

单词 behaved
释义 behavedbɪˈhevdadj.[用於複合語]① 態度(…)的;行為(…)的well-behaved行為良好的ill- [badly-] behaved行為惡劣的They are the best- [worst-] behaved children I've ever seen.他們是我所見過的最守[最不守]規矩的孩子。新世纪英汉大☞behavebehaved孝Words7. 孝女 [xiao4nU3], n., (1) surviving daughter, daughter in mourning; (2) a well-behaved daughter.規Words13. 規矩 [gui1jU4] ([gui1jU1]), n., & adj., (1) a pair of compasses and T square; (2) a custom, an established practice: 照規矩辦 follow the customary practice; n., & adj., (3) adj., behaving properly, acting correctly: 守規矩 obedient to discipline, well-behaved; n., & adj., 這人很規矩 the man is well-behaved.乖Adj.(3)  Well-behaved, lovely, good, usu., said of children: 乖乖兒的 be good and quiet! 乖兒子 (a doting father's) lovely son;仁Words21. 仁義 [ren2yi4], (1) adj., kind and justice; (2) n., humanity and justice; (3) (*[ren2yi0]) well-behaved: 這個小孩子很仁義,不淘氣 (coll.) this little boy has good manners and is never naughty.鄉Words34. 鄉愿 [xiang1yUan4], n., (AC) the correctly behaved hypocrite; local conformist.be·haved形容词举止…的, 行为…的well- [ill-] behaved守 [不守] 规矩的, 举止端庄 [不端庄] 的, 行为检点 [不检点] 的詞目:Behaved 1866-69羅存德英華字典Behaved1conducted行過、待過、視過、看待過1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 162 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Behaved1well Behaved好敎示、好舉動1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 35 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Behavedpp.1Conducted行過、待過、視過、看待過p 103 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶待過treated handled behaved 視過Regarded Behaved 英華☞get




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