詞目:Predelineation 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Predelineationn.1Previous delineation, 初稿, 畫稿初稿、畫稿p 1735 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華★◀▶英華☞draft英華☞foul
national coinage
national college at peking
national college for school leadership
national collegiate athletic association 全国大学生体育协会
national command authority
national commission on electronic funds transfer
national commission on electronic funds transfer,nceft
national commission on new technological uses of copyrighted works
national commission on new technological uses of copyrighted works{=contu}
national commission on secondary education
national commission on the causes and prevention of violence
national committee for digital cartographic data standards
national committee for digital cartographic data standards {=ncdcds}
national committee on antarctic research (new zealand){=ncar}
national committee on antarctic research {=ncar}
national committee on computer network
national committee on computer network--nccn
national committee on computer network,nccn
national committee on radiological protection
national committee on radiological protection,ncrp
national communication center
national communication center--natcom
national communication center,natcom
national communications
national communications association
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