osmium(iv) oxide
osmium(IV) oxide氧化锇(IV) {二氧化锇}osmium(IV) oxide氧化鋨(IV) {二氧化鋨}化學名詞—無機化合物
american association of state college
american association of state highway and transportation officials
american association of state highway and transportation officials (aashto)
american association of teachers of journalism
american association of teacher's organization
american association of university
american association of university professors 美国大学教授联合会
american association of university women 美国大学妇女联合会
american association on mental retardation
american association on mental retardation(aamr)
american astronautics society
american astronautics society (aas)
american astronomical society
american astronomical society (aas)
american automatic control council
american automatic control council,aacc
american automobile association 美国汽车协会
american automobile manufacturers association
american badger
american ballet center
american ballet competition
american ballet competition (abc)
american ballet theater
american ballet theater (abt)
american bankers association 美国银行家协会
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