maximum voltage
maximum voltage 【电工学】 最高电压 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 maximum voltage最高电压maximum voltage最高電壓電機工程maximum voltage最高電壓電工學名詞—兩岸電工學名詞maximum voltage最高電壓機械工程maximum voltage最高電壓電力工程maximum voltage最高電壓造船工程名詞
fellow of the american institute of architects 美国建筑师协会会员
fellow of the british academy 不列颠学会会员
fellow of the british optical association 英国光学协会会员
fellow of the chartered accountants 特许会计师协会会员
fellow of the chartered institute of secretaries 特许文书协会会员
fellow of the chartered insurance institute
fellow of the chartered insurance institute {= fcii}
fellow of the chemical society 化学学会会员
fellow of the linnean society 林奈学会会员
fellow of the pharmaceutical society 制药学会会员
fellow of the royal astronomical society 皇家天文学会会员
fellow of the royal college of music 皇家音乐学院会员
fellow of the royal college of organists 皇家风琴师学会会员
fellow of the royal college of physicians 皇家内科医师学会会员
fellow of the royal college of surgeons 皇家外科医师学会会员
fellow of the royal geographical society 皇家地理学会会员
fellow of the royal society of edinburgh 爱丁堡皇家学会会员
fellow of the royal society 皇家学会会员
fellow of the society of actuaries 保险统计员协会会员
fellow of the society of antiquaries 文物收藏者协会会员
fellow of the society of arts 艺术学会会员
fellow of the zoological society 动物学学会会员
fellow or the institute of chartered shipbrokers
fellow or the institute of chartered shipbrokers {= fics}
fellow partner
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