optical injector
optical injector光注入器optical injector光注入器電子工程optical injector光注入器電機工程
xanthomonas malllotii (takim.) okabe
xanthomonas malllotii (takim.) okabe -- bacterial leaf spot of the cataipa--aplanobacter mallltii takimoto
xanthomonas mallotiiokabe
xanthomonas mallotii(takimoto)okabe
xanthomonas malvacearumdowson
xanthomonas malvacearum(smith)dowson
xanthomonas nakataedowson
xanthomonas nakatae(okabe)dowson
xanthomonas nakate (okabe) dowson
xanthomonas nigromaculaus doswon
xanthomonas nigromaculaus (takim.)doswon
xanthomonas oryzae dowson;bacterial leaf blight
xanthomonas oryzae (ueda et ishiyama) dowson
xanthomonas oryzae (ueda et ishiyama) dowson--bacterial leaf blight of the rice
xanthomonas oryzae (u.et i.) dowson
xanthomonas oryzae (u.et i.) dowson--pseudomonas oryzae uyeda et ishiyama
xanthomonas oryzae (uyeda et ishiyama)dowson
xanthomonas oryzae (uyeda et ishiyama)dowson--bacterial leaf blight
xanthomonas oryzae (uyeda et ishiyama)dowson;bacterial leaf blight
xanthomonas panicibergrey et al.
xanthomonas panici (elliot) bergey et al.
xanthomonas panici(elliott)bergrey et al.
xanthomonas panici (elliott) savulescu et al.
xanthomonas panici (wlliot) bergrey et al.
xanthomonas panici (wlliot) bergrey et al.--pseudomonas setariae(okake)savu-lescu
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