make one's lodgings
make one's lodgingsphr.⇨make [take ] one's lodgings① 寄宿
to reconcile people
to reconstruct, as a house
to reconstruct, as a wall
to record a name
to record business
to record distinctly
to record historical annals
to record merit
to record on boards
to recount
to recover
to recover, as a city, &c.
to recover, as a thing that was lost
to recover from a swoon
to recover from sickness
to recover one's liberty
to recover one's office
to recreate and ramble
to recruit an army
to recruit one's bodily energies
to recruit one's-self
to recruit one's strength
to recruit the body
to rectify spirit
to rectify the age
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更新时间:2024/12/23 0:50:33