡 [ke4xiu4], n., anc. “cut” embroidery.2. 緙絲 [ke4si1], n., anc. tapestry of cut silk.絕Words34. 絕學 [jUe2xUe2], (1) n., an anc. study lost to the modern world; (2) v. i., give up all studies: 絕學無憂 I would not be sorry if I should be ignorant.繖 1444C20  93B.82-1/120 ㄙㄢˇ [san3]. [Anc. var. of傘 81.10]綴Words3. 綴術 [zhui4shu4], n., an anc. method of astronomical calculation.紗Words4. 紗幮 [sha1chu2], n., curtained cabinet; anc. style bed with posts, cabinets and curtains.弦 1448A55  93B.93-5/120 ㄒㄧㄢˊ [xian2]. [Anc. var.弦 50A.93]電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶ANC1 ‘航空’阿拉斯加安克治 (Anchorage) 机场之代号2 Army Nurse Corpsanc.((略))ancient; anciently国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞airborne navigation computer--ANCANCAfrican National Congress非洲人國民大會All-Number Calling全數目呼叫document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');ANC{adaptive noice canceling}適應式噪音消除物理學名詞—聲學




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